So, I found this,, and it looks really cool. Of course, I don't want to screw up the server, so if the mod is not compatible with the server, just let me know and I won't use it.
It uses custom assets, so unfortunately it is not allowed on the server. The only mods that are actually permitted on the server is the Fully Customizeable Ship mod, Sen's "I Like Cheating" mod, and any mod that changes the visual UI (like RP Chat or Extended Songbook). We don't allow any mods on the server, aside from the ones I just listed. Hope this helps.
Ok, thanks for the help. Uh, I actually have another problem that just came up. My building was wiped out. I don't know when, but It must have happened a day ago or less. Is there a way to restore it? It's coordinates are x28 y11, third planet's asteroid field.
Yeah. That tends to happen at times, unfortunately. Post the information in this thread. You will need the exact location (coordinates, name of system, and specific planet) as well as an approximate time that it may have wiped so Hawke can rollback to a specific backup.