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Mispi's Computer Data Storage

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Teshak, Aug 9, 2015.

  1. Teshak

    Teshak New Member

    May 2, 2015
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    =Logging into Ship's Data Entry System==

    Might as well start this out on a more reliable source I guess. There really isn't a way to START it properly, but at this point I just don't care.

    I've made this log so I can at least keep my thoughts down on a SECURE and reliable place. Damn woman thinks she can just keep that thing....

    I'll at least keep a running list of things to be working on, if nothing else. Been thinking on how to tackle the robot problems. Frequent video and command errors are not a good thing with it. May actually have to downgrade a bit on some of the other things so that the video cards have a bit more air room. I'm sure its a cooling problem.

    I still have that damn phone to make for Willow. I feel bad for forgetting. But maybe he just doesn't care. He probably got some old generic one by now. Good luck.

    I think that's it for now...

    ==Logged out of Ship's Data Entry System==
  2. Teshak

    Teshak New Member

    May 2, 2015
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    ==Logging into Ship's Data Entry System==

    Progress on the robot complication at least got a bit further along yesterday before i went to sleep. I managed to free up more space around it, but I couldn't give anymore, seeing as the way I inter weaved the wires. Ill have to work out a new pattern that will work. But it got it working reliably enough that I decided to beam the thing down and remote control it over the Terra colony planet.

    Sometimes I wonder if they forget I have this thing. Either way doesn't matter to me.

    I didn't find anyone in security at first...but then Luke beamed in. I...managed to talk him into letting my robot take my items back. We met back up on the ship. I'm not sure how long he'll stay disappointed with me about the taser situation...

    Most of the day /today/ I just dedicated to fixing the rest of the robot's space. Managed to get it all put back by about mid Terra Day. Spent some time on that promised phone too. if nothing else, Willow will have two to screw around with. I just hope he likes it, not like its the prettiest thing in the world.

    Small secondary test run for my robot's visual and audio cards went perfectly. problem solved. Rest of the day went well enough. met up with a friend and had a drink. Managed to learn a few things. German and French...blah, weird human things. Florans are Florans, why cant Humans just be humans.

    That's it for the day I guess.

    Oh man....did this really just turn into a damn diary???....whatever. I'm going to go do some hunting, then get some sleep....clear my head

    ==Logged out of Ship's Data Entry System==
  3. Teshak

    Teshak New Member

    May 2, 2015
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    ==Logged into Ship's Data Entry System==

    =accessing voice to text=

    I not...know how I get voice to text going ssso sssmoothly...maybe I knew in mind that I get fucked up ssssoon...few daysss ago guy attack me. I think he wasss pirate. Ssstole on ssship...I think cargo area. He hid and attacked me.

    I try attack him but he beat...he beat face in too much...I think he wasss ussing gun like club...made me passss out...

    When wake up, I tasssted sssap, and I wasss patched up. Max wasss near me. I guess that who I hit disstresss signal for when I had fight. He asssked me quessstionss, then...momma came in...then Acacia. I not remember much...I felt bad...I think passsed out. Momma sssaysss Acacia try take me to Terra hossspital, and Max sshot her in leg to ssstop.

    Momma went and ssshot Max in back becaussse I wasss almossst ssshot too. We both got taken to hospital..I wake up and ....and I not able move legsss...I think I frenzy...I remember ..being ssscared. I passsed out again...

    When wake up...I got wheelchair. I hate thiss wheelchair. I hate it wheelsss. I hate it sssteely whining. People give me sstupid pity look...

    I can't remember how to be engineer..I try remember. I know I had ssstudied and done all thisss. I made robot!! But I not remember how make it!!! I... I not know what to do now...if I ssshould try learn again..

    -idle mode start-

    -end idle mode-

    ...Other day I find crazy guy that attack me. I finally found sssomeone that hasss attacked me.... I...enjoyed ssstabbing him. Hisss blood tasssted good. I think ssstill hasss heart...i gong to eat it...make sssure Dawnrat never take him...

    I had Acacia give me ssspine thing...ssaid in week I be able walk again...I cantsss wait...

    Max talked to me yessterday. We had talk....think we ssslight friendss again. He broke out prisson on Terra. They arressst him for ssshooting Acacia.

    I gonna cook today..make meal for me and Roddy. Making fisssh. He sssaid he gonna make creamy ice and thing called cake...I not know if I gonna like it....guesss I ssssee tonight.

    Think that it...I guesss thisss really going to be diary now...ssince I not...able plan building thingsss anymore...

    ==end voice to text==

    ==Logged out of Ship's Data Entry System==
  4. Teshak

    Teshak New Member

    May 2, 2015
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    ==Logged into Ship's Data Entry System==

    Why. Why is everyone trying to tell me who to be? I am who I fucking am. I love hunting. I love engineering...even Luke tells me I'm being bad by being myself.

    How...how dare he... He is the one who's changed. He is the one who's different now....

    I know I've made mistakes, but I know others have too! Are they going to change? I have seen so many that don't! I'm going to be myself whether anyone likes it or not! The universe can go screw itself! I follow what my feelings say!

    Dawnrat help me, I'll rob them blind if I have to.

    I have damn feelings, yes. I'm going to find someone that cares for me. ME. Not something that they can change me into! I won't be a fucking plantsuit!


    ==Logged out of Ship's Data Entry System==
  5. Teshak

    Teshak New Member

    May 2, 2015
    Likes Received:
    *retrieving starnet cloud storage*
    *download to PDA*
    *download complete*

    *commence new data input*

    ...has it really been that long since I made a entry? I guess it make sense...I lost my ship, and I been busy lately...

    Luke is....who the hell cares anymore. I hope he stays aways from me. Far aways. I not wanna see him. I moved on too....found someones else

    ...at least...I thought I did. I was with Acacia, we were...life mates. And it was real, because I had said so too. Since momma left me the tribe, I been able to make things of own judgement...so I asked her and she said yes.

    ...why everyone I close to always die...

    Acacia, she died too...week ago, Ziggy told me she got shots. I cried. I not think I ever cried that hard before. It hurt real bad. I nearly thought of going off and being with her.
    But I couldn't.

    From situation I know Acky never meant, I now has take care of my daughter, Aria. My lovely greens Avian daughter. She seem more like Acky then she know. She...even kind of picked ups how I talk...it cute when she do it. I've enjoyed being mother. Aria biggest reason I keep alive. I can't just leaves her to fend for self. She really question lot of things. It sometime fun to let her learn. But I try keep her safe as best as can.

    Ziggy tooks Ackys death hard too. He said if I ever need help, that I can call. He softest bird I know. Made of nothing but down feathers I swear, hehe. I hope he do OK too. Last I saws, he was all covered in muds...

    II just have to keep living. I have plans to get tribe educations. Make them see other peoples better. And then other people sees us better then just savage. I keep living for that. That, and most of all, for Aria. She my daughter ands I love her.

    I guess this it for now...a lot, but...hopefully it not gonna be negative from now ons...

    *Cease new data input*
  6. Teshak

    Teshak New Member

    May 2, 2015
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    *commence new data input*
    *audio video recording established*

    *a pink skinned, slightly brighter pink foliaged Floran is viewed center frame, multiple slight charr marks across her face, and the flower to usually sit top her head blackened. Despite all this, she has a grin across her face as she sits upright on a rather worn in couch in what looks to be a ships quarters *

    I..I thinksss it working now.... First time ussing it
    ..but II want to make sssure thisssimportant! Hehe. Isss misspi.

    *she gives the smallest of hand waves*

    not been /too/ long ssince lassst entry. But lot hass happened. At leassst it feel like it. I start with what happen leassst recent that I remembersss.

    *she shifts in her seat and gives a sigh*

    sssaw Ziggy few timess. He ssseem okay for now. He had little bit where he got thrown in jail. I learned latersss that my other friend, Roddy....er, Rodrick, had sssnuck up behind him when he had ssshot guard for sshooting friend, and tasssted them with hand thingy.

    *she looks off to her cybernetic left arm* still need to decide what to do withsss thisss... * she shakes her head, then looks back to the camera*

    Anyway. He ssspent time in jail, but he ssseemed fine when I sssaw him afterss. Got new friend, Raven. Ssshe iss nice. I likesss her. Got good dresss. I learned ssshe losst her ssship in crassh from tentacless. I offered very low price in order make ssship for her. Jussst got it done yesssterday and ssshe likesss it.

    *she takes a deep breath and she has an honest smile on her face now, if just a bit of her teeth are showing *

    I tricked Max. Heh... Me, Raven andsss Max wasss testing out ssship I got Raven. I needed to to Pinewood anyway, but Raven offered take uss.

    *she leans forward and whispers as if there were others*

    That when I got idea. I knew Pinewood not like Max at all. I sspent little time convincing him to come down before we went to warp. I finally gotsss him to agree and I messaged Rodrick that he wasss coming.

    *she returns to her previous position and nods to seemingly nothing*

    He got held up at beampad. They even went sso far asss to destroy the beampad ssso he not get away. Colony owner came down and led Max off to place alone

    *her smile dips a little as she looks at the ceiling*

    He wasss there long time. I think too long. Max good at talking way out. They brought picturesss of Max, with big hole right through chessst. I confident in them, but I not trusst Max dead until I get put my dagger in hiss head. Ziggy ssaid to get sssomewhere ssafe, in case Max not really dead. Ssso him and Raven helped me move Aria'sss crib and our food to the sship. I sssaw Ziggy had trouble real bad on lasst bit of distance with crib, ssso I let him carry Aria inssstead. After I put crib up...

    *she giggles and seems to look past the camera *

    It wasss kinda cute to watch Ziggy holding and taking care of Aria like that. He wass sssinging sssong to her while ssshe sslept. Maybe I asssk him what ssong it wasss when I sssee him next.. It sssounded cute.

    *her head turns slightly as the sound of distant baby crying is heard.*

    End of log. Gotsss go!

    *she reaches to the camera hurriedly and the audio and visual cut*

    *end audio video recording*

    *Cease new data input*
  7. Teshak

    Teshak New Member

    May 2, 2015
    Likes Received:
    *commence new data input*
    *audio video recording established*

    *Mispi sits much like she did before, on the worn couch in the ship's living room quarters, but with the circlet that usually adorns her head sitting on a cushion beside her. Her face is a mix of emotions *

    Heh. I figure thisss besst way to record now, ssince it take less time then jusst typing out thoughts as in head. Been having trouble with it though, sso it might be little lag betweenss recording and sssaving.

    Thingss been calming down I ssupossse can ssay. Ssince lasst recording. Had a good....meal with Ziggy. I wantedss tell him how I felt, but he gave me thing that he jusst lovesss me and Aria the way it isss. I uhm...

    *audible sigh, and she pulls her legs up, sitting crosslegged on the couch now*

    I been proud of sself. Moved passt that ssoon. Me and him hass had talked and vissited ssince then, ssso I know he not think of me different for trying that...

    I been talking to Roddy too.

    *her posture straightens, and her smile flashed *

    Heh, he gavesss me cake few dayss ago! He knowsss my weaknesss. I sssuppossse it fair that he know that one. He the perssson that introduce me to cake in first place. I shared sslice with everyone that wass there....but I'll ssstab persson that try take ressst of cake away from me. I sswear. Heh...

    *she chuckles*

    Thiss guy, I think I remember hiss name Jamess... He wasss at bar yessterday, and he tried poking fun at bartender to go out. He ssugessted me, and I thought it would be funny to triess ssscare them out of mind. But... I guesss I not that sscary, it didn't worksss at all. He jussst got annoyed and leftss.

    Afterwordss, I wanted repay Roddy for making me cakess. Sso I made him meal. Meat sstew, with pusssplum pudding andss coconut juice. It wasss good. I'm glad he likesss it...

    *she blinks, and glances over to the circlet as if she was looking at a person, before she puts her eyes back on the camera. *

    ..he assssked if the food eating counted ass a date... I didn't know he felt like that to me... I feel like I been sstupid about not sseeing it...

    * she takes a second, and picks up the circlet, holding it in her hands and running her fingers gently on the single red feather atop it*

    ...I... Ssaid I'll do it...give him a chance. I think I'm ready to move on completely now....Acacia... Wasss wonderful... But I know that there are other people who loves and care for me now... I'm sso happy I know themss. Sssoo I'll go out with Roddy... Ssee how it go. Itll be roughss, I know...but I think it'll be worthss it...after all...he isss a good persson..

    * she spends a few more seconds staring at the feather quietly, before she smiles and sets the whole thing back down, reaching past the camera, the feed cutting out*

    *end audio video recording*

    *Cease new data input*
  8. Teshak

    Teshak New Member

    May 2, 2015
    Likes Received:
    *commence new data input*
    *audio video recording established*

    *mispi sits on a rather well taken care of couch, in what seems to be a wood cottage of sorts. One could guess it to be a living room. She looks frazzled, but not overly so*

    Wow...it'sss been ssuch a long time. I guessss I needss to do thisss more often.

    Asss expected, a lot hasss happened...

    *she seems to look past the camera, in thought*

    Guesss it even better that I doing thisss while I not upsssetsss... Rodrick hasss been the besst I could ever hope for. He lovess me sso much, and really. I love him too. Here, proof.

    *she holds up her left hand, showing a ring on her ring finger, smiling slightly*

    I hope I can ssspend ressst of time with him too... Our relationship been tested lot sssince we got together...I've been to dark placesss....

    My ssson, Sserenica. He got killed...

    *she gets a small shiver, and almost looks like she was going to cry, but then she takes a deep breath, and steadies herself*

    He got job in Pinewood sssecurity. I thought it would be good for him... He got ssshot down by ssstupid Apex idiot...

    People keep sssaying Apex isss sssmarter then othersss... Sstupid liess...

    I wasss crying a lot... But I got ....sssort of over it... Meanwhile, Pinewood got burned upsss... Roddy started a farm to make up for it, and me and him moved insss together...after I broke my leg from a sssinkhole that iss...we had the houssse built too sshallowly. There wasss a cave under it.

    Rodrick kept getting hurt and I could barely take it. I had a sssnap and... Well, I had sssplit persssonality for while...I'm glad it wass sssolved..

    I guesss I fell back into a emotional pit too... I tried drowning myssself. Roddy, Aria, and Ziggy isss the only main ssupport I have for not trying 'it' agian. All of them isss ssspecial to me...they make me happy in their own way.

    *she gives a sigh, and silently reaches past the camera*

    *end audio video recording*
    *Cease new data input*
    #8 Teshak, Dec 17, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 26, 2015
  9. Teshak

    Teshak New Member

    May 2, 2015
    Likes Received:
    *commence new data input*
    *audio video recording established*

    *the camera shows Mispi sort of leaning against a conical tree, green, with lights and bits and bobs hung from the tree. It seemed to be sort of late at night *

    *She herself was playing with the hanging white end of a certain red and white hat. She had a black blouse and loose dark pants. She keeps playing, batting it back and forth for a few moments, before stopping and addressing the camera*

    Hello!! Heh...sssaying hello to myssself...myssself? Who caress. MERRY CHRISSSTMASS! Heh... Rodrick isss the besst. He told me about the human holiday, Chrissstmass, but I didn't know he would get me ssso much!! Like, more then ten presssentss!

    *her cheeks tint an orange/yellow slightly*

    He isss the besst. I need to get him sssomething too! Ssshh! I know I'll be late, but I think he not mind..

    Heh, ssometimesss I think you more then jussst my camera, huh

    *Mispi reaches and taps at the camera, and it unfocused, then refocuses on her*

    I'm going to name you...Sssammy. *she stifles a laugh with her cyber hand*

    Aria been doing ssso well. Ssshe got sssome clothesss from Rodrick too. Ssshe giggled whole lot, and we... I felt like a family agian...I'm glad Roddy hass accepted her ssso well...

    *she pauses, and smiles, before reaching past the camera*

    Goodnight Sssammy. Merry Chrisstmasss

    *end audio video recording*
    *Cease new data input*