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Mr fishy makes a robutt

Discussion in 'Character Discussion' started by Sam Fisher, Sep 24, 2016.

  1. Sam Fisher

    Sam Fisher Moderator
    Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2015
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    Why hello there, I see you've stumbled onto my thread. Maybe you misclicked it because god knows this section is dead but eh. You're here now anyway and there's a whole lot of stuff down below that I'm dying for criticism on. I've done this once before in a magical place full of fairies and figured maybe if I do it again something more insightful might happen.

    Chapter 1 (theonlyone): Electric Boogaloo

    This character is a glitch that a rare few of you may have met called simply 'Fixer'.

    Fixer is my first attempt at a doctor character, he's a freshly unhiveminded glitch whose primary programming is to do good by 'fixing' everyone who's broken and no, that's not a disturbing metaphor he's a surgeon/doctor through and through. Fixer was assigned this role during his hivemind phase and simply stuck to it becoming proficient at it quite fast. After he broke free accidentally through self-experimentation (I do wish I had a better thing here but muh bad literary skillz :l) he simply wandered off on his merry way in search of more people to 'fix'. Fixer spent 5 years roving a desert planet known rather bluntly as 'Wreck', a planet teeming with scavenger communities whom he offered his rudimentary surgery skills to any that would accept it. With a sore lack of anaesthesia and experience for his fleshy clients his earlier surgeries were often painful and riddled with mistakes, but they were better than none at all. Overtime he began to spot similarities with flesh patients to his former metallic brethren. One could not leave a wound open in case contamination occurred from foreign material and the Wreck was especially dirty. As a result, Fixer became renowned for his fast yet steady hand when operating.

    Eventually Fixer found his way off the planet on board a merchant crew who had lost one of their medical staff to raider attack. He took over for the deceased medic reading tirelessly through as many medical manuals as he could get his oily mitts on. Despite this influx of new material, he was still prone to mistakes where the manuals did not cover all instances. He was delegated to purely stitching and creating incisions on a patient due to his steely nerves. This was a win win situation for Fixer as not only was he achieving his primary programming to he could get up close to watch a real professional operate recording the process with inbuilt ocular cameras and playing the footage back for hours on end perfecting his craft.

    Fixer has always been a bit awkward. His respect for personal space is close to non-existent and only becomes further so when he operates. His life is essentially based solely around his profession and nothing else. As a result of this he is somewhat of a recluse preferring to stay within the confines of his current study room. However, on occasion is not fully opposed to letting loose with some alcohol after a long day’s work and can be jubilant when he gets out of work mode which can happen if he is coaxed out of it or can think of no more tasks to be. He is not incapable of making and spending times with friends, he just finds difficulty in doing so when his life is so taken up by his studying his profession.

    His time spent with the scavenger communities of Wreck has shown him the values of obsessive levels of cleanliness as he saw the results of a poor hygiene in surgery and in general. Because of this he often reeks quite pungently of cleaning alcohol and the hovels he places himself in offer obsessive levels of sterility despite being outwardly cluttered with detritus and equipment.

    Fixers opinion on the other races of the galaxy is truly neutral. He has no qualms with any of them having never been wronged by one specific race, though he does note an influx in violence and grievous injury in the presence of florans leading him to be friendly but still cautious.

    Fixer is a no nonsense doctor and finds it to make time for worrying about small things. He is often quick to restrain a patient in distress offering little mental comfort preferring anesthesia to do the work for him.

    Despite his focus on medicines and surgery, fixer is not a completely incompetent combatant. As he understands vital points, weaknesses and pressure points in most species making him an effective melee combatant. As a result of living on a shithole of a planet for 5 years Fixer became a proficient ranged combatant being forced to deter many a predator and scavenger from making a meal out of his patients. Owing to his time as a hiveminded glitch his weapons of choice are peculiar with a notable example being custom made repeater crossbows made through adaption of tried and true glitch blueprints on crossbows.

    I have at a point considered making this character have a Jekyll and Hyde personality with his alter Hyde ego being Hunter a... well hunter, though I've never been really sure as to what I would make this. Perhaps this could be a resurgence from his hivemind causing him to become combat oriented and start hunting down sinful glitches or something like that but this idea is undeveloped and I doubt I'll go far with it for now. Wondering what y'all think of it.

    And that concludes 850 ish words of blabber from the local fish man. Let me know what you think and please don't b mad at the text wall.
    #1 Sam Fisher, Sep 24, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 24, 2016