This will be a compiled list of mods that are working for upbeat giraffe and are server friendly and client side. I intend for this to help out people who can't find what they want, whether it be an updated version of something in 0.8 or whatever. Current Mods: Skyrail Sit Mod: (Sorta buggy for the player, but not the server) Starcheat: (careful with this. can screw over your character more than anything. it happened to me. don't be me) SBSE: I'm sure you can find it Omegamatt's Creative Mod for Server Friendliness: Customizable ship mod (a bit shitty if you ask me, because you have to make a character that hasn't upgraded their ship past tier 1) skip starting quests/upgrade techs mod If you want to contribute, give links in the bottom to the mod.
The Sits mod is updated, but getting it to work is a bit coniving. The Expanded Songs list mod is up. The better Avians mod still works in its current incarnation.
Behold, the mod everyone is wantingmaybe...:
Got the ship working, if you got a ship above tier 1 it breaks, even if you replace the ship files and delete all other ship files. also request, can someone make the big chatbox mod for 1.0 ? or RP chat as it was called.
Got two for todays: Extra Zoom Levels: Extended Chat:
Do anyone have a Work-around for the FTL bug ? (i'm useing the costumized ship, so spawning a T3 ship does not work for me. it breaks my current ship. Eventually a mod that fixes it? got the quest finished, but my ftl drive dosn't work <.<
If you got CES, craft a FTL Repair Kit. Or in singleplayer spawn it in with commands. Should work, if I wrong, let me know I will be home soonish to check myself
Afraid it doesn't work. the only way to fix it is to upgrade your ship to a new tier, but this breaks the ship file permanently, as it spawns a ship inside.. your ship. and even deleting the Shipfile and replacing it doesn't work, i need to delete everything so its somehow attached to meta, or bak file. either a mod that removes all the Ships blocks from tiers, so you can just go up to tier 8 without actually affecting the ship, or a way to enforce FTL to work is probably the only workarounds i could think. I've been experimenting with Tiers, and removing files, replacing only some files etc. Can't find a workaround. Any assistance would be greatly appropriated, I've spend alot of times designing a ship, I'd rather not do it all over again :/, Especially if there's a risk it'll break again.
The fix for this issue is actually quite simple, really. Use the FTL Repair Kit to override whatever ship you currently have, then repair that ship do it functions but -do not- upgrade it in any other way, just the basic repairs. Then, replace the ship file with the mod's ship file. This should fix the issue and let you build your new ship. That's my suggestion, it worked for me, and is the only fix I know of. Edit: Apologies for spelling, using mobile at the moment
Perhaps try rerolling the character, going through all the unlocks until you get to where you need to be, then replace the ship file with the custom ship?
I've tried, the tier 1 ship spawns inside my crafted ship, so i end up stuck inside the corridor of my ship. I've tried, the tier 1 ship spawns inside my crafted ship, so i end up stuck inside the corridor of my ship. Afraid nothing happens when i use the FTL Repair Kit, eller the Repair ship kit. just text. I think the actual best fix, is to make a mod with a selected tier of ship spawn no blocks, or background/foreground. Then you can use that, then remove the mod if needed. as any Ship above tier 3 Automatically have FTL online
I'm actually having trouble with this creative mod, I'm always told that Starbound cant find 'apexdungeonpods'