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Moonclaw's Piratey Adventures

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Pixel, Apr 10, 2014.

  1. Pixel

    Pixel Captain Amurica

    Dec 28, 2013
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    Entry 1
    Some spanish folk talking over the damned radio. Learn to turn ye translators on you scallywags! Anyways, I thought it would be best for me to carry one of these books around. Plenty of time for me to write in the crew quarters while my cap'n searches for another one of them stupids to rob! Hehe, we've gotten about.... uh about 6? Can't remember but its some mighty fine loot! Lemme tell ye that the first one we got was some bartender workin' in a bar. Shot 'im right in the face!!! Damn right! He had about 500 of em shiny pixels lying wait under the counter. And then... second robbery bam! She be talking on the radio. That's how we got 'er! I says that we are friendly and she can come and trust us with 'er coordinates! HAHA, so many idiots these days. Anyways, when we started pullin' guns on the birdy, she didn't even know she was gettin' robbed! She had nothin' of value on her and her ship was littered with useless books. Took a few maps off it. So then the cap'n and me crewmates thought it was a mighty fine idea to announce her hostage. I was to man the ship while me crew headed on down there to collect the check! Turns out it was a trap god damnit and ole Chiggles got shot up. We ain't going to do any more hostages again.

    Third robbery with the crew... Hmm there was this monkey guy lookin' for some seeds or some bullshit. What are ye gonna do with SEEDS, mate?!?! So I be talkin' to him on the radio and says I got yer seeds right here! Another idiot caught! We headed down to his coordinates to this ole town with dark alleyways. Mugged 'im right there. He was a classy one for sure! He had 'bout 35,000 pixels in total when we robbed 'im and his ship. Plunderin and lootin, that's the life! His name be dominic or some shit like that.

    Then we comes right to the fourth robbery! Man, we on a damn roll!!! Makin' bank is the damn right term. Some monkey guy lookin' for other monkeys! HEHE, ye know what I said? We got some monkeys right 'ere and we be more than happy for you to show us ye coordinates so we can come and drop some monkeys on ya face! Well we managed to get him on the ship and take him to the 'ole holding cell. Threatened him that if he didn't put that gun away, we gonna light the room on fire. I love me some fire bombs. So we be negotiating and stuff when he finally gives up everything. Clothes, barrel, gun, and all. But he had a feckin dagger and gave one last piece of his mind before gettin shot up and captured. Cut me across the stomach. Cut ain't so bad as the bullets he got on his shoulder. I let him know what I thought about his dumbass act by stabbing him in the leg. Cap'n reminded me that he wanted the hostage in good condition for the slave trade. Got him fixed up and repeatedly shot tranquilizer darts into him. Put 'im out for a long time. Another 30 grand from that slave trade!
    #1 Pixel, Apr 10, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 10, 2014
  2. Pixel

    Pixel Captain Amurica

    Dec 28, 2013
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    Entry 2
    So with all them robberies and all, I'm surprised that there hasn't been any warnings about our lil crew. But when the time comes, we better have our asses covered. I think that the cap'n made some deals with the relzurautt folks to hide our ships in their expanse thing. No more officers coming after us! And since we're real smart, we covered up our crew or disguised ourselves as a mining business. Yup, vulcan co. is our cover name. No one will expect a thing because they're all dumb, hehe. Anyways, better get back to working. We need some mining outposts up to make us look like a legit company.
    #2 Pixel, Apr 10, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2014
  3. Pixel

    Pixel Captain Amurica

    Dec 28, 2013
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    Entry 3
    So with all our shares and money we've gotten from our looting, we pooled our money for some fancy ship upgrades. Finally got us some good beds instead of sleeping on cold metal. Engine room got big with a workshop installed for ole Kroka. Turbines, some ship guns and laser guns. She be ready to set sail soon. Also got myself a nice cutlass with a fancy red hilt guard using up my leftover shares. Matches the crew's name perfectly. The Crimson Corsairs. Hence the reason why we be bearing the red clothing and shit.
  4. Pixel

    Pixel Captain Amurica

    Dec 28, 2013
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    Entry 4
    Good Featherleaf robbed 1000 pixel from a poor guy who feather didn't even know was poor. Empire business, relzurautt shizzles, our crew is all set!
    (( Also, as a OOC note, if anyone captured Moonclaw, his journal would be found on him. That's a pretty long list of crimes and evidence. ))
  5. Pixel

    Pixel Captain Amurica

    Dec 28, 2013
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    Entry 5
    So the crew needs some place to hangout besides the bar and besides the ship. Maybe we can find some secret place to build a haven for us pirates. A pirate's cove. I like it. A base of operations can be constructed soon if the cap'n figures out the right people to contact in getting material. Hell, we can even use our cover business as an excuse to mine up some resources from colonies.
  6. Pixel

    Pixel Captain Amurica

    Dec 28, 2013
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    Entry 6
    Keep talking on that radio, folks! We're coming to get ya :)
  7. Pixel

    Pixel Captain Amurica

    Dec 28, 2013
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    Entry 7
    The crew has been getting some more members lately. Only hope that this doesn't mean the loot has to be split up more. Cap'n already gets 50% of the money automatically.

    I could use a rifle or a better pistol. My shotgun here doesn't do much in long range firefights. It was meant for close quarters combat. Maybe I'll look around on starnet and see if someone is selling one. 'Course I could always rob them and not have to pay at all, but that kind of defeats the purpose...
  8. Pixel

    Pixel Captain Amurica

    Dec 28, 2013
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    Entry 8
    News of Sovereign Systems.
  9. Pixel

    Pixel Captain Amurica

    Dec 28, 2013
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    Entry 9
    The following would be rushed notes of a conversation Moonclaw happened to eavesdrop.
    -Council for Sovereign Systems
    -meeting for council is soon
    -someone likes cats
  10. Pixel

    Pixel Captain Amurica

    Dec 28, 2013
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    Entry 10
    Very bored
  11. Pixel

    Pixel Captain Amurica

    Dec 28, 2013
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    Entry 11
    Rescued Cap'n from a bar fight.
    Got another idiot over the radio
    Be aware for Cole harris guy
  12. Pixel

    Pixel Captain Amurica

    Dec 28, 2013
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    Entry 12
    So since that last entry was rushed, I thought it would be best for me to clarify things a little better. The crew received a distress call transmitting a 'Liberty Mills' as the location. A crewmate and I were already on the ship so we decided, why not? And beamed down. Upon beaming, there's a lot of people. A lot of people carrying guns. Feck, the whole situation was hectic and there were gunshots coming from the bar, some crazed maniac swinging a... dagger? at a floran... We managed to sneak into the bar, when Featherleaf told me to get the feck down. Didn't see what the problem was, but decided to oblige anyways... It was apparent that the man in the coat was a threat. So a few fire bombs later, we managed to retrieve the cap'n and make a break for it to the ship. Learned later that this Cole Harris person is a detective after the capn's ass. Made a plan to kill him if he gets alone. Went to Haus to hang out. Wore some great "disguises". Cap'n and Featherleaf got the masks, and I got the feckin welder's helmet. We were supposed to pretend to sell stoves and stools. I think I kind of blew our cover when I said "TOTALLY NOT PIRATES HERE". So yeah, had to abandon the bar shortly.

    Hanging around the ship got boring pretty quick. Cap'n Eyepecker made an offer on the radio. First person to respond gets free fuel! So some poor person answered saying "I could use some fuel". Getting his beaming codes... Well that was easy. After landing on the ship, we come in our disguises. Costume character and a blacksmith. He didn't even seem to notice that we had zero fuel with us. So after checking out his cribb, we find a rusty bed and junk. Appears that the buffoon couldn't even afford to buy himself a decent bed. Robbed him of 17,000 pixels anyways.
    #12 Pixel, Apr 22, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 28, 2014
  13. Pixel

    Pixel Captain Amurica

    Dec 28, 2013
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    Entry 13
    This Cole Harris scallywag shouldn't be much problem anymore. He be out of sight for a while now. Life on the Crimson Tide be gettin' harder for us crewmates, what with all the supplies running low. Damn Featherleaf is probably jacking all the food for 'erself. Anyways, it's time for another shot at that new fangled device called the radio.