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Muliphen Prime Industries.

Discussion in 'Roleplay Planning' started by Wombat, Nov 16, 2014.

  1. Wombat

    Wombat Guest

    In reference to this post: http://community.playstarboundrp.co...e-semblance-of-an-economy-on-the-server.7350/

    Alright, i'm not exactly much for writing, so I'd figure i'll lay out the plans for what I had in mind.

    1. Collection of Ore: How will the colonies/factions/any one who wants to make some cash, get the ore without spending hours mining in game. While I'd like for people to put some effort into it, not everyone is going to want to do that, so here is my proposed compromise. Have set outputs for mines sent up by players. They'd still have to be staffed IC of course, but Starbound doesn't exactly emulate the amount of resources a real life mine can produce. For ease of measuring, 500 piece of ore equals half a tonne, 1000 is a tonne, and you can figure it out from there! So, lets say, a colony establishes a mine off world, perhaps on a moon. There are several ways set production can be done, one for example would be having 2000 as a base number, and mine owners can add and subtract what ore they would like to bring in. Example: A Mine brings in 500 Iron Ore, 250 Rubium, 250 Silver, and 1000 Copper. That adds up to 2000. This would allow for optimization of the mines, purposing them for certain purposes. However, the problem in this is that what's to stop someone from saying, yeah, this mine produces 2000 diamonds? A modifier to this could be that you add 500 for every worker you have in the mine. Example: You have 3 Workers, so you can bring in 1500 pieces of ore. This would perhaps provide more balance. The other possibility, is that all mines have a set production of ore. Every mine would bring in XX of Iron, XX of Silver, XX of Gold, so on and so forth. This is the simpler version that may be best for starting out.

    2. Selling and Transport of Ore: Once or Twice a month, a worker from Muliphen Prime Industries Worker will be sent out, to a colony, faction base or another meeting spot, where they will pick up the ore. Loading it IC into the hold and then proceeding to transport it across the galaxy back to the Refinery. The worker will of course, pay for the ore. These transactions will be kept public on the forum, keeping track of how much people and entities have sold to us and bought from us. We will not track transactions that don't involve us. While the ore makes it way across the Galaxy and back to the Muliphen Prime, it will stop to refuel and prepare to jump to the next sector, these coordinates will be posted publicly as well. However, the location of the transport ships will not be posted publicly, meaning that the pirates of the universe will have to set up ambushes at the fueling stations if they wish to try and get a cut of the ore and or money on board.

    3. Refining and Production of the Ore: Once back at the refinery, the ore will take two weeks to be refined, and sold back on the market. Prices will not be set, but will fluctuate depending on how much of a certain ore is on hand. Certain objects will be produced on Muliphen itself for sale, such as the tiered furniture, and perhaps more if needed. When sold, the same process as before will be used. It will be physically loaded and make it's way to the entity, , once delivered, they can use it as they please.

    This is the base, and simple version of it, with more complex systems being added as we work out the bugs of the original systems. And of course, I'd love to hear your input about what can be done differently. Thanks for reading! Also, those interested in working as a part of this, such as being a piloting a transport, working the refineries, or working security, send me a PM!
  2. Roflmaozors

    Roflmaozors New Member

    Feb 22, 2014
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    I like the idea of 1 worker = 500 ore. You could just have a set ratio of Iron:Silver:Gold: Diamonds:Etc if you wanted to balance. What I think might happen is that colonies will start making craptons of mines just to get ahead of the economy. It's a good idea. It will take a lot of management. Probably a whole new section on the forums so that everyone knows how much a faction is producing OOC/ICly. When everyone knows how much mines a faction has, it'll be known how much they should be producing.
  3. Ricardo

    Ricardo ERP Champ 2016

    Aug 25, 2014
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    I've got a character with a foundry that's selling metal right now. Maybe she can buy platinum and rubium ore from them. But for the metal sales? Damn more competition for Panzer! XD
  4. Wombat

    Wombat Guest

    Competition breeds innovation!