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My artistic works

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Xenos, Jan 16, 2014.


What type of work should I attempt next? (please specify what type, and make requests)

  1. Story

  2. Poem

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  3. Other

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  1. Xenos

    Xenos New Member

    Jan 3, 2014
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    Being a poet and writer, I figured I may as well set up a thread to post my works. I shall post them here as they are completed, and I try (and usually fail) to post them on a regular basis. As it were, I have a poem coming up for Valentine's Day. I'll go ahead and post all my completed works here, and update this post once I finish more. (or just start a new post for each one, depending on what you say)
    Requests are ALWAYS accepted.
  2. Xenos

    Xenos New Member

    Jan 3, 2014
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    I woke up this morning, ‘twas strange I did not see

    My lovely mate, my Kathrin, sleeping beside me

    I lay there for a moment, in order to find my fate

    Would I go off and adventure, or be content to wait?

    Quickly I decided, in fact, immediately

    That I would leave a letter, just for her to see.

    I sat down to write it, and quickly did I find,

    That even in my wisdom, I had an empty mind

    I was faced with quite a problem,

    O, what should I do?

    I knew not what to write for her,

    I had not a clue.

    I thought of something else, I would get her a gift.

    The very prospect of it gave my soul a lift.

    I leapt out of bed, and opened up my bags

    I made some wondrous clothing

    Out of simple rags.

    I dashed out through the doorway

    And out into the town

    But I could not make a purchase

    Except a simple gown

    I then started homewards

    Shame written on my face

    When I saw something shining, at my table-place

    I saw beautiful script, flowing on the page

    I felt my sadness mounting, replacing my rage

    I read Kathrin’s letter, asking me to climb the stairs

    I followed my instructions, to the very hair.

    I opened the door, and peered inside the room

    I saw Kathrin smiling, like a devil who signed my doom.

    No sooner had I noticed, when she leapt onto me

    Like a cat onto a mouse, where mice know they cannot flee.

    I wrapped her in my wings as we both began to purr

    We snuggled with each other, and groomed each other’s fur

    With tears in my eyes, I told her of my woes

    That the gift that I brought could not compare to those

    That she had given me

    But she simply smiled, and told me

    ` In tones both soft and fine

    That I was hers forever, and she was always mine…

    On this mirthful, blissful day..

    The Day of Saint Valentine.

    Bit O' happiness for ya. Happy Valentine's day.