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Memoirs of an Exploratory Floran

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Kaiser Franz, Jan 5, 2015.

  1. Kaiser Franz

    Kaiser Franz New Member

    Feb 13, 2014
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    (( The accounts below are Vine-Tops personal collection of quandaries and other lines of thought, prompted by the Floran's exploration across the galaxy. The journal itself can be found amongst the clutter in Vine's room aboard it's ship. ))

    :Entry #1; Page #1. Date, Unknown.:

    Today has clearly been a busy day for the knowledge hungry Floran to whom this journal belongs. The log begins with a large chunk of the page torn out from the top right corner. The Floran's musings do not stop here, as there appear to be three large stab marks through the center of the page, followed immediately after by the eye of what seems to be . . . Yes, indeed that is a human eye thumb tacked to the page through it's center! This concludes todays thoughtful entry.

    Editor's Postscript:

    Clearly today has been an exciting day for our hero! Such great mysteries of the galaxy unlocked, and adventures a-plenty still in store! Tune in next time for another exciting log!