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My god modding. (Working on it)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Noah Campbell, May 2, 2014.

  1. Noah Campbell

    Noah Campbell New Member

    Dec 23, 2013
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    Hey, I wanted to say this for such a long time, cause it's ruined the rp for me mostly. My fault yeah, but Also it's no thanks to you in a way. (99.5% my fault.)

    I've learned A LOT over the past few months on this server, One thing is, I'm a major fuckin' god modder.
    I wanted to fix that but I can't do that without feed back and criticism, Like art. So instead of avoiding me completely in an RP. Why not just tell me what I'm doing wrong, and I will fix it, Instead of sitting behind your screen saying "This is bullshit". Tell me, Mostly why I come from behind people now, So I can get ahead. (if we're not using rolls, Which i prefer sometimes) So! If you find an issue in my rp, Point it out.


    Leave a comment down below, if you remember my god modding, and what I did, So I can fix it.
  2. Mystyice

    Mystyice New Member

    Feb 14, 2014
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    Merueruer, I haven't RP'd with you enough to criticize you, but I will give a tip: Leave plenty of room for flaws. Put them everywhere. Give your characters their own type of kryptonite, some achille's heel, you knoe? Hope I helped a bit. c:
  3. Doctor Frohman

    Doctor Frohman New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
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    Its no fun for anyone.
  4. Aleiksei

    Aleiksei New Member

    Jan 3, 2014
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    don't make a 16 years old character if he's going to be an absolute reckless genius who doesn't care about anything and isn't afraid of anyone, who's a billionaire and changes into an apex or a floran or whatever.

    The main reason why I tend to avoid you is because your character is a kid but for some reason he's not afraid to stand up to 30 years olds who could just break his face in a few punches. It's okay to be reckless as a personality trait, but -16 year olds- are weak kids next to 35 years old mercenaries.

    Just, have a personality that fit more your character, noah feels like boy wonder can do to me, there's nothing he can't do, nothing he can't pay. If you wanna make a completely reckless character, give him reasons to be so, because realistically, if people didn't give you the space they've given you previously, noah would have been dead more than once. Kids are reckless, until they've got reasons to be afraid. A 16 years old is constantly towered by scary people, especially in such a hostile universe, considering most of our serious rp relies on fighting, etc. I don't think I've interacted with your other characters, so I can't tell.

    Also, people might simply avoid you because of what you're looking for in rp and how you're rping it out rather than your godmodding. I have nothing against you building your castle and rping perfect happy slice of life rp with your friends, I just don't desire to involve you with my plots, as I feel like our RPs are way too different and apart, and mixing them cause way too much sillyness.
  5. Noah Campbell

    Noah Campbell New Member

    Dec 23, 2013
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    Agreed, Noah only wears a bullet proof vest, not full impervium armor, At MOST it's Violium.
  6. Noah Campbell

    Noah Campbell New Member

    Dec 23, 2013
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    Now I can get to what you mean by a certain extent, But The whole mutating thing was voided, thanks to their being no powers. (only got me though) Also The Apex reason, was fully Legit, and stuck with the lore... But I'm some how not allowed to keep it as he changed into one. Also, The billionaire thing, Isn't really true, but he has money, but he sounds better with billions. Always sugar coat it! :3

    And the personality is him, He is arrogant, no one's kicked his ass enough to cause any damage to his pride. He does care, but he hides it. If he hides being annoyed, then the person will lose interest. Also he's a smart ass, He always wants to have the last word. But when you boil him down, He's not strong, All he has is his revolver, and fryin pan, Other wise, He's just some skinny nerd.
  7. Noah Campbell

    Noah Campbell New Member

    Dec 23, 2013
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    To do list so far:
    Work on character
    No stupid powers
    and riches are for bitches.


    Mar 14, 2014
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    it usually isn't a very good idea to "sugar coat" things when you're talking about exact details of your character
  9. Noah Campbell

    Noah Campbell New Member

    Dec 23, 2013
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    Good point, And that is my stupidity.
  10. OptionalFingers

    OptionalFingers New Member

    Feb 9, 2014
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    Now I don't know you inside or outside RP, but since I've got some experience in writing RP guides, I'll just give you some general tips.

    First of all: lore lore lore. Is your character more than a worthless citizen? Write them a backstory. Does your character have certain abilities that others don't have? Write how they got them and how they work. Did you think of something that doesn't have any official lore on it? Write yourself some player lore.

    The next tip goes hand in hand with the lore one. Use common sense when doing anything. If your character falls in love with someone, there must be some reason why. If your character is hyper-intelligent, they must either have had years of education, or one of those fancy brain enhancements. And just like I said in the first tip: if there isn't any official lore on it, and it's not something very regular, then write your own lore on it.

    Finally, there's one last tip I can give you. Superman is boring. He's super fast, strong, intelligent, and his only weakness is a super rare rock. This can be expected from the first superhero to ever be created, but your character is not the first superhero to ever be created. Behind you lies a huge past of fictional characters, and over the years, people have given those characters fitting flaws and qualities. Tony Stark is really intelligent and hot, but his ego makes teamwork hard. Spiderman is really fast and agile, but he's also too cocky and often risks his life before thinking stuff through. Captain Kirk is smart and brave, but always thinks that the rules will bend to his will.

    Simply said, if your character has a quality, you should have at least one flaw that makes stuff harder for them.
  11. Tacoburger

    Tacoburger professional taco burger

    Feb 22, 2014
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    thanks, i have nothing more to say
  12. Iridium616

    Iridium616 New Member

    Feb 2, 2014
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    >Be realistic.
  13. Kai

    Kai hey im kai and this is jackass

    Jan 28, 2014
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    From what I've seen, everyone's issue with you is how Noah has a limitless supply of wealth, and his ridiculous past.
    He's literally a Gary Stu Xman.

    Also, when you play a teenager, play them properly, and well thought out. How old are you? If you're in your teens, you probably know best how it feels.
    Teenagers are cocky, but at the same time are dependent, they want to be adults, and they're learning that. They're growing up.
    I know a handful of people who play teenagers, and they play them well. You can see them putting up their personalities, but they never forget they're still just a kid in this harsh universe.

    Some teenage/young-ish (if I'm not mistaken!) characters that I know that are played well:
    I'd put Lydia in there, but I'm not sure I play her well enough, ha.
  14. Liraxus

    Liraxus New Member

    Jan 21, 2014
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    Kind of hard considering the backwards-ass shit the Apex and Techs can do.
  15. The Grand Mugwump

    Dec 29, 2013
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    Yes, Apex actually do have the mind enhancing, hyper intelligence causing VEP. Although how much it effects them is up for debate, and I do love it when an Apex comes along who is hyper intelligent but doesn't have the wisdom to use it wisely. Though this usually leads to rather short stories as a result.