*Voice to text recognition.* Lookin' fer what tha title says. Military Grade weaponry, don't matter if it's guns're if it's tools, machetes an' shit. Or rare stuff, beam weaponry an' the like. Only buyin' from credible sources, gotta have some kinda rep. So I ain't buyin' from you folks unless ya either got a good reputation 'round here, got some quality military gear from a legitimate government, 'er ya got personal experience with me. We'll talk details when we meet. Anyways, I got the cash fer anythin' short of mounted artillery n' vehicles, so hit me up at the Gulch, 'er here on tha StarNet thing. Ciao, Arvel. End Transmission
Thinking: I could create a machete for you, however I trade in resources, not pixels. Informative: You can ask any of my customers about my quality, or check my thread itself. -Margrave Raoul B217
Would old armor sets be able to be salvaged by you for parts? I would also like to trade a blade for my old set of armor I have no need for.
Affirmative. Statement: I will gladly take the armor. Request: If you can send the blueprint I will see what I can do about forging the blade. Send me it VIA a private message so we can work out everything. -Margrave Raoul B217
Look mates, this thread is here fer MY business. I'm gonna hafta ask ya RA take this elsewhere. -RustySwagger
I have plenty of goods if you got the scratch. Doubt you'll find someone out there unhappy with my products, unless they are a competitor who can't match up. My goods don't come cheap, so if you are actually after quality, hit me up privately. -B00mb1rd