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Musings of a Toxicologist

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Emonics, May 29, 2014.

  1. Emonics

    Emonics New Member

    Feb 26, 2014
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    In recent light of events that seem to occur around me in a heavy frequency, I have decided to take upon myself a diary of sorts to maintain an air of sanity about myself. This universe is cold, unending, and ferocious to lengths that cannot be derived from simply terms in a dictionary. It is flocked by occult avians, mad and ignorant bounty hunters and those that post such bounties, and its own unending faults found within every individual that makes up its never-ending lifestyle. Though I have found there to be some hope among several individuals and some organizations.

    To begin with a brief autobiography of myself, I will try to recall important details into this diary. I was born and raised into the luxurious lifestyle of the Crystal Roots clan. I was raised into a certain lifestyle until my voice was taken by my father. My mother was caring but with scales of steel she raised me into a profession above what other nobles could say. As I grew, I developed an affinity to reptilian creatures and their toxins. This lead to my interest as a toxicologist among other studies my mother found appropriate. I do not have much to say now, so I will focus on different aspects in singular posts.
  2. Emonics

    Emonics New Member

    Feb 26, 2014
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    The Crystal Roots clan was previously one of the most powerful clans in Hylotl culture throughout the homeworld known generally for its massive influence in all mining operations of the rarest resources to be found on the homeworld, however, through the exploits of space technology such mining became obsolete via asteroid excavation. By the time I was born most had abandoned my family's companies for space excavation instead, thus weakening our influence within the court severely by limiting our financial means. Before I get ahead of myself however, I should include what made our clan so great besides the public opinion.

    The clan was also known for its unique gem crafting usually done strictly by hand with ancient techniques given from member to member. Jewelry, crowns, and other such luxuries of the highest caliber would have been crafted by one of the Crystal Roots clan and those owning such a piece with our insignia gained the attention of anyone at a gathering. This in itself became our greatest mark on Hylotl history, but did not help us integrate into the new age. While machine crafted jewelry became more common and the popular "Trend" that most young hylotl were taught to follow because more influential, such a desire for handmade luxuries turned from a marvel to a hindrance. To the common hylotl in this new age, why buy something unique and interesting if I could be popular by wearing the latest fashions? I suppose it is the fault of my clan for not melding with the new age as others have, but we wished to remain unique.

    As tradition of the Crystal Roots clan, most born from it would be given the name of a certain mineral when agreed upon by the parent. Such things as Sapphire, Mtorolite, and Diamond being names given to birthlings, but please understand that such words flow and sound much more noble than your English language would have you believe. As for my namesake of Onyx, it was given to me by my Mother and Father for two different reasons. My father gave it to me became Onyx is a pretty mineral used in jewelry and is typically black... following in the tradition of other onyx. My mother gave it to me because while most onyx do indeed exhibit a black color, they are capable of every other color save for a certain shade of purple or blue... She hoped I would break the dark norm and become something that defies what my father hoped for me.

    Of course, my father's complete submission to our family's ancient traditions ultimately became his downfall, as I will cover in the next entry.
  3. Emonics

    Emonics New Member

    Feb 26, 2014
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    ((Warning for Graphic content.))

    My father was a power and political man... as much as he deluded himself to me. In truth he could only find anything resembling a throne at the bottom of a sake bowl. I suppose that the stories grandfather spoon fed to him his entire life would give him a sense of power that doesn't exist in the material realm. My father was harsh, blunt, but also treated himself like royalty and to a certain extent acted like a true noble. As time went off after my birth however, it went from acting like he had a crown of gold on his head and a scepter in his hand to a hangover plaguing his mind and an empty bottle in his clutches. I loved him once through his stories of our family and blood relation... but this quickly faded every time I saw him with that.. that... bowl.

    He tried to raise me as a prince of the Crystal Roots, he truly did. At the beginning he would take hours out of his time to train his child proper manners and how to speak and write, but during my lifetime... It turns from table manners to foul language, speaking etiquette to verbal abuse, and ink... to blood. I wish I could cast the illusion on myself with the previous statement as if to say I could see it coming and it was a common occurrence before that fateful night, but I cannot give myself falsified memories can I? It all happened that night, when he was on top of the world plummeting towards the bottom without consciously knowing it.

    This would have all made much more sense if I had explained my mother prior but I must write this down now to retain some resemblance of integrity. My father returned to our house one night with my mother gone on a meeting. My father's scales were bright pink under the influence and he brandished that bottle like an emerald scepter to lead a parade in his honor. I never could figure out what exactly set him off... Or if anything really did set him off that night... but I can explain what happened right before he began his assault on me.

    I was getting ready for bed that night with one of our maids helping me into my robes. I never grew an attachment to any maid but that one for she tended solely to me whenever she worked. I remember her name so clearly, but to put her name to digital context would just be shameful after the tragedy that befell her. I was sitting at the edge of my bed with a soft smile adorning my young face as she slipped off my shoes. After she did so I of course thanked her for what she had done and she in turn said "You are welcome" in the hylotl version of that human saying. Maybe it was the fact that I would treat a servant so kindly, or that a servant would treat her noble overlord in such a casual manner, but it doesn't matter. The next thing I recall is her head falling to the side while my brain still processed the echo of a smashing bottle.

    My limbs grew as heavy as the oceans while my scarlet eyes froze into pure rubies, never breaking from the event occurring before me. The maid's head suddenly stood up straight, not on its own but from my father grasping at her fins with bleeding fingers, and her eyes just stared into the beyond. Crimson flowed down between her pink scales and faded into her already red lips as my father stared down at her. He simply picked her up like a chess player would a taken pawn and set her aside against the wall. It did not take long for gravity to take hold and for her body to slump against the hard wood floors.

    My eyes only broke from her as my father spoke. I never did remember exactly what he said right then, for my sense were dulled by my young startled body, but I remember that look in his eyes. There was no hate, no anger, no malicious nature in his eyes but you could certainly see it in his body language. His eyes just seemed to be... Tired... As if waking up from a hangover after only have a hour's rest. His eyes secreted with this stupor-like lack of determination while his fists only spoke with excited hatred. He yelled and yelled and yelled some more until his voice grew hoarse with the exertion. It took him a few seconds to realize that none of his words were being recognized by me, so he than took it upon himself to help me visualize his thoughts through actions.

    He spent the last of his voice in a loud whisper as he began his timely assault. He glanced over me just once before wringing my neck and tossing me to the side life freshly harvested pearl peas. The wall stuttered against my body before I feel beside my maid. The blood had already stained the wood work and created a small pool of blood around her. We typically had the airlocks on around the house as not to tarnish our imported silk robes. My sleepwear was quickly drenched in her scarlet pool before I was tugged up to face my father. I do not remember if she was dead yet or not during that, but it did not truly matter now did it?

    He whispered into my ear about how I had the gall to dirty my robes and quickly acted to remove such pleasantries away from my bare scales. I quickly departed from my silk surroundings and scurried down the stairs in the nude to evade my father. His heavy, drunkard foot steps followed me down the stairs. Those foot steps just made me want to run so fast that I did not pay enough attention to what was in front of me. I sped into his little workshop and banged against one table so hard it knocked the consciousness from me. This blissful sleep was soon rudely taken from me as a bottle of my father's gold refining chemicals bashed against the front of my naked body.

    The chemical burst against my young chest and soon after his father hauled me up in such a way that it streamed down my left thigh. This instance forever left a purple chemical stain to remind of the event. I will always tell others that this was purely a result of a later result at my lab but this was never the case. My father regained his voice by this point and screamed vile curses inches from my face complimented by the tang of liquor. He screamed to me about how I was worthless and such a petty gem did deserve to have it's scales tarnished. He proceeded to drag my by the scuff of my neck right back up the stairs, my legs and back banding against each leg adding to the bruises.

    After dragging my back to my room and set me up straight against the wall with the maid's body as a foothold. He than began to teach me the basics of self defense with his son as the punching bag. His words came out slurred to bark out instructions on how to punch. I was lucky enough to just be grazed by his short barrages for he was too intoxicated to land a solid hit on such a small child. After gifting me with new bruises along my face and chest, he proceeded to show me my second pet serpent I was given to by my mother. I actually smiled in that moment that the serpent looked at me, it didn't know fear but certainly recognized its owner. This smile only lasted for the second before my father broke its neck.

    He strung his curses together into a short novel about his freak child's obsession to reptilian creatures. I made the mistake of actually trying to speak against him during his rant, begging and pleading to let my pet go even if it already passed on. He condemned me for speaking against by deciding that my voice was no longer required. He thought that a snake in his clan deserved a forked tongue so he gave it to me. He ripped my pet's fangs from its mouth and decided to use them in my torture. He took one fang and neatly rammed it up behind my chin to pierce my tongue from below. It hurt far too much for me to notice what came next. The underside of my chin was already starting to bleed beads of crimson before my fathering slashed the front of my throat with the other fang.

    This... thankfully... was the end of my long torture as guardsmen rushed through the door responding to the calls of a neighbor. She gratefully heard my father's rants and contacted them as soon as she could. They tackled my father down and the captain of that group took me into his arms. With heavy footsteps he left his men to take care of my father and delivered me to the nearest hospital. I was lucky they said... To survive... I couldn't agree. The torture left me pained, in eternal paranoia, and with a weak throat. Everything healed except for the injuries that occurred to the front of my throat and the chemical burn. After a few months I knew I could talk... but the psychological trauma was still there.

    A few weeks after the captain left me in that hospital, I was taken out to help the prosecution in the case against my father. It did not last long... The man asked me one question and all I could bear to do was gesture towards my father with a finger. I couldn't remember what happened after that, because my father promptly took up an old desk clock that the judge kept nearby and threw it at me in a rage. I was immobilized by the suddenness of the action to move, and my father was apparently a pitcher. I was rendered unconscious until I was told by a nurse upon my revival that my father would remain in prison until who knows when.

    That was the last I could bear to write about that man. I suppose I should cover my mother in the next diary entry.
  4. Emonics

    Emonics New Member

    Feb 26, 2014
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    My mother was a loving mistress who could get whatever she wanted without lifting a single finger. She wore her fins in a new, unique hairstyle everyday and never repeated. She always wore the most splendid jewelry of her own creation, and she always seemed to be able to control any man or woman simply by her serpent's tongue. She never had priority into raising her young, but she did it splendidly nonetheless. I loved my mother, and she loved me.

    Unlike my father, she accepted the fact that the family's hold was fading rapidly and quickly worked with me to remedy that. Instead of trying to fix the family herself, she taught me to move on and become a different shade of onyx. She was not so trenched into the roots of our clan to care, and that made my life so much easier. She encouraged such practices as science and long studying daily, yet made sure I was brought up to act even slightly as nobility. I miss her even to this day.

    Although, I must admit she had her faults. After my father was taken to jail she spent a good bit of time at parties. As a child, I was confused to why this was, but it became obvious later one. She had many suitors and because of the tradition of crystal refinement... most Crystal Root members would use expensive balms and intricate surgeries to never look above the age of 30 earth years. She would marry for a short time to reap the benefits of the money and then cause some divorce to get money... All for my benefit. I never met any suitor or new husband she brought home, though I suppose she was simply protecting me.

    I will cover my fascination with serpents later on.
  5. Emonics

    Emonics New Member

    Feb 26, 2014
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    I swear to myself that I will continue upon this diary once I find some clothes that fit.
  6. Emonics

    Emonics New Member

    Feb 26, 2014
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    Lab is going well... I need to remind myself to do all the fabrication later... Need more Rubium injectant... Where in the great, godly depths is Dominatrix... I will eventually come back to this... far... far too busy. Will post upon my findings with the USCM, HKC, Wolves, etc.
  7. Emonics

    Emonics New Member

    Feb 26, 2014
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    Log: 27
    Preliminary Procedures: Active
    User: Unknown
    Psychological Profile: Unstable
    Race: Unknown
    "This is good. Everything is still working, and it seems to not be against any of my attempts. Let us see how easy it will be to use this for my own benefit."