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Medic's Log

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by dukeminiman, Feb 14, 2015.

  1. dukeminiman

    dukeminiman New Member

    Feb 6, 2015
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    Entry 1
    Alright I bought this journal program for my pda on a whim so let's see.... what to write? I guess I'll just describe my day. It started with me looking for work (as usual) and I managed to make a quick buck transporting someone to another system. Or I thought I was until got shot in the back of the head by a stun-gun while I was entering the coordinates. Next thing I knew I was in a cell on the ship of whom I would later learn was the infamous Pike. Long story short it turns out I'm worth 5,000 px because I was bought for that amount by someone named James. He was alright. Later I responded to distress call at the kerokero cafe, where I found a man half delirious (ok all delirious) who attempted to strangle me. I enlisted the help of a nearby citizen in an attempt to restrain the man long enough to sedate him, but apparently I'm not as quiet as I used to be because he heard me and stabbed me in the stomach with a knife. The events after that are a little hazy but I remember injecting myself with some pretty strong painkillers.... anyway I woke up later in a healing vat (tube? chamber?) on the ship of a novakid named Zaxx. I'd met Zaxx earlier that day and he's a pretty great guy. He had a friend with him too, an avian named beak-meow or something. Anyway After that I was left without work once again until I found a flloran named Petal-Dancer, who was looking for her friend, a novakid named Scout. Never did find Scout.... but I did make a friend in the form of a cowboy glitch named Pedroid. I left him after a while in response to a job offer from a human named Paris. Dear Journal when an opportunity seems too good to be true, it usually is. It was this time too because when I got onto the ship of "Paris" I discovered that she was in fact a slaver. Even more coincidentally it was the same slaver as before but with a new name. In the end she let me go and we went to the kerokero cafe for drinks together. No one was there so we broke into the bar and borrowed some whiskey. The slaver turned out to be a pretty nice person, she tried to get me a job, it didn't work (no surprise there) and I learned her real name which is ____ (sorry journal not even you get to know that one). To end my day I went to an inn on some obscure colony (x: -877424900 y: 875659531) and met a human named Cygnus Ma-something or other. Cyg was a nice fellow who was also just another new arrival to Antares who was looking for work, hopefully he'll have more success than I've been having. -Reed M.D.

    P.S. The resume that I sent to the colony regarding their open position for town doctor still hasn't been approved but I'm still hoping that it works out
  2. dukeminiman

    dukeminiman New Member

    Feb 6, 2015
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    Entry 2
    Ok journal where to begin? The day started out normal, my job resume got accepted so I went to Resolute to check the place out. When I got there I met Zaxx again and a very interesting fellow named Matt the second greatest, Zaxx was giving the man a tour so I joined in. About halfway through the tour we met Cyg who decided to join in as well. The tour was pretty uneventful and when it had ended Zaxx and Matt went one to their ship and Cyg and I went to mine so that I could give him my coffee machine (long story, let's just say Cyg REALLY likes coffee) anyway Cyg and I decided to go to the kerokero cafe to look for something to do and after a few unsuccessful jumps we finally managed to get there. The cafe was closed but there was an apex who we later learned was named Reznov. While at the cafe I received a distress call on the radio and being the doctor that I am I decided to respond. Cyg and Reznov were kind enough to come along for backup just in case. We were too late. All that was left of the victim was a pile of flesh. We looked for whoever did it but all we found were some sort of weird floran like mushroom species (note to self investigate later) and a glitch wizard. When we went to investigate the body further we were met by some sort of officers named Bailleaf and Solour Cataffy. Reznov knew the floran so they can't be that bad, but to be honest I think the bullets would have started flying if it weren't for the apex. Solour mentioned that the body belonged to Paris....... which is a shame. Sure she was a slaver and sure she did kidnap me that one time (alright it happened twice but still) but she wasn't that bad. The floran and I argued about whether to bury the body or to take it away for analysis. Sadly the floran won the arguement but I still managed to snag a few pieces (man that sounds awful doesn't it journal) so that I could at least bury something. The officers left and luckily Cyg and Rez didn't mind waiting so I was able to give Paris a decent grave...... granted about 3/4 of the body is missing but I feel like it's better than nothing. I'll write down the coordinates so that i don't forget the location (x: 84 y:-3 III a) later I drove the others back to Resolute and they left to go take a tour of some place called the R.U.S.S. I'll have to check it out sometime. Well journal hopefully the next entry will have a better ending than this one- Reed M.D.

    p.s. After browsing around starnet for awhile I found out that Paris has already faked her death a few times so who knows..... maybe this is just another fake death.
  3. dukeminiman

    dukeminiman New Member

    Feb 6, 2015
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    Entry 3
    Good news journal! Paris isn't dead! My suspicions were correct. We met up at her "grave site" and talked about what happened. Then we went over to the kero cafe and had some burger, but we had to cut our conversation short because I got a call about some kind of emergency at the hospital. When I got there I was met by Zaxx, Aegis, a crash victim who was apparently named Aditi and an apex named Octavian who will apparently be working with me from now on. Long story short the victim ended up being an old friend of Aegis's because the second she regained consciousness she couldn't stop hugging him. I left them to it and left to go for a walk. Later I picked up an avian who needed a lift named Gib and together we went to the new cafe in Resolute. Let me tell you journal, that cafe can give the kerokero cafe a run for its money. Some might complain that it's run by a floran, but who am I to judge? Anyway I went back to the hospital to help someone who needed medicine for his robotic limbs. The second I turn my back he'd put on some kind of mask and declared that he was going to rob the place with some partner who was guarding the lobby. The joke was on them though.... I'm broke! There wasn't really anything to steal except for the medicine he needed so he didn't get much. He did nearly deplete my supply of medicine though so I'll have to figure out a to get some new meds soon. Anyway let's see what happened next? The next couple of hours were pretty quiet so I decided to check out that cafe again, and I had just sat down when Paris walked in... or more like she stumbled in....... anyway she wanted to talk in private so we went to my ship, where she proceeded to vomit all over my floor. I helped the drunk Paris into a seat and cleaned up the mess, and then tried to figure out what was wrong. She was having one of those guilty days again so I just listened for awhile until she mentioned that she had been shot in the hand. I'm still mad at myself for not noticing sooner but that's beside the point. Long story short I got the bullet out and I finally had the chance to use the operating table on my ship. She fell asleep on the table afterwards so I decided to just let her sleep and head back to the cafe (I'm gonna have to ask the owner what the name of the cafe is...... come to think of I need to ask her what her name is) and kinda collapsed into one of the chairs. I had a nice long chat with the owner, a very friendly floran and you know what journal? It really helped to just talk for awhile. Anyway that's it for now journal but as always I'll keep you informed about whatever happens. -Reed M.D.

    p.s. I finally got around to adding an operating room to the hospital and I put up an ad to buy some medicine to replenish the stock hopefully someone will respond

    p.p.s I met a novakid named Marx, and get this! Marx was paid to kill a dog on some random planet. Well that's one mystery solved isn't journal? And to think I nearly angered a floran just to get the body of a dog. Hah!
    #3 dukeminiman, Feb 17, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 17, 2015
  4. dukeminiman

    dukeminiman New Member

    Feb 6, 2015
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    Entry 4
    Alright journal it's been a long day so I'll try to keep things concise. Started my day with a visit to Salazar, where I was met by a weapon wielding floran who had apparently "gone native", luckily Zaxx was there to calm her down with some sort of music box. After that [redacted] and I went to some business headquarters and managed to.... I suppose collect is the best way to put it, anyway we managed to get 2,000 px which we split fifty fifty. After that we responded to a distress call that turned out to be from the nicest and most polite floran I've ever met. Her name was Calla and had just arrived in the sector after escaping from where ever she had just come from. I hung out at the kerokero cafe for a while and figured out that Datura had lost a bet with some guy in blue armor and apparently was apparently now his, and I quote, "bitch" so I'll have to figure some way for her to get out of that. Later Datura and I decided to make some bets of our own .... both of which I lost, by the way the next entry might be a little... different than usual. After I had finished making bets for the day I headed to Salazar where I met Zaxx and an odd fellow who wore purple armor and had difficulty talking due to some past injury that must have been pretty horrific. Zaxx and I discussed the latest events including the hospital robbery and he suggested that I get a safe and a security camera, which is actually a good idea that I'll have to look into. Well that's about it for today, I'll write in you again tomorrow journal. -Reed M.D.
    #4 dukeminiman, Feb 18, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 20, 2015
  5. dukeminiman

    dukeminiman New Member

    Feb 6, 2015
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    Entry 5
    Alright journal, where to begin? Due to some..... gambling issues that I've had recently I'll be taking a little break from my typical style to write about something a little unusual for me. Let's just say that Datura has won a bet or two over me (or three or four my luck's been terrible) and she managed to win one entire journal entry about her so here we go. I suppose I should start at the beginning, when we met. I had only been in the sector for a short while when I offered to give someone a ride to another system, if you really want to know how that ended you can always go back and read my first entry. Long story short due to her cunning and possibly a little naivety on my part I ended up as a captive on her ship. I'd had a rough day and being taken captive for the second time that day didn't seem that bad, so we talked. She's not that bad once you get to know her you just have to get past all of the minor things like her bad habit of taking captives. Well journal I just realized that I've already written down everything that we've done together so i suppose I'll just have to describe her for the rest of this entry. Let's see she's smart, anyone in her position would have to be, she's actually really friendly as long as she, you know, isn't trying to sell you or something, that is not to say however that she doesn't deserve her reputation, if you end up on her bad side watch out because it will not end well. I suppose I should get back to the less hostile traits now, she's entertaining to be around (never a dull moment that's for sure), and she's loyal. Well journal that about wraps up this entry, the next one should be more like the ones that you're used to and there'll be some some pretty interesting events in the next entry as well, I can't wait to write them down. -Reed
  6. dukeminiman

    dukeminiman New Member

    Feb 6, 2015
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    Entry 6
    Well journal as promised in the last entry I've got some pretty interesting stories for you today. The events might be a little fuzzy since I'm not writing them down right after they happened but it shouldn't be a problem. The day started out the way most days do in Antares, someone was issuing threats on the radio. In this case it was an admiral (I think like I said it's been a while journal) from the apex navy, apparently some hylotl named Captain Bork was wanted for stealing some pretty interesting stuff. I was on Salazar with Marx at the time and he attempted to convince the admiral that Bork was dead (I'm pretty sure he's not I've seen someone in the sector a couple of times who match his description), well to make matters worse the admiral then beamed down onto Salazar as well so I quickly helped Marx put on a disguise so that the admiral wouldn't recognize him as the one from the radio. Marx and I attempted to keep him out of the inn (I wouldn't want any fights in my second, ok maybe my third favorite place to hang out) with several lies, each one bigger than the last until finally we came up with the Blue Ape Flu. Let's just say we weren't entirely convincing because he walked in anyway, and was almost immediately knocked down by some crazy floran in some kind of fancy suit (maybe warning him would have worked better). I guess Antares has a problem with crazed floran because I've seen two of them in as many days (maybe it's a medical problem? I'll have to learn more about floran physiology) with the help of Stab-Dancer, the local floran chieftain, we managed to subdue the floran and take her to the quarantine zone on Salazar, we then took a sick looking avian there as well and I feel like I've met this avian as well (could've been that Ribbitpecker guy I met with Zaxx). Since I'm not really qualified to be a pathologist I left them there and went to kerokero to try and relax for a while. It didn't work. I hadn't been there for very long when an avian in some fancy armor started saying some crazy things and ended up performing a suicide assault on the security drone. I went to go check on the guy but that turret is efficient there wasn't anything I could've done to save him. I guess the guy was the first wave that was meant to soften the place up because not too long after he went up to that big nest in the sky (or wherever it is that avian go) a group of avians in the same kind of fancy armor showed up armed to the teeth. I guess they were zealots for their god (I think his name's Kluex or something). Let me give you some advice journal. If you want to raid somewhere in Antares pick somewhere that people don't like to much because when the zealots showed here's what happened. Half the customers ran and hid, and the other half (including myself and the staff, I guess some of them are more dangerous than they look) pulled out guns (or a giant chef's knife in Lum's case she can be really scary) and proceeded to try to defend their favorite place to hang out. To be honest it kind of ended in a pretty anticlimactic way, there weren't any shots fired (besides the ones fired by some idiot who stole the dead avian's gun) and after a pretty heated argument with Lum, the avians left. After failing to relax yet again, I decided to make some more bets with Datura and let me just say this, I must be cursed or something because I have yet to win a single bet with her (not that I mind to be honest it's more fun when I lose). This time I had to..... actually i don't remember what I did. The last thing I remember doing is downing a bottle of whiskey and my flask and then.... nothing, although I'm pretty sure I wasn't wearing my eye-patch at the time (that must have been pretty creepy for some people). I woke up later with a pretty nasty hangover so I responded to a offer to go exploring from a floran named Ery with the hopes that some fresh air would help my headache. Our little exploration party was made up of Ery, Myself, Cygnus (not the usual one this one was an avian, I'll call this one Cygnus and the other Cyg to avoid confusion). After we had entered a cave to escape a sandstorm and started to dig for a while, we were joined by Marx. About halfway through the expedition the floor collapsed between me and the flo- I mean Cygnus and I and we fell down what must have been about a 20 ft drop (almost forgot to mention that Cygnus has this odd habit of dressing up like a floran occasionally). I managed to fix the two of us up (not that we had been that injured) but we quickly forgot all about the fall because we found a diamond! (Somehow I managed to keep it who knows how) The sandstorm had ended so we left the cave and began to explore the surface. We found an avian settlement when I had to leave the expedition due to there being an emergency on the radio. Well journal, this is turning out to be one of the largest entries so far so I'll let you consult with the medical report that I keep in the hospital records if you want to know more. I'll just add that those two avians must have a pretty strong friendship because he paid the entire medical bill and extra (which I considered a tip. I finally have some more spending money to add to the money that I got after helping out Datura with that job). I went to check on the cafe after that to see how everyone was doing after the attack, and apparently Lum was taking the attack pretty seriously because she hired some engineers to put in blast doors to protect the cafe. Since the cafe was pretty empty I chatted with one of the engineers who had just finished working. Her name was Yaakova, and she wanted some medical advice after she heard that I was a doctor. Long story short, she had one of her kidneys ripped out of her and eaten by a floran a few years back, luckily for her a glitch took pity on her and installed some kind of dialysis system, aka a glitch kidney. The kidney must be causing her some problems though because was looking for someone to either improve it or take it out of her. I strongly advised against removing the kidney, mostly because I don't know how else it is affecting her body, and also partly because I just don't know enough about Glitch or machines in general. She asked about whether or not cloning a new kidney would work and I was sad to tell her that I don't know enough about cloning to help her on that one (maybe I should've gone to an actual medical school instead of becoming a combat medic). In the end I recommended that she find a Glitch or some kind of robotics expert to help her. I went to Salazar after that to go find a gun Salesman named Boris that I'd heard about on the radio. Took me a while to find him, I met another Apex named.... actually I never got his name but I did warn him about the Apex Admiral's arrival in the sector. I ended up finding him after seeing Marx and some weird Hylotl that likes to dress up like a floran (I guess floran clothes are style now?). I bought a Glock 19 from Boris for 400 px, I know I know journal I've been a little short on funds so why buy a pistol of all things. Well my old Uzi has been acting up lately and I wanted something more discrete. I ended the day by helping out some guy on the radio who needed some fire bombs (What? I kept some souvenirs from my soldier days I'm not one of those wimpy pacifist doctors). When I got to the man he looked like a wreck, he had a broken nose, broken ribs, and nasty bruises that looked like someone had stamped him with a blue ink stamp in the shape of a fist. I didn't bother asking him what had been strong enough to leave marks on him like that but whatever it was it had also destroyed the quarantine zone behind him. I gave the guy, who I later learned was named Devon some Molotov Cocktails, and together we torched the place, I did it to kill whatever diseases were still in there and he did it for more personal reasons I suppose. We were taken in for questioning by the Mayor and the Sheriff but I managed to convince them of my innocence after I treated Devon's injuries. And that dear Journal is where I ended my day. As always I'll keep you informed of what goes on in the sector. -Reed M.D.

    p.s. I'm going to try to keep my finances recorded in this journal as well So let's see I got 1,000 px from that job with Datura, I got a hundred for that knee replacement and I spent 400 px on the Glock sooo that puts me at 700 px right now. That's not too bad if I do say so myself.
    #6 dukeminiman, Feb 20, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 20, 2015
  7. dukeminiman

    dukeminiman New Member

    Feb 6, 2015
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    Entry 7
    Well journal ironically the longest journal entry will be followed by the shortest entry yet. Nothing really went on in the sector today. Marx invited some people over to his ship for a party. Only one other guest besides me showed up (some hylotl). Marx has one huge ship, it's got everything from a hot tub to a med bay (not as good as mine though), although strangely enough he also has a ....... dungeon cell in there, with a skeleton. Ya I didn't want to know (although note to self, if I'm ever locked in there pull on the right chain). We toured my ship as well, everyone was ...... less than impressed honestly. Maybe I should clean the place up. Well that's all that happened today journal, hopefully the next entry will be more exciting. -Reed M.D.

    p.s. I really need to work on selling that diamond, maybe it's worth something.
  8. dukeminiman

    dukeminiman New Member

    Feb 6, 2015
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    Entry 8
    Today was a long day. Where to start? I don't feel like writing this down but I suppose I should, otherwise I'll just start omitting every bad thing that I do and I don't want that....... This journal should say all of the bad and the good things that I do so that people can make their own decision. Anyway back to today. It started out like any other day, I hung out at the Hive, played some music, talked with people, normal stuff. Everything changed when Tory (aka Datura aka Paris aka Pike? aka [Redacted]) walked in. New face new look, the usual for her, although I wonder why she had to change this time....... anyway back to the story. Tory offered me a proposition, fake a kidnapping, and then split the money that we got from whoever bought me. It went bad from the start. The people who bought me weren't the usual buy and release types, they wanted to make me into a house servant or something, but they weren't so bad..... Anyway long story short Paris got herself captured and got both of her kneecaps shot. We got exposed and I'm not sure if I'm still welcome in Resolute. I fixed her up and managed to escape, hopefully she made it out alive too. I needed the money, that doesn't exactly excuse what I did I suppose, but I don't know, it's better than if I did for personal gain, at least in my opinion. The hospital doesn't exactly run on good intentions after all, and meds are expensive out here on the frontier. I........ regret my actions, and I suppose I'll need to make it up to everyone and do some sort of penance. Who knows journal, this may be my last entry. Wish me luck....... I'll need it. -Reed, a man who made a mistake
  9. dukeminiman

    dukeminiman New Member

    Feb 6, 2015
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    Entry 9
    Seems like every exciting entry in this thing gets followed by a relatively calm one, that might not be so bad. Pretty calm day all in all. I went to the Kero Kero cafe and caught up with some friends. Turns out Tory made it out of Resolute ok, and she's even turned her back on the slave business so that's a nice change. She also goes by her actual name now (I think I'll just keep leaving her real name out who knows what will happen in the future) and we both agreed that the little plan we cooked up earlier was a disaster. Marx is doing fine as well, he forgave me for that whole mess in Resolute without any explanation, he's a good friend. Marx seems to be in the information business these days, maybe one of his articles will end up in the Lunar News one day, who knows. Oh almost forgot I caught up with Acotl, his new knees are doing just fine, and I was finally able to meet the infamous Captain Bork, he's seems like a pretty good guy (even if he has a few quirks, but around here who doesn't? Ah crap well journal I just realized that I should have asked Marx to find a buyer for that diamond that we found...... I suppose I'll have to him next time I see him. I suppose I should split the profits with him since he's technically the one who dug it up. Well that about sums it up for today journal, till next time. -Reed M.D.

    p.s. Tory mentioned a guy named Solour was looking for people to join his Antares Frontier Federation, I'll look into it if my job at Resolute doesn't work out.
  10. dukeminiman

    dukeminiman New Member

    Feb 6, 2015
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    Entry 10
    Not much to say to say today journal. I got a new part time job as a part time doctor for the knights at Griffin's Peak, it seems like it'll be pretty nice except that their med-bay looks like it came straight out of the eleventh century. I've worked in worse though so it shouldn't be too bad. A glitch named Windows Omega gave me and an avian named Thorn, who's supposed to be the new bartender, a tour of the village outside of the castle. I also attempted to enlist with the Antares Frontier Federation as a combat medic so hopefully they'll let me join them. I hung out at Kero Kero for a while. Made a couple of bets with Tory as usual, I actually won this time (took me long enough) which is good because if I lost I would been shot. Maybe. She actually said maybe. But I'm sure she wouldn't actually shoot me. Anyway the second one was also won by me and because of it Tory has to admit to Eltaes that she isn't actually married to Solour (long story). I still need find Marx and see if he can find me a buyer for that diamond but that'll have to wait for another day I suppose. Well that about sums up today journal, till next time. -Reed
  11. dukeminiman

    dukeminiman New Member

    Feb 6, 2015
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    Entry 11
    Well journal as I write this my arm is bleeding like crazy (I should really bandage this thing up) and I'm getting a little bit light headed from blood loss so let's get this entry written before I pass out. Long story short, I went to Salazar and walked into the middle of a paintball gun fight between Marx, Gears (that Resolute guard who swore vengeance on me), a hylotl, and a floran. Gears freaked out when he saw me and swapped his paintball gun for a revolver and aimed it at my head, Marx (bless his soul) came to my rescue and pulled a gun on Gears, which gave me the chance to hide on the roof of the teleporter. While they argued I pulled out one of my Glocks and took aim at Gears just in case he tried something. I guess he saw me because the next thing I know I got shot in the shoulder, and to make matters worse I fell off of the roof and into the arms of the floran, who attempted to attack me..... I dropped a tear gas grenade which didn't really do anything except for dropping some innocent bystander (I really need to be more careful with those things) because everyone else in the area was wearing a gas mask. I don't know exactly what happened because I was occupied by my floral friend, but apparently Marx shot Gears point blank in the knee cap (seriously why does everyone get shot in the knee?). We went to the clinic but Gears wouldn't let me touch him and limped off to who knows where. I really wish he had just let me explain what happened back on Resolute instead of pulling a gun on me. We could have put this whole mess behind us instead of making it even worse. Anyway enough about the past, let's get back to the present. Which reminds me, getting shot HURTS. A lot. It's not as bad as when I lost my eye but that doesn't make it any better. Well Journal I'm going to have to finish the rest of this entry later, because I really need to get this arm bandaged. -Reed
  12. dukeminiman

    dukeminiman New Member

    Feb 6, 2015
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    Entry 11 (continued)
    Ok journal a few hours have passed since before and it's about time to finish this story. Somehow I managed to drive my ship to Kero Kero after I'd been shot, and I managed to find a floran who was willing to grab some bandages out of my backpack for me. Unfortunately she wasn't willing to bandage me up, and with my right arm the way it is.... well let's just say I wasn't very successful. A whole tribe of florans showed up after that and they seemed to be kind of.... agitated due to the smell of blood coming off of my wound. Luckily for me Marx showed up before the florans could try to eat me, and he not only helped me with the bandages, but he also helped me take an .......alternative route out of the cafe to avoid walking past the florans. Once we got onto my ship I managed to find a doctor on the radio who was willing to help me out. I don't remember much about the surgery because the doctor (she looked like a floran but I can't be sure because she wore a mask) borrowed some of my more..... effective anesthetics. I never did get her name but it makes me feel pretty relieved that I'm not the only doctor in Antares that's willing to make house calls. (speaking of which, that brings the doctor count up to five including myself). Well that about wraps up this little adventure. Till next time. -Reed

    p.s. Dangit! I forgot to ask Marx about the diamond again
  13. dukeminiman

    dukeminiman New Member

    Feb 6, 2015
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    Entry 12
    Well journal today was a productive day! I think I got everything off of my to do list (besides settling things with Gears, but that might not be possible due to what happened in the last entry). Not only did I find Marx and get him to agree to find a buyer for the diamond, but he also said that he'd try to find a medicine supplier. If that doesn't work out then I'll get the SOL shipping company to do it for me. I also tried to contact Gears over the radio so we could clear this whole mess up, but all he said was that the next time he saw he he'd try to put a bullet between my eyes. Again. Anyway, moving on. I finally met the head chef at Kero Kero, his name's Glauen and he's a pretty cool guy. He's also missing his left eye so that makes two of us I suppose. While I was catching up with Marx I found out that he also keeps a journal, glad to see I'm not the only one. Marx also shared his past with me, apparently he was some nasty pirate back in the day, but after getting hit in the head with a lead pipe he lost his memory. To be honest I couldn't care less about what he used to do. The guy's saved my life twice already so he's a great friend and that's all that matters. While we talking Tory came into the cafe, and I learned that she and Marx.... are not exactly the best of friends. They made a big show about betting on Tory's gun stash for Marx's freedom, which I suspect was just to make me go along with the whole thing. Long story short Marx lost. They did another coin flip for Marx's freedom again, or the chance for Tory to beat him up. Marx lost again. I suppose he was feeling desperate, because he threatened to tell everyone her real name. In the end Tory just beat him up and then let him go, which I suppose is good. What's not good is the fact that one of my best friends just beat up my other one in front of me. Tory had to go take care of some business, so I took Marx down to the hospital to get him fixed up. He must be more popular than he seems because a bunch of people on the radio were worried about him. I fixed him up and we went our separate ways, and that is where my day ended. Till next time. -Reed a man with very different friends
  14. dukeminiman

    dukeminiman New Member

    Feb 6, 2015
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    Entry 13
    Today started like most days, I went to Kero Kero and talked to some people. Today I met a hylotl named Aurauna, she's researcher with a very weak immune system, we chatted for a while and gave each other advice, it was nice. What was not nice was having an avian collapse outsideof the cafe. Aegis was the one who found her and together we carried her to a table. You know that "accept anyone no matter who they are" policy I had journal? Well it's about to change. I'm definitely starting to hate religious avians, not only did some of them attack the cafe a while back, but today an avian priest had the gall to mock my medical skills as I was helping the avian who collapsed! He didn't even know how to help her! He said so himself! But apparently even he would be so much better than a "simple human doctor". Luckily Aegis was smart enough to make the decision to move her to somewhere more secluded, otherwise there might have been a second fight in the cafe. Anyway enough ranting, back to the story. I got a call from Tory saying that she had just been poisoned after we had moved the avian into the kitchen, so after making sure Aegis could handle the situation I flew over to Grifffin's Peak as fast as I could. When I got there I learned that Tory hadn't been poisoned, she just thought that she had been. We realized this a bit too late though because I'd already injected the antidote into her, so she'll be a little sick for the next few hours. I went back into the town a little while after that and ended up meeting the bartender who "poisoned", she seems ok. Apparently she just did to get Tory out of the bar after she caused a ruckus. At that point the day was beginning to catch up with me, so I invited Aegis and Marx over to the bar so that Bork wouldn't be alone with the various florans that had wandered in while we were talking. Oh, almost forgot Marx said that he found a supplier for the medicine, turns out Yaakova could've been my supplier this entire time. And on that note I thinks it's time to wrap this up, till next time. -Reed
  15. dukeminiman

    dukeminiman New Member

    Feb 6, 2015
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    Entry 14
    Today was pretty slow, I spent pretty much the whole day in the bar over on Griffin's Peak. I bought Tory a drink after watching her beg for money from some guy in a giant suit of armor, who later decided that it would be a great idea to see what a table looks like up close, and by that I mean he collapsed onto the table face first. I took him down to the med-bay to get him checked out, but it turns out he just needed some sleep (the man had been awake for thirty hours). After a little trip down the stairs in the bar (and by that I mean I fell down the entire staircase) I met up with Ziggy (who shall be forever known as Zig) and we talked about what's been going on lately in the sector and shared a bottle of whiskey. Turns out he also enlisted for the AFF and he went on a mission with Solour recently that left him a bit worse for the wear. I offered to go with them the next time after Solour wandered down to where we sitting. Turns out he's also missing an eye (and here I thought I was special). We traded war stories before he went back into the VIP room, which gave me time to catch up with Aegis, who had walked in while I was talking. I guess avians can't handle alcohol very well because Aegis was looking buzzed after only one glass, and Zig was really drunk after downing half of the bottle. I didn't want him getting hurt while he walked back to the beampad so I half supported and half carried him back. I look forward to serving with him in the AFF. As I walked back into the bar I noticed Marx had put on his combat helmet and walked out of the bar with some glitch knight. I asked a friendly looking novakid what was going on, and it turns out they were going to fight in the arena. We went down to go watch the fight and about halfway through it Zig stumbled in and joined us in the stands. Leave it to Marx to win a fist fight with a man made entirely out of metal, he practically punched the Glitch's jaw off (note to self: Do not challenge Marx to a fight in the arena). Luckily none of the glitch's hits cracked Marx's shell or we might've all been ash on the walls. The transmission that Zig mentioned came on the radio again, and Zig bolted out the door, I hope he doesn't get hurt again. Well journal that's where I'm ending this entry. Till next time. -Reed
  16. dukeminiman

    dukeminiman New Member

    Feb 6, 2015
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    Entry 15
    Today was pretty much like yesterday, I spent pretty much all day at the Rock Bottom Bar. I caught up with Marx and we talked about finding a buyer for the diamond, he's got a pretty good idea on a potential buyer so we'll see how that goes. Tory caused a scene at the bar, again. This time it was because she tried to sell a Glock to a floran so that she could buy a beer. And since guns aren't allowed on the Peak, she got taken away by the guards. Me and Marx followed them just to make sure they didn't hurt her, but in the end we were just being overly cautious because all she had to do was pay a fine of 2,000 px. After seeing that nothing bad was going to happen to Tory, Marx and I went back to the bar to discuss a new idea. It's a bit of a secret right now so I'm not going to keep a record of it here for now just in case it doesn't work out. About half way into our conversation I got a call from Tory, and she sounded pretty miserable so I cut my conversation with Marx short so that Tory and I could talk in private. Tory is certainly an interesting person, one second she's scamming 10k px off of a guy and panhandling people to pay for her drinks (more often than not I cave and buy them for her), and the next second she's feeling horrible about herself and full of regret. The event that sparked it this time was she stripped for a floran for 67 px (apparently the floran was very curious about "chest bumps" as she called them. I tried to comfort her the best I could, but to be honest I have no idea how to help her, she doesn't need the money (turns out she's saved up around 90k from various jobs) so I don't know how I can help her get through this, I suppose the best way is just to keep being there to catch her when she falls. Later I finally met the gate keeper over at the Peak, he's a pretty nice glitch (although he seems to have a pretty bad head injury) he was pretty drunk when I was talking to him so I hope he remembers to pass on to Omega that I can't keep working there, I hope she'll understand. Oh I almost forgot, the gate keeper's name is Haywire, which is pretty fitting seeing as he occasionally has some problems when he talks. That about wraps up the day, the last thing I did was talk with Marx some more about our little plan and then I decided that it was getting pretty late so I left the bar and began writing this little entry. Anyway I promise I'll write down what it is if it turns out to be anything important. Till next time -Reed

    p.s. I really need to figure out how much cash I have these days, Tory asked me earlier and I realized that I have no idea how much I have, I'll have to go back through these entries and start keeping track of my budget.
  17. dukeminiman

    dukeminiman New Member

    Feb 6, 2015
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    Entry 16
    Today started like the last couple of days, in the bar on the Peak. (note to self, never order coffee there ever again. It tasted like oil, maybe it was) People took turns playing music, and all in all it was a pretty relaxing time. I played the harmonica for a little while, although the bar was pretty empty at the time, the only people in there were Zig, some human, me, and the barkeeper Catheth. At some point a broadcast came over the radio announcing the opening of a new colony called Katune (x:-62 y:47 III), and seeing as how the bar on was practically empty, I decided to check the place out. I ran into a few familiar faces while I was there, including Jamie and Skybringer, and I gave them a quick update on the status of the job I hired them for. Turns out this colony has a bar too, so I sat in there by myself for a while until Tory found me. We chatted for a bit, she's still feeling a bit guilty about the other day. Aruana wandered in after that and she and Tory and I had a somewhat awkward conversation together, it turns out Tory tried to con Aruana out some money the other day so that didn't help things. Eventually Aruana left after I explained where the clinic on the colony is, and I asked Tory what she thought of Aruana, needless to say she was less than impressed. Tory and I continued to talk, she was pretty interested in the amount of money that I'm paying SOL co, but since I didn't know yet there wasn't much I could tell her. Tory put off giving me some of the money from the Resolute incident, again. (I swear it's like pulling teeth with her). Tory avoided paying me this time by going up to the curious floran and whispering something to her, after which they both left the bar. I decided to check out the clinic again to see if I could get someone to take over the Resolute Hospital. I met with two hylotl doctors, one who ran the clinic on Katune, and one who used to run a hospital on a colony called New Uganda. The doctor's name is Dr. Kazushi Padfoot (aka Kaz) and hopefully he'll like what he sees when he checks the place out. Maybe I'll finally be able to get someone to take over the hospital. I think I'll go ahead and end this entry here, till next time. -Reed

    To Do List:
    1. Figure out how much money I still have
    2. Keep working on that idea with Marx
    #17 dukeminiman, Mar 3, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 7, 2015
  18. dukeminiman

    dukeminiman New Member

    Feb 6, 2015
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    Entry 17
    Today had its ups and downs. On the one hand Kaz turned down my offer so I still need to find someone to take over the hospital. On the other hand the plan is going well, and it grew by two, so that's good. All in all, not much to report because I don't want to record anything about the plan yet. Oh, almost forgot. I finally went over my old entries (man my writing style has improved, I must finally be getting the hang of this journal thing. But hey, it's not anyone's ever gonna read these anyway) and as it turns out, I've been overestimating the size of my budget lately. I have a total of 700 px to my name right now, so yeah...... I'm basically broke. And on that depressing note, I end this entry, till next time. -Reed

    ::Budget:: 700 px
    #18 dukeminiman, Mar 4, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 7, 2015
  19. dukeminiman

    dukeminiman New Member

    Feb 6, 2015
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    Entry 18
    Spent another day on Katune today, it seems to be the new major hub in the sector. My day started with me walking into the middle of an argument between Tory, Zig, and Marx. So nothing new there. I accompanied Zig on his daily exercise routine, and man is it exhausting. Afterwards we sat down to cool down, and I had the chance to meet Zig's roommate, she seems nice. Marx, Zig, and I talked about some business later, and it should be pretty good. After the meeting, I went back to Katune with Marx to find Aruana because she was looking a bit sad about some news she got from a doctor on Katune. Supposedly the doctor said that her condition isn't something that she can fix, but she'll figure something out. Oh I also met her dad, apparently he was pretty relevant in the sector back in the day. That about sums today up, till next time. -Reed

    ::Budget:: 700 px
    #19 dukeminiman, Mar 5, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 7, 2015
  20. dukeminiman

    dukeminiman New Member

    Feb 6, 2015
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    Entry 19
    Another day on Katune. I finally found Gears again, we ended the feud. Which is good, considering I thought I was going to be shot again when I saw him on the bar. In the end, I bought him a coffee (he still won't let me look at his leg, but I guess it's better than nothing). Zig was pretty messed up about something that happened recently. He finally went back to check up on that radio signal. This time he went with Boris, and I don't know the specific, but whatever happened ended with Zig killing a crazed floran with a knife. He said that it spoke to him as it died, and whatever it said has really thrown him off of his game. He's typically so upbeat, but now he almost looks haunted. I'll have to figure out a way to cheer him up. Speaking of Zig, I've been looking into Bliss ever since he asked me about it recently and I heard something pretty interesting. I was speaking with a nurse over on Katune (Kid something or other..... maybe Kidei?) and she said that while they haven't had any cases of Bliss addicts, they have treated an addict of something called Ziggy (weird name I know, but Zig says he has nothing to do with it and I trust him). I relayed the news to Ziggy so hopefully it'll help him with whatever it is that he wants to do with the info. Oh I nearly forgot, I didn't see it personally, but I've been told that there was a crazy floran who was attacking people on Katune. The guards still haven't caught him/her but I'll be sure to make a not of whenever they do. Till next time. -Reed

    ::Budget:: 691 px
    #20 dukeminiman, Mar 6, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 7, 2015