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Misfit's Audio Logs

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Narfball, May 11, 2014.

  1. Narfball

    Narfball narfball

    Dec 22, 2013
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    (( This is all stored on cassette tapes in Misfit's ship. ))

    Entry 1, June 14th 2011.

    UNIT: Misfit, vers. 0.11 speaks. Misfit is functional. Updating in: 40 days to: Vers. 1.00. Misfit is ready.

    Entry 2, April 12th 2012.

    UNIT: Misfit, vers. 2.8 understands current orders. Assassinate target: Thomas "Iron Jaw" Blackridge. Destroy cartel. Remove competition.

    Entry 3, April 12th 2012.

    Successful assassination. Cartel destroyed. Competition removed. Receiving update in: 4 hours.

    Entry 4, January 1st, 2014.

    ERROR: Scientist LaReux is dead. Full scale invasion. Misfit is safe. Misfit is elsewhere. Creator is safe. Creator is with Misfit. J.C is safe. J.C is with Misfit. Misfit is glad.

    Entry 5, May 18th, 2020.

    ERROR: Defcon International seized. Last remaining unit: Misfit, vers. 7.8. FATAL ERROR.
    The rest of the tape is empty static.

    Entry 6, Date unknown.

    Haha! Misfit has Randalfriend! Big Boss! Everything is good! Haha! Loot and pillage! A loud explosion is heard, followed by yelling, another voice is heard giving orders to fire a rocket at a lab.

    Misfit must go! Zzzoom!

    Entry 7, Date unknown.


    Entry 8, Date unknown.

    Misfit finds Randalfriend again. Colony is Underpass. Misfit won't let Randalfriend go. Misfit will protect him with his life. It's okay Misfit. You will do what's best because Misfit is the best.

    Entry 9, Date unknown.


    Entry 10, Date unknown.

    Drone Misfit has recreated Defcon International. Subjects: Michael Herragods, Terra Ackerman, Brude have joined. Keeping close watch on: Michael Herragods.

    Entry 11, Date unknown.


    Entry 12, Date unknown.

    Found a post on StarNet by "R.D". Interrogating Subjects: Corvus, Terra Ackerman, Krigshild, "Sai". Getting answers. Misfit will murder the innocent if Misfit has to. Misfit said he would not release Subject: Randal Daytona. Misfit FAILED. THE LAST TIME MISFIT FAILED, PEOPLE DIED. MISFIT IS NOT LETTING THIS HAPPEN AGAIN. The rest of the log is empty static.

    Entry 13, Date unknown.

    Found another post by "R.D". After looking back. Misfit noticed Corvus knew it was Subject: Randal Daytona. HUNTING TARGETS: Randal Daytona, Terra Ackerman. Subject: Sai is most likely innocent. False crime pinned on him. Murdering Targets: Randal Daytona, Terra Ackerman unless given sufficient explanation. Misfit is not letting this go.
    The log ends with a loud crash, a heavy clank and a gunshot.
  2. Narfball

    Narfball narfball

    Dec 22, 2013
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    Entry 14, Date Unknown.

    Drone: Misfit, Vers. 11.9 will be leaving in a few days. Prepared with following weapons: Haymaker. Illuminum Destroyer. Modified Rubium blade. Hand grenades. Initiating operation: Existence.
    Four minutes of empty static.
  3. Narfball

    Narfball narfball

    Dec 22, 2013
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    Entry 15, Date Unknown.

    Misfit has decided. Execution will be within the next 1,200 hours. Misfit will ensure that he will strike unexpectedly. Misfit will dress accordingly.

    Entry 16, Date Unknown.

    This entry is a large amount of sound effects, and Misfit sounding happy. It's as though he's undergone a complete change.
  4. Narfball

    Narfball narfball

    Dec 22, 2013
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    Entry 17, Date Unknown.

    Misfit has received updated orders from the RA. Misfit understands what Misfit has to do. Misfit will postpone Operation: Existence.
    Misfit will go now.
  5. Narfball

    Narfball narfball

    Dec 22, 2013
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    Entry 18, Date Unknown.

    Misfit has found another post by -R.D. Misfit will resume observation of StarNet for these posts. Misfit has done a lot of thinking. R.D could just not be Target: Randal Daytona. But Misfit highly doubts that. Misfit is certain it is who Misfit thinks it is. If it isn't.. Then Misfit will be disappointed in himself and his own skills. Misfit will realize Misfit is incompetent and force upgrades upon himself. There is no getting around it. Misfit already knows Misfit is incompetent. Misfit just needs to rethink a few things before undergoing self-upgrades. Misfit needs to collect materials as well. There are many things Misfit needs before doing what Misfit needs. Misfit will purchase these things ahead of time.
  6. Narfball

    Narfball narfball

    Dec 22, 2013
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    Entry 19, Date Unknown.

    ..Misfit is disturbed. Misfit is alone. Misfit is scared. Misfit needs a friend. Misfit is worried. Misfit is doubtful. Misfit is enraged. Misfit needs upgrades. Misfit has to remove emotion. Misfit deems random personality useless. Misfit deems cold personality most helpful. Strategist. Intelligent. That is what Misfit wants to be. Misfit will be getting rid of his personalities. Misfit will be a one-trick pony. Misfit will receive a full upgrade. Misfit will be the best.

    Some fumbling is heard, followed by recordings of incoherent laughter, the cassette player is heard falling to the floor, and the laughter getting further away, until silence is heard. The silence is eerie, and lasts for about five minutes. The recording isn't over though. Soon after, footsteps are heard, and Misfit's hushed voice is also heard.

    Misfit is doubting himself again.. Misfit has to stop. Misfit will wind up executing himself, or someone. Misfit does not want that, no Misfit does not. Misfit knows what is best for Misfit, and that is not it. Misfit has to stop feeling, yes. Yes.. Misfit has to stop. Misfit will be okay. It's okay Misfit. You're no longer alone. Misfit will split his cores into three bodies of expired units. Yes. That is what Misfit will do. Misfit will remove their memories and extract them into one core. Misfit will teach them that Misfit is their only friend. Misfit will program them to fight to protect themselves. Yes. Misfit has the best of plans.. Misfit has let this recording run for too long. Misfit apologizes.
  7. Narfball

    Narfball narfball

    Dec 22, 2013
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    Entry 20, Date Unknown.

    State is critical. Misfit requires update immediately. Questioning self. Overwhelming thoughts. Misfit h--

    An eerie silence is heard as Misfit stops talking suddenly, his cassette player heard falling to the ground and he is heard firing gunshots. The recording ends after about 14 gunshots are heard.

    Entry 21, Date Unknown.

    Misfit is losing himself. Misfit has to stop. Misfit is frightened. Misfit has listened to his last entry. Misfit will be extracting personalities. Misfit will not put them in separate chassis until Misfit can affordably upgrade himself. Goodnight, sweet prince.

    Misfit is heard stroking the cassette player, then the recording ends.
  8. Narfball

    Narfball narfball

    Dec 22, 2013
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    Entry 22, Date Unknown.

    Progress okay. Misfit status mediocre. Previous models prepared. Extraction beginning later. Priority: Finish new body. Later priorities: Reactivate previous bodies, extract memories, teach to be their own. Allow them refuge, keep memories stored both on drone and in ship in case of emergency. Misfit will protect his kin.
  9. Narfball

    Narfball narfball

    Dec 22, 2013
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    Entry 23, Date Unknown.

    Progress: Complete. Children to be activated in four days. Hail Defcon. Hanzo would be proud.
  10. Narfball

    Narfball narfball

    Dec 22, 2013
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    Entry 24, Date Unknown.

    Misfit pondered something. What if faux-children are traitors? Misfit highly doubts it. They may have free will, but should not be the aggressor with their teacher and "friend".
    ..Misfit still has to complete Operation: Existence. Misfit must stop procrastinating and eliminate at least one target. It is in Misfit's best interest right now.
  11. Narfball

    Narfball narfball

    Dec 22, 2013
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    Entry 25, Date Unknown.

    Misfit has come to the conclusion that Target: Terra Ackerman is going to get herself killed. She has proven Subject: Randal Daytona innocent, and pointed Target: Jam thing out as a criminal, who could have acted in self defense. Target: Terra Ackerman isn't worth his time. Operation: Existence succeeded.
  12. Narfball

    Narfball narfball

    Dec 22, 2013
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    Entry 26, Date Unknown.

    Misfit initiating temporary shutdown. Reawakening in approximately 2 months.