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More Bandwagon. TarlYolo Turd or Febreeze

Discussion in 'Character Discussion' started by DirtyGoblin, Aug 7, 2014.


[Bandwagon] Was Tarl Hollow a terrible character

  1. Septic Tank

  2. Yes

  3. No

  4. You just want attention

  1. DirtyGoblin

    DirtyGoblin Guest

    Bored. Hopping on the bandwagon.
  2. M-Bot

    M-Bot #swellest

    Apr 4, 2014
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  3. Doctor Frohman

    Doctor Frohman New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
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    Tarl was a beautiful man.
    You did well.
  4. Twitch

    Twitch Wayward Star

    Dec 17, 2013
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    Clone. 0/10
  5. Steamy

    Steamy Pro spam bot

    Feb 2, 2014
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    He didn't care eye pecker used cocaine and got arrested in liberty Tarl still bailed him out.

  6. Keycross

    Keycross -Insert title here-

    Mar 31, 2014
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    I only met him once. Didn't see again.
  7. M-Bot

    M-Bot #swellest

    Apr 4, 2014
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    working as intended
  8. CouchPotato360

    CouchPotato360 Last Man Standing

    Jan 17, 2014
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    He's a bish. But "Clear the road carrot!" was by far the best line uttered by anyone in the USN.
  9. Doctor Frohman

    Doctor Frohman New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
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    Whenever someones in my way, I yell that out.
    They usual just say "Carrot?"
  10. Malachar

    Malachar Heir to Madness

    Feb 1, 2014
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    From all my experience with Tarl, he was one of my favorite characters.

    From relatively reclusive guy in the USCM with poor taste in apex music and depression issues

    To forced rehab on Tet

    To going on to lead the RA.

    I've always really, really, liked Tarl's character.

    He also showed how to do Clone's right as clones are not a "respawn" but a separate person with borrowed memories, and how he went past that.
  11. Steamy

    Steamy Pro spam bot

    Feb 2, 2014
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    Monkey vinyl 10/10
  12. Pie4Pigs

    Pie4Pigs Bleach Connoisseur

    Mar 15, 2014
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    never met him

    good char
  13. OmegaMatt

    OmegaMatt Last But Not Least

    Jan 4, 2014
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    Needs more scowl-age. Step up it bro.

    Tarl was a badass that didn't need a gun (or sword or hand-wavy science junk), he made some major plays and rarely had to get his hands dirty. We need more characters like Tarl that aren't trigger happy muscle-heads who earn their respect rather than expect it.
    Also I'll throw in that Mucklurk is still my favorite floran.
  14. November

    November Previously Sermane
    Staff Member

    Jan 31, 2014
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    Oh Tarl, long ago where the days where we met at the Mattis gates. I'm still passing around that catalogue of Earth music you never wanted back, and do not forget the sexual predation allegations. I'm sad I wasn't around when the RA/Luminaria stuffs was going on, and sadder yet when I saw you were abandoning it a short while ago.

    Legit, one of my favourite personalities on the server. He seemed very...developed. Good shit. Cheers.
  15. Narfball

    Narfball narfball

    Dec 22, 2013
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    tarl is the objective worst character on the server

    i actually didnt interact with him enough shut up
  16. M-Bot

    M-Bot #swellest

    Apr 4, 2014
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    the RA isn't dead, it's on hiatus :^)
  17. TAP123

    TAP123 New Member

    Jan 5, 2014
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    I have a distaste for actions like this on the forums. While I have not actually interacted with Tarl enough to develop an opinion of the character, I feel that hosting threads for people to judge (and possibly praise the shit out of) characters lowers my perception of the character and players who favor them. It's more than likely a jealousy thing though, I haven't really posted anything exclusive or engaging about my characters on the forums, and I always wonder why people don't like them are just don't know them, so I see other people post threads on their characters and their buddies insert favorable opinions, and it just urks me. Really? One of my characters is a clone and they are a separate person with past memories. Said character has been through a lot as well with their story. I feel like the popular mentality or clique mentality really defeats the purpose of public roleplay.
  18. M-Bot

    M-Bot #swellest

    Apr 4, 2014
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    I think it's more along the line of we, the people who actually play our characters, will always be biased in our views. It's like writing - you get someone else entirely to edit your paper/book, because they will always catch things that elude you, the writer, entirely. An outside perspective is great for getting a fresh view on your character and honestly could help you improve on things you're doing wrong.
  19. DirtyGoblin

    DirtyGoblin Guest

    Aight, apparently this exceeds the character limit so I gotta split it into two posts... Rather than edit the original, sooo. Here goes.

    Bored. Hopping on the bandwagon.

    Alright so this was originally just an "lol bandwagon" joke. But I'm gonna be like serious 'bout it :)
    Here's the info on Tarl Hollow (Turl Yolo) of the Relzurautt Armada (Rub'sabutt Ermerder)

    Backstory: [From my app to the server]
    Tarl Hollow was an Earthling from the American Midwest, having served in the Army during the Resource Wars that culminated in a battle for Mars. After the formation of the United Systems he re-enlisted as a prior servicemen to the USCM where he spent most of his time manning a cannon aboard a USN vessel. He never saw any action during his service at that time. When Earth fell, his ship was one of many that, out in the empty frontier of space, was left directionless and without any solid leadership or direction. The crew had over time slowly gone AWOL in various ways. As men and women trickled out, Tarl and a few remaining crewmembers hopped aboard the last remaining shuttles and went their own way into space.

    In Game Stuff:
    Tarl roamed aimlessly for a time until radio transmissions led him to the small underground colony of Opportunity. The handful of residents gladly took him in, albeit with a little distrust. He quickly carved a home for himself in the underground sanctuary. Neighboring with the Floran couple Sativa [Noah] Oran and his 'mate'. Tarl attempted to start a small bar, but it never took off. He gained a reputation as a free spirited eccentric in the colony. Always ready to pop off a joke or engage in a bit of lighthearted verbal jousting with Sativa and his mate. Sativa rarely took it well, likely suspecting Tarl had some interest in his female friend.

    When the first incarnation of Opportunity fell, due to an infestation of.. Something (patch-wipe) Tarl migrated with the residents to a new planet which they promptly named Opportunity once more. Tarl decided that with his bar managing skills being an absolute failure, he'd try his hand at another entrepeneurial venture. Fuel was always a needed commodity in this universe so he set up a small depot and traded in his military grade shuttle, for a rusted out hulk. The hulk was a transport vessel for carry large freight. Tarl began to advertize his services. The selling of Plutonium and Uranium fuels at discount prices, and the transport and disposal of related waste. The work was messy, and Tarl, being completely inexperienced and incompetent, steadily made a profit. The profit was no doubt by sheer luck, and his luck did not last. His disposal site was located rather close to home. It lacked any facilities for processing the waste, it also lacked any containment measures. Tarl himself was becoming steadily irradiated. As was the region around the disposal site. Eventually, the waste began to spill out into the surrounding colony. This was where the story of Tarl Hollow the Earthling ended. Tarl's actions had left a good portion of the colony of Opportunity irradiated, and had presented a high level of harm to his neighbors. Sativa, who saw all of this, was eventually driven into a primal, floran rage when confronting Tarl, who lightheartedly tried to talk his way out of it. Sativa impaled Tarl upon his sword, and left his body in the radioactive pit of sludge and waste.

    It was the decision of the citizens of Opportunity to try and "revive" Tarl. With the efforts of local scientists they utilized one of the old Apex cloning vats, and the corpse of Tarl. Through the wonders of science, and most notably, cloning, much of the corpse was repaired, dead tissue replaced and revitalized. However, what stepped out of the vat, while being Tarl Hollow in the flesh, and sharing identical DNA, was not entirely Tarl. [ProTip I handwaved some of da SCIENCE!]

    When Tarl emerged from that vat, he had no true memory of what had led to him being in the vat. He was told he had succumbed to severre radiation sickness. He took it for what it was, and attempted to eke out a normal life. However, he was plagued. His memory was full of large gaps and blank moments. Absences in what he percieved as his life. His knowledge that he was a clone tormented him. These people were all strangers. They were familiar, but only in the way that one knows OF someone, rather than just KNOWS. He found life there to be extremely uncomfortble. He felt as if he was fooling these people by pretending to be something he was not, Tarl Hollow, their friend and neighbor.

    He began seeking a new home quietly. Dredging through StarNet, and keeping his ears pinned to his InterStellar Radio. Eventually he came across recruiting ads for the USCM. He did some digging and got the coordinates for a base located a few systems away, and set a course. He went through the normal recruiting process, and signed on with the United Systems Navy as an Ensign. He spent a lot of time at Fort Mattis, and often served as the pilot for a variety of missions, including the recovery of Michael "Sloth" Morris, who had been thought KIA. He had engaged in part, in the investigation of Traptooth, and had taken on a personal quest to present himself as the "ideal officer."

    This was hampered by what had become a crippling substance addiction. Through his service at Mattis, he had accumulated a small treasure trove of prescriptions for sleeping meds, anti-anxiety meds, and of course the infamous "Red Stim." This resulted in a daily regimen of Red Stim in the morning and afternoon, anti-anxiety pills through the day, and a handful of sleep-aids to come down. All of course chased with liquor and nicotine.