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My return...

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Orenten, Jun 7, 2014.

  1. Orenten

    Orenten New Member

    Jan 24, 2014
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    ~Day 1~
    The world was that of pollution and war, corruption and evil, and I was not one to say I was different... I was raised in a hard background, mostly the same bullshit alot of people seem to boast about.

    I was left at the orphanage in a place that used to be called "Oklahoma" in the "United States", a place that fell about around it's 400th anniversary. I was left to a place that was, no lie, well kept and funded. The shit you hear from Earth about orphanages being underfunded, anarchist, and ruthless are complete crap. I was raised for the sixteen years when I was in that orphanage with around sixty other kids. They came and went, adopted and left when they became older...
    I was never picked, for a good reason.

    I was a pyromaniac from a early age, around five I lit my first fire with the Nun's cigarette lighter [I don't blame her for wanting to smoke behind our backs, we were demons.] and lit the curtains at the front ablaze. If they scolded me, they would have maybe stopped my love from blooming for the unkempt flame, but they just whisked me away and said "I didn't know any better"...
    Each year, there was some sort of accident that kept hitting the orphanage that had to do, always around my "Birth Day", or more realistically the day I was found on the doorstep.
    Hey, I never got cake, so why the hell not light my "candles"? Hehe...

    Anywho, after some years, I turned sixteen, and the Earth was starting to come to peace with everything. People were starting to come to agreements across the globe, religious peace spread like wildfire when they found that there were a lot of similarities in their pasts... It was at that time that I joined up with this organization called IDIE, or Independent Development of Interstellar Exploration. They took me in and trained me for two years in a "pre-bootcamp" program that was... Different.

    They adopted me as company property, my "father" being Doctor Gregory Hishback. [Yes, he was Jewish.]
    Pops was in charge of me plus five others, instead of using the military alphabet, we had our own system of naming. "A" was Araxis, "B" was Brave, "C" was Carnage, "D" was Detail, so on so on all the way to "Z" for Zest... And I couldn't get a more fucking perfect.

    I was in "P", for Pyro.

    I didn't say anything to them, but damn I loved it, it was awesome!
    Right, anyway. Each group had six people in it, everyone had a job to preform. Everyone was on equal ground, despite skill or position.
    Five: Demolition Specialist. The person with this title was in charge of, what else, explosives. The person was tasked with bringing the fire to the party, from bringing down the roof to making the floor fall down. They'll make one hell of a entrance, and blow it up.

    Four: Sniper. Nothing much more can be said 'bout that. This person was made to kill form afar. The guy in "G", Giddy, was the best in the sector. He could be on a asteroid belt outside a planet, and shoot down through the atmosphere and kill with head-shot accuracy.
    From providing cover fire, spotting enemies for their pals to bringing down high-risk targets from orbit, there was one thing you did...
    Never insult the Hawk-Eye.

    Three: Medic. Again, as the name says, this is the person that patched you up. Unlike most people, this brother carried a back that instantly provided everything the medic needed to do open-heart surgery to brain-transplants. The medic is a lifesaver, he can patch a heart-shot up in a minute and get you back up on your feet in said time.

    Two: Crowd Control. This guy was the soldier, made to take out a entire planet with just his rifle and cover. Also known as a insurgent, he goes into crowds and gets to a perfect shooting point, mowing down massive forces with the weapon of choice. Master of disguise, perfect at persuasion, he can get into military bases with breaking a sweat and takin' them down from the inside.

    One: The Professor. Alright, in honesty they are actually called Tech Specialists. But all recruits like to call the rank "The Professor". From military server hacking to jacking spaceships, this person was made to be able to override anything. If Control needed a way in, Professor made a opening, simple as that.

    Zero: Zero. Zero is the wildcard, trained in all pursuits, master of combat and gun, he could easily match, even surpass the Veteran Group's normal numbers, besides their Zeroes. A rookie Zero is paired with a veteran Zero for training, and will test him in real-time action simulations.
    Able to keep up?
    Yah, I don't blame you for it being confusing...

    Well, I'll cut the story a bit shorter now.

    After a entire three years, two for training one in live action, Pyro was sent out on a classified mission that we had nothing to be filled in on... Little did we know, we were randomly selected along with other groups to be send to far parts of the universe for being implanted into random areas for "Patrol", but in reality it was cryogenic freezing. Me and my pals were send to a asteroid field in X where the ship made a hole for itself, implanted itself into the rock for shelter, and sealed us in. When the final order came through, we didn't argue. Orders were orders after all.

    A wall slid open on the other side of the ship with six freezing tubes. We all went in, and let it happen. We all went to sleep and waited for the day we needed...
    Days after, I checked the logs, and Earth fell to shit...
    Invasion by some parasite, Earth was overran and forced to evacuate, where billions of people died on the surface, millions more to pirates.

    This was news to me, but was more shocking is that I was the last to wake up. When I did get out of sleep, I came out to see that everyone was gone. The tubes were open and the insides were covered in ice and snow... When I went to the escape pods, five of the six were gone, along with supplies and weapons.
    I found notes laying around, telling of the strange situation... It was fifty years we were asleep, and each note was left behind. Some to others, telling them to have faith, others just informational scribbling [most likely 'Fesser.].

    I don't know what's going on, and I'm making this journal open to help look for my friends...

    This is Cassius of Pyro, Zero.
    Where are you guys?...