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Millie's Letter

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Alaystus, Dec 23, 2015.

  1. Alaystus

    Alaystus Resident Art Bum
    Staff Member

    Jul 24, 2014
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    -This letter had been found sitting in a corner of the wall next to the bar on Rust. The light cream colored envelope was a little dirty, and had some water stains on it. The letters inside were unharmed. It is no longer here.-

    *The following is written in Common*
    Millihua Everbright
    354 Skysong Road
    Crest’s Peak, HZP, 5823
    (154, 219) Tenochtitlan Delta IV
    Avosian Territory

    December 9, 2415

    Ace Jones
    (615, 886) Megrez Sigma I
    Council Space

    Specific Delivery Instructions:
    Please deliver this letter to Ace Jones
    who works at the bar, which is located
    East of the beam pad.

    *This passage is written in flowing Avosian script*
    Dearest Hope Springs Residents,

    I have returned home, safe and sound! It was a long and absolutely gueling trip there, but I’ve made it, and even with a bit of fuel to spare! I definitely wouldn’t have made it if it weren’t for that extra bit of money you gave me Fire, thank you dearly. I’m sorry about how late this is getting to you, I wanted to write as soon as I could, but I had a lot of things to take care of at home – my family was worried sick when I showed up! Not only that, but I had a few repairs to make on my ship, and lots of chores to take care of at home.

    My brothers gave me quite a hard time, asking me how many laws I had broken and how many pilots I had raced, and were quite disappointed when I didn’t have much to tell – Kluex forbid I ever speak of the horrors I had witnessed. My family was quite happy to hear I had made so many Avian friends out in Council Space, and that I found a good place to stay – eventually, kehe. I haven’t quite told them all of my adventures, but it has been fun to reminisce!

    As of now, I’ve been working on the family farm again; and goodness, had I forgotten how much work it was! The fields are MUCH bigger than the tiny little gardens at the springs, and the sun is absolutely sweltering without the snow to cool me off. Ooh, and I really do miss those hotsprings – we have nothing of the sort out here! We do have a few baths, and very few bath houses, but those are rare and quite expensive – definitely not worth the money. Well, at least to go on a regular basis.

    I’ve been earning a small salary on the farm, but what I really need is to find another job. I still have my pilot’s license, so finding something to do shouldn’t be hard. I’ve been looking into more transport jobs, some in civilian class and some in commercial – although I would need a much bigger ship in order to transport goods. Perhaps I can race for another one, kehe! I’ll have to tweak the Featherflight just a bit in order to get it in racing condition again.

    Oh! I don’t believe I had ever told you about my ships! The Sunrise isn’t the only ship I have, I also own a small personal vessel, the Featherflight! It’s quite a bit smaller than the Sunrise, and only fits five to perhaps six people; there’s just enough space for my whole family inside. It was my first ship, and my ticket into Commercial Class Civilian transport. I actually won the Sunrise in a race against another government employee, and he wasn’t too happy about it. I have my theories on the reason why I lost my job, and that may or may not be part of it.

    All that aside, I really do want to come back soon, and perhaps with a better job! Money is a bit tight at the moment, so I will just have to keep praying that I’ll find something. I miss all of you dearly, and I can’t wait to see you again! I’m sorry I couldn’t stay longer, but I just had to come back and see my family while I still could. Living on the Springs is wonderful and all, but there’s no money in it; and to be honest I was practically bankrupt when I left! When I have a bit more to my name, I’ll be out there as soon as I can, I promise! I really hope to see you again soon!

    Millie Everbright

    *Enclosed is a photograph, and two other small slips of paper. One is addressed to Hershey, and the other is addressed to Firebird; both notes are also written in Avosian*


    My mother keeps asking me when I’m going to find myself a husband, and it is driving me up the wall! I understand that this is around the time that young women typically wed, but I don’t think she realizes that someone like me would have a hard time having a stable relationship, especially with my line of work. Instead, I would like to be in the company of people I feel safe with as much as possible – I hope you can accommodate me! I really do hope to be in your arms again when I return, so please don’t disappoint me!



    Oohh, I just want to give you the biggest of hugs! I suppose your jacket will have to do for now. It’s not quite as warm as being in your arms, but it does keep the cold away at night! I had to do a bit of repairs on it though, so that the wind didn’t blow through the holes. I wouldn’t say it’s as good as new, but it is certainly in better shape than it was before! I hope to see your beautiful face again when I come back, so don’t you go and break it, all right? (Kehe!) I would tell you to stay out of trouble, but I know how much good that will do. Instead, I just want you to be there when I come back. It won’t be the same if you’re not! I love you Fire, and I really do miss my sister. If you really have to leave for some reason though, I will understand. I just hope you’ll be all right wherever you end up. I miss you, and I hope to see you again!

    With lots of love,
    Your Pipit
    #1 Alaystus, Dec 23, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 23, 2015
  2. Alaystus

    Alaystus Resident Art Bum
    Staff Member

    Jul 24, 2014
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    *This letter has been found, and is no longer here*