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Moony's Confession Journal

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Epitaxis, Apr 19, 2014.

  1. Epitaxis

    Epitaxis Bathmophobic

    Dec 19, 2013
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    Decided to keep track of all my wrong doings. Because sadly as creatures of flesh and blood we're meant to forget everything, even the important crap you should never let yourself lose grip of. Some day I'll build up the nerve to confess. But for now? I'll die with these sins burdening any ascent into the Aether.

    I cannot risk names coming out, I am putting too much faith than what is warranted in typing this up as it is. So this will automatically remove all names when I am done.

    I've kept track of the number. I've killed 27 people now? Technically more if you consider lives ruined. 33.
    This is my direct violations to life, not what ramifications (Thanks -------) have fallen into place by these voids I've created. I've also done a lot of lying but that's part of my job still wrong regardless.

    I would like to start off. Why am I even typing it like this? I doubt I'm going to live long enough to be -this- senile. Guess I like talking to myself. Like I'm letting anybody that reads this live.

    Going to start off with today and beyond from here on.

    Broke ---------'s face for trying to do something nice for once in his life. Probably should have found a reason to let him be in that hospital. Kluex have mercy for the souls suffering from that affliction. He's a damn genius but if I could put a bullet in one persons head without killing them guaranteed. It would be him. Man I hope he would feel it for the rest of his life too.

    I don't know if it is a lie? But I have not said a damn thing to ------ about my profession or how lacking in smiles my job really is, I may have hinted at it but I doubt he understands what it is I really do. Going to make sure nobody in the company knows he's anybody either. Might as well add that since that will be a pile of lies and threats.
    ------'s a good guy hope he gets out of that rut and takes off that stupid f'ing scarf so he can go back to smiling or whatever.

    I held this blue guy at gun point. That little bastard came in with the bandit brigade, shot me up, and kidnapped ------ while I was bleeding to death on the floor. Regardless, I got him to agree to a favor. If he doesn't go through with it he's getting shot in the back first chance I get. Kluex help me I'm addicted to aiming for the back of the head, it's distasteful.

    Finally. The reason I began this journal was yet another one of the crew's weekly f' ups.. Well. It was this kid. Probably as old as I was when I joined. This. Just a bad place at a bad time. I allowed the doctor to get a hold of him for a quick test. I did not expect him to go that far, the kid is completely fried. The doctor even had the nerve to think about wiping him clean like he was a computer with a virus. I told him, and meant it when I told him. I would paint the walls with his brains if he touched the kid or tried anything like that to anybody else. Not only is it just sick? It's bad for business. That kind of research is going to get us in trouble. As punishment I removed one of the doctor's talons with a bullet.
    #1 Epitaxis, Apr 19, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 19, 2014
  2. Epitaxis

    Epitaxis Bathmophobic

    Dec 19, 2013
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    Nothing much of note today.


    Let myself get in a bad mood after a slaver failed at capturing me. I beamed onto a painfully obvious ambush. It was a derelict ship with a non-descript distress beacon sounding off with all systems on the ship malfunctioning. I first did a long range scan, then a short range scan along with a visual inspection of the ship. It looked like a prisoner frigate that was shot in half. I beamed on board fully expecting a complete shitstorm with multiple men but no. Just me and scrawlings on the wall like this was a penal colony.

    After inspecting about 50 meters worth of hallway, this guy radios my communicator on how I'm not escaping just as I'm turning around to inspect the hallway I just walked through before turning the corner. What I see when I turn the corner is this guy in the heaviest set of glitch armor I've ever seen in my life. If this wasn't in a vacuum I would have heard this big f'er curl a knuckle from across the hallway. After having a pleasant exchange over who's going to actually get who. He shoots his rifle right into my gun, he was either lucky or could hip fire like a demon. I discharge my shotgun in hopes that I can just end it quick and easy but no, instead my gun expends the shot in a flash of yellow light.

    So I backup into a corner and rest a foot against the wall. He starts walking up to me fiddling with his cuffs to take me in. I don't know what kind of slave I would be useful for. I don't have the physique of a laborer and I know how to, and have, snapped plenty of necks and broken a lot of faces. I'd be better off dead for them honestly. But anyways. I leap at him and use the shotgun's alternate mode of fire. That being, I club him with the reinforced end of the shotgun. He simply grabs the shotgun as I was hoping so instead I kick off of him and up into a stairway above me. I throw my momentum around the edge and into this stairwell and can already touch the void where the ship was cut in two.

    As I was re-positioning myself into the corner of the stairwell to climb myself up he's used a grappling hook to fly his fat metal ass past me and waiting on the other end with his rifle no doubt. So. I did the only logical thing and hopped to the opposite end of the cut off shaft. As I'm spinning myself over the corner, I see a yellow flash in the hallway under me where I lost my shotgun. I set it to a 20 feet leash, it at least had enough juice in it still from that discharge to self destruct. Completely I hope. But as I flipped myself over the other side and kicked myself off to space he caught up enough to be nice enough to see me off. He shot my communicator but luckily I got off the signal fast enough to send a tractor beam for cargo at its position / trajectory.

    Probably a long story for saying, "A slaver pissed me off and I yelled at people afterwords for no good reason." but I want to make sure I remember some of these stories. This is one of them.. The most incompetent ambush I've ever been in to date. That's one to remember.


    More lies as my job requires.

    If that flesh planet of ------'s is actually friendly well. I will need forgiveness for hoping it dead. It's a threat and I'm being realistic. I'm sure Kluex would understand that one surely. It is the most obnoxious thing to hear about on the hourly basis. I'm really thinking about calling for a fleet or at least a bomb and a lot of radiation.

    Hiding weapons around -----'s place in-case of slaver attacks is considered a lie or a trespassing if I haven't even talked to her about it. I'll mark that off as more lies my job requires.

    Threatened to kill people as usual..

    My favorite confession but, still bad regardless of how bad I don't feel about it yet. I shot that blue waste of life in the knee. Told me -I- didn't understand when -he- was working for a band of slavers that captured ------. The slaver had kicked down the door to start their shitty little mission, shot me to hell with guns that were thankfully as old as Kluex himself. So, instead of being dead on the floor, I was dying on the floor. I remember seeing him smack ------ with the crappiest excuse for a gold weapon I had ever seen before passing out. He wasn't remorseful despite him going on about it being for the greater good. He wasn't doing it for morals or the safety of others, he didn't so much as frown he seemed to enjoy taking ------ in. That's why I shot him in the knee, and I'll take out his other knee and his legs if he plays anymore games with what I've set in line with him. I'm being quite merciful because if anybody else would have been anywhere near associated with them and this happened to me? I would have down-right killed them. 'Put 'im in me book' is how I'll put it.

    So again. Nothing out of the norm.
    #2 Epitaxis, Apr 20, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2014