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"Marksman's Armory" Armament Catalogue

Discussion in 'Market and Trade' started by Reconus, Oct 16, 2016.

  1. Reconus

    Reconus Moderator
    Staff Member

    Feb 23, 2014
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    The galaxy is flush with businesses and manufacturers whom make both items and trade,
    but only a few are willing to sell their goods within the fringe,
    with the risks often outweighing the costs.
    However, some are more than willing to expand their influence in an attempt to tap into the unexploited market
    of the Council's borders.
    Hello! This is just a brief, OOC rundown of questions and things people may have. A lil' Q&A, almost, if you will.
    First off, I feel I should make a small disclaimer on the fact that none of my characters are in anyway aligned to these companies, and I don't intend to make any that would hold a high enough position in them. In short - I won't be making any IC profits off of these. This is merely a collection of items I decided to create for fun and share with the community as a bit of "fluff".

    Next up: some of these things may not be 100% clear. For example, the concept of 'blasters', so I'm going to do a quick run down on the "types" of weapons you'll find here, and what they will mean:

    Gunpowder: Pretty basic. Your standard issue shooty-bang shooter, reliable in most cases if a bit outdated. Of course, these things may have their merits, mainly in the case of being able to have custom ammunition types and the like.
    • Chemrail: A strange hybrid weapon, in between your standard Gauss and Gunpowder weapons. It uses a chemical reaction to propel the projectile forward down the barrel like your standard gun, but then also incorporates rails or coils to stabilise the round and even give an extra kick in some cases.
    Gauss: A 'gauss' weapon can be defined as either a rail or coilgun, essentially using electromagnetic forces to propel slugs at ludicrous speeds. Powerful, but admittedly expensive compared to conventional gunpowder ballistic weaponry. Whilst one can make specialised rounds for a gauss weapon, usually a slug will perform better, able to reach much higher speeds by default.

    Laser: As one would imagine! An intensely focused beam of light designed to scorch flesh, melt armour and vapourise the internals in a straight piercing line of those who would be so 'wise' to get in your way! Of course, however, Lasers are not the "end all" weapon. There is only so much you can do with light, so special "munitions" are out of the question, and there are counters for those smart enough.
    • Hardlight: Innovations over the year have bred this technology, once believe to be mere science fiction - hardlight. It's applications since have become endless, including - more recently - weaponry. Hardlight normally has the frailty of glass - Hardlight weaponry pulse with a razor-edged 'shard' as their projectile, which either embed or fractures upon impact into short-lived scorching rays inside the target. These projectiles fade back to normal light after a duration too, which leaves no shrapnel in wounds and all the more space for internal (and external) bleeding. These shards can be specialised to an even finer degree for other effects - though, Hardlight will often always fall flat in the presence of kinetic armour, and "beamed" hardlight comes with several consequences and clumsy handling (typically weapons literally becoming stuck as their projectile jams into and against objects) that makes their production void.
    Blaster: These are strange things. The concept revolves around the firing of a "pure bolt of electric energy" which with diffuse upon hitting a target, based upon 'electronically conductive plasma channel' technologies. Whilst a very crude explanation, a blaster will have two or more emitters which use an electric charge to produce this 'bolt' before firing it. These bolts often then discharge all their energy upon the surface it impacts with long tendrils in a miniature explosion. This burst of energy can tear holes into flesh through shear heat alone and leave lightning-flower scars (which, depending on severity, can be semi-permanent), along with disrupting, interfering, and if powerful enough, disabling electronic tech - all however at a cost of a lack of penetrating power. The emitters can be 'designed' and angled to give a different blast effect, but that is about it. Possibly one of the easiest energy weapons to produce, and thus relatively cheap. Not all blasters are lethal, however - some have been 'toned down' for usage as stun or anti-electronic weapons.

    Plasma: Terrifying. The weapon super-heats (or in some cases energise) a ball of ionised gas, keeping it contained within an electromagnetic field before catapulting it off into a target. Alarmingly deadly, plasma weapons are essentially the "HE" of the 'energy' weapons - whilst not having a lot of penetrating ability, a plasma ball will quite literally melt entire chunks of armour and flesh with no hassle. However, plasma balls are slow, and their range is quite limited.

    Some new weapon types may be added at a later date, and I will update this section with the new 'vague' definitions when/If I do.

    Finally, just some small briefs on the companies discussed here:

    To be continued ... hopefully.

    Momentum Hardware is known for their large, sturdy, and reliable magnetic and plasma weaponry. Their guns are primarily geared towards doing as much damage as possible in a single shot, and for working properly in essentially any environment. There are plenty of Startube videos where Momentum Hardware gear is dropped in boiling water, frozen in a block of ice, hit repeatedly with a hammer, and other such stunts, only for the weapon to still function afterwards. With such a high level of reliability and stopping power, the brand is a favourite among explorers, who often find themselves on hostile planets facing predatory organisms of significant size and strength. Testimony from the survivors of such encounters ensure that the company has become a household name in countless sectors of space.

    X-TREME RIOT GEAR is a primarily human company led by the charismatic businessman Todd Murray. The company mass produces ballistic and blaster armaments based on archaic human designs, but are touted to be the finest weapons money can buy. Indeed, with all the hype and promotion that so surrounds the brand, one would think that what they are purchasing would be a veritable masterpiece. However, this is not the case. X-TREME RIOT GEAR is notorious for failing to deliver a finished product that is remotely like what they promised in their advertisements and sales pitches, one of the most infamous being the blaster pistol said to hold "more shots than any previous pistol in the history of mankind." What they didn't mention was the fact that the pistol could not be reloaded except in a specially designed, incredibly bulky charging station. In addition, they seem very careless with gun control, many of their weapons ending up easily in the hands of pirates, outlaws, and ne'er-do-wells. Glaring flaws aside, the cheapness of the weapons ensures that they make a stead profit from stingy contractors across the galaxy.

    Kinetik Co. is an innovative organization known for their experimentation with railgun technology and ballistic weaponry. The company is all about optimization and aesthetic, and every new model looks nicer, has less charge time, takes less power to fire, and has a longer range than the last. One can easily recognize a Kinetik brand weapon by the ubiquitous blue lighting and the use of varnished wood in their products. That last fact is actually a point against the brand, as while the wooden parts do give the gun a unique and attractive look, it also means the weapon is more fragile and requires more care than other brands. However, the consistent improvements that appear every cycle look good to many prospective buyers, ensuring that Kinetik Co. isn't going away any time soon.

    Quintarius Ingenuities is a top of the line company dedicated to perfecting their craft. They specialize in laser and plasma weaponry and their weapons can be identified by their sleek and shiny carapace along with an efficient and reliable internal system. These weapons command a high price, but customers can be certain they are getting their money's worth. Quintarius Ingenuities prizes skill and craftsmanship above all, and to gain employment there is a goal that many seek but few ever achieve. The company itself is primarily composed of humans and Hylotl, although defected Miniknog scientists are also employed - much to the indignation of the Ministry itself - alongside a minority of other races. That aside, the company has few issues with authority and no scandals have turned up implicating them in any criminal activities. Their spotless reputation and state of the art technology ensures that they will always have a place in galactic commerce.

    Calloway Cathodes
    Here at Calloway Capital we recognise the vital importance of security;
    of people, their property, and their possessions.

    In developing our own protection, we have decided to offer that same protection to you.

    Providing a selective range of energised firearms and protective devices,
    Calloway Cathodes

    will always put the user and their safety first,

    Keeping You Protected.

    Calloway's Collection:
    The high-energy 'CC.E-VI "Deriva" Laser Rifle' hopes to bring satisfaction with a powerful yet wieldy device. With a standard cell - inserted behind the grip - the Deriva is able to deliver 16 intense laser blasts, although it will also support an external cord and power source if need be. The compact 'bullpup' design helps keep the weapon small and controllable, and the whole package can also be folded up into an even smaller form for ease of carry. The weapon also incorporates an inbuilt sight to assist in accuracy and precision, which is invaluable for a laser-based weapon.
    A shorter, cheaper variant of it's larger kin, the 'CC.E-VI "Diviso" Blaster Carbine' offers a light-weight alternative to those who would prefer it at little expense. Taking the same power cell (inserted into the designated slot behind the grip) but outputting a smaller bolt, the Diviso sees an increase of about 25% in it's ammo capacity at 25 bolts, but the power slot also will support an external cord hooked up to a power source. The carbine is also fully capable of being compacted into a smaller, easily stowable package.
    The 'CC.E-VI "Piegarsi" Blaster' is a compact, easily holstered energetic sidearm utilising a new iteration of the 'blaster' concept. The weapon itself is constructed in the same manner as many of our armaments to maintain their low profile, with the battery cell loaded into the back of the pistol. The cell itself will last for 15 trigger pulls. Despite it's strange shape, the sidearm has been carefully adjusted so as to not cause discomfort to the user. Unlike previous blaster pistols in earlier editions, this one makes use of a twin-linked emitter set up, able to produce two bolts and fire them in alternation - two shots for each trigger pull - essentially doubling fire-rate.
    The 'CC.E-VI "Primavera" Sub-Laser Weapon' makes a strong statement in the concept of "fast-response", composing of a quickly deployable package. Like most armaments, the Primavera is able to folded into a more compact form for ease of carrying. However, upon unpacking, the weapon will quite literally spring open ready for combat use. The standard battery cell is inserted into the underbelly of the weapon's stock, and will yield up to a number of 50 shots before being full drained.
    The 'CC.E-VI "Tirare" Scatter-Laser' uses prisms and multiple lenses to fire multiple beams of intense, focused light at once in a frontal (albeit inaccurate) cone, akin to a traditional shotgun functions. The weapon is able to be compacted into a smaller form to allow for easier carrying out of combat. Energy cells are inserted into the rear, which yield a number of 10 shots before requiring replacement, although - like some other energy weapons - will support an external cord linked to a power source. In addition to allowing a smaller package to carry, the barrel's folding mechanism can also be adjusted manually to effect it's "choke", allowing for either a tighter or wider spread accordingly.
    The 'CC.E-VI "Aderirei" Moddable Laser' is an ingenius design made to try and yield the best of both worlds. The primary model is a laser sidearm (based on the Piegarsi design) and is built for a perfect blend of accuracy and power over firerate whilst still being fitted within a comfortable and lightweight frame. However, special additions allow one more function of the Aderirei; two Aderirei sidearms can be combined to form a small rifle-carbine to combine the power of both weapons to form a stronger beam at a fast rate of fire. The weapon fits enough charge for 20 pulses standard, whilst joined (at maximun charge) allows enough for 30 pulses.
    The 'CC.E-VI "Arco" Blaster Bow' is a rather unorthodox approach to energetic weaponry. The weapon is much akin to a regular drawn bow, only that it is equipped with a large-scale blaster emitter array acting as a single 'barrel' capable of producing high power, high yield energy bolts. These elongated lightning-like projectiles are easily capable of piercing through flesh with extreme temperatures before releasing the static electrical charge throughout the rest of the target, at the least causing them to twitch and spasm and at worst stopping vital functions. These bolts are also capable of frying electronics and to an extent countering light and medium armours, though it's performance wanes drastically to insulated materials. The two arms of the bow house inbuilt capacitors, able to yield 20 shots before the weapon requires recharging. The bow can be hooked up via external cord, and can also be comfortably used to fire normal arrows. The positioning of the handle and the safety devices installed also mean the user does not need to fear being shocked by the charging bolt.

    A violent description - but not an incorrect one. The Blaster Bow's bolts do indeed induce a violent fit for a second or two sometimes for the sheer electrical load, effectively acting as a 'stun' almost. After all, it is extremely difficult to return fire when all the muscles in your body jolt and twitch from current. This has been explored by Calloway Cathodes in the development of a secondary, 'non-lethal' fire mode - though the high yield of the weapon has not yet made it a possibility yet, and certainly not 'non-lethal'. Maybe in the future.
    The 'CC.E-VI "Scintilla" Shock Grenade' is a dual-purpose deployable device built with flexibillity in mind. Outfitted with adjustable settings for time, and a wireless link for remote detonation (or coupling with grenade-launching devices, rangefinders, and airburst targetting), the Scintilla also has two distinct settings for payload. The default setting is a wide-area electronic blast that disables eletronic equipment, and can possibly stun those close to the initial blast. The secondary setting is a more hard-hitting blaster-based explosion, administering potentially lethal amounts of electricity to those in the blast radias, and those whom survive are usually left stunned.
    The two modes are visually distinct, the grenade springing out into a larger form to better formulate the secondary detonation mode. Thus, it is quite easy to tell what is being thrown at you - a non-lethal EMP/Stun, or a scarlet, destructive lightning storm.
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  2. Reconus

    Reconus Moderator
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    Feb 23, 2014
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    Momentum Hardware

    In the unknown frontiers of space, and adventuring upon alien worlds, you don't know what you're going to be up against; what conditions you'll face, what threats you'll oppose. You need something you can rely on every step of the journey.

    Momentum Hardware provides just that - practically impervious weapons, stress tested and developed in our own foundries to weather all but the most extreme conditions and still function effectively. And on top, we deliver hard-hitting fire power in these packages for when the going gets tough.

    There are big monsters out there.
    We make bigger guns.

    The Momentum Arsenal:
    The concept of the plasma cutter is not an old one, being commonplace as an engineering tool. However, Momentum has taken that concept a step further and weaponised it to produce the 'Cyclops' Plasma Cutter. Using a specially designed electromagnetic field, the cutter fires a disc of plasma at the target. Unlike most other plasma weapons, a cutter is built with slicing with mind, and can easily cut deep into armour or even slice appendages off entirely. The standard plasma canister holds enough for 8 shots.
    The formidable frame of the 'Dozer' Assault Shardgun is a force to be reckoned with, delivering a high impact punch through armour - natural and artificial - with ease. The shardgun operates off a gauss mechanism which ejects metallic shards at high velocities, rendering them molten. These heated, solid shards yield alarming stopping power, and usually shred through plating, making it worth both the weight and cost. The Dozer is capable of holding 7 canisters of shot before requiring more, but the specialised munition renders alternate ammunition types impossible.
    The Dozer is rather self explanatory in many ways. It hits hard, hurts a lot, and kicks like a horse. What isn't the most clear is the firing mechanism - to which the Dozer possesses two. The Dozer does not support special ammunition, but it is able to fire it's default payload in two ways. The first - and common - way is the default shotgun scatter. The second ejects the payload at maximum velocity, firing a molten stream of metal and debris in a pillar of fire. Works wonders for penetrating armour - but suffers immensely from it's very short range. The metal becomes nothing but decayed wisps and dust beyond two to three feet, loosing all impact and heat and thus becomes harmless.
    The dedicated plasma firearm in the Momentum arsenal, the 'Dredger' Plasma Pistol is a reliable choice, with decent capacity and firepower. The standard gas container holds enough for 12 shots, and whilst these can be fired rapidly - being a semi-automatic weapon - it is ill advised as the weapon will inevitably overheat and lock down to cool. Three shots can be fired off in quick succession before going into the 'red'.
    Yes, you can override the overheat locking mechanism with a few tweaks, Momentum not exactly making it fool-proof in that regard. But expect to face alarming consequences in dealing with such. Overheated weapons will often become hot to touch, and have known to scald and scorch the flesh of the user beyond four or five shots. Even beyond that (If you have a cybernetic, or are unphased by heat) it will become increasingly dangerous for the weapon itself. Momentum weaponry are sturdy, but not invincible. Drop a Warhound into lava and see what happens - because that is what will happen to the Dredger too at a climb beyond eight shots, as it eventually melts itself into slag and super-heated plasma is vented in all directions. Have fun dealing with that.
    With a capacity of six, the 'Trencher' Plasma Revolver is the Dredger's bigger brother, sturdier and more powerful, albeit more weighty. Consisting of a large, rotating cylinder, the Trencher super-heats empties an entire gas tube at once in the form of a large, destructive plasma ball. Unlike the Dredger, the fire rate of the revolver is locked to the rotation of the cylinder to prevent overheating, keeping the user safe.
    No, you can't overide the overheat locking mechanism. Not without building the gun from the ground up. And even then? You're going to hurt or even kill yourself.
    The 'Warhound' Gauss Repeater is a fully-automatic heavy assault rifle, designed with stopping power in mind. Whilst not the fastest firing, the Warhound guarantees a sturdy and reliable frame and a vicious bite. Equipped with solid slugs by default, which the supplied magazine holds 20 slugs for, the Warhound is able to pierce armour with ease. However, it is not limited to slug munitions, and can easily support other gauss-compatible ammo types at the cost of muzzle velocity.
    Firing heated slugs at rapid pace and high power comes the 'Ignome': the newest iteration of light machine gun. It is a heavy, gauss operated weapon featuring a 100 box magazine by default, though can be fed a large ammunition pool via belt. The weapon itself is designed to fire rounds at such a speed as to render them heated but still reliable strong, able to deal with both lightly and heavily armoured targets equally. Unfortunately, due to this, it cannot support any other type of munition aside from solid slugs and tracer rounds.
    This medium-sized handgun - the 'Scrapper' - is based an old yet reliable design, having been effective for over twenty-five years and counting. Modern updates to the design incorporate better, stronger materials and a more efficient use of energy systems to keep the gauss pistol viable even today. The handgun fits 18 flechette spikes by default and to an extent supports other gauss-compatible ammo types (like solid slugs and tracers) though at the significant cost of muzzle velocity.
    The 'Shredder' Fragmentation Grenade acts as an answer to fortified and entrenched positions and the need for general handheld ordinance. With a deadly explosive yield, the grenade - upon being detonated - sends out a flurry of heated shards in all directions. Those caught up in the blast are torn as shots pierce through light and medium density armours with ease. The Shredder has a fuse time that can be set by the user, but can be set to explode upon impact with a surface.
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  3. Reconus

    Reconus Moderator
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    Feb 23, 2014
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    X-TREME Riotgear

    A proud subsidiary of the X-TREME manufacturing company, X-TREME Riotgear is the galaxy-wide distributor and retailer for X-TREME tactical weaponry, armours, and miscellaneous equipment. We provide a fantastic array of destructive tools, from our XR-V94-P Handgun for those needing something powerful but compact, to our latest line of refractive and ballistic armours for all your combat needs. From home defence to private contracting, X-TREME can help you melt, explode, gib, or shred your would-be enemies.

    Our Stock:
    The 'V94-P Handgun' is a sturdy, reliable - and most important to you - cheap blaster sidearm without any expenses, being the apex of X-TREME's development into miniaturised blaster-based electronics. Unlike predecessors, the V94-P boasts an enormous energy capacity of up to 100 blasts, keeping you in the engagement and with the upper hand.
    What may have not been mentioned is that the V94-P doesn't actually have an energy port - it's energy storage is actually internal. The weapon will require hooking up to a charging station in order to "reload" - which usually leads to people just taking several. Luckily, the cheap price can justify such a odd solution. Buccaneer up, swashbuckler.
    The latest addition to X-TREME's blaster collection, the 'V102 Energy Assault Rifle' has been brought up to date with the times and delivers on it's promise of a new and improved model from the MK1. Outfitted with a longer emitter rail and larger power slot, the V102 has both a larger energy capacity and fires more powerful bolts, in addition to being far more wieldy than the last. The rifle can fire 20 shots before require a reload. Comes with attachable flashlight.
    Improved? Yes. Debatable, anyway. With far more accuracy, a stronger projectile, and without the tendency to shock it's own users, the V102 is certainly a leap in the right direction over it's predecessor. What hasn't improved is the weight, however - this thing is remarkably heavy for a rifle and rather cumbersome to wield as a result. Of course, however, this weight can be used to an advantage - for controlling recoil, and for smacking those who decide to get too close.
    Introducing the 'VP23 Submachine Gun': latest in X-TREME compact small armaments. Reliably built with a standard capacity of 30 rounds and high rate of fire, the VP23 is the go-to for a mobile yet formidable offence. The stock is fully foldable, compressing into the weapon when not required, and fully supports suppressor compatibility with sub-sonic ammunition. Comes with inbuilt flashlight.
    Notably functional, actually - when it wants to work. The SMG is subject to breaking apart more than a usual fire arm of similar class, it's super lightweight chassis (which is an amazing feat undeniably) highlights vulnerabilities in it's fragile components. Not only are they easily broken - sometimes even dropping it from a height is enough to damage it - but it is also far more subject to wear and tear. Treat it well, and it will treat you well.
    The 'VP80-Automatic handgun' is a relatively recent development on an ages-old design; offering a compact, reliable weapon with all the functionality of a pistol-calibre machine gun in a handgun-sized package. Fully compatible with suppressors and sub-sonic ammunition, it provides a solid --and quiet-- addition to any arsenal. With a standard magazine, the weapon is able to support 20 rounds of ammunition, and more with larger magazines.
    Of course something isn't mentioned. The recoil of the pistol, combined with it's quick fire rate and 'compact' scale, often means one has to hold it in a firm grip with both hands to steady it. Otherwise, it is not unknown for it to simply go flying out of someones grasp and cause injury to the user.
    A best seller - the 'VP89 Shotgun' still holds its own even now, and with various updates to the design is still as invaluable as it was before. With a standard magazine size of 12 (though can be made larger with extended magazines) and build a sturdy polymer frame, the VP89 delivers an alarming stopping force. In addition with the latest innovations into blaster-electronics, the shotgun is fitted with an inbuilt blaster 'caster' - a short ranged emitter weapon that delivers a devastating electric blast up close and personal. The caster holds enough charge for 3 blasts before requiring a recharge.
    This thing is actually reliable, being one of the weapons X-TREME made right. The two-in-one package of close range shotgun and 'lightning bayonet' as many affectionately call it make for a startling weapon to come around a corner to. However, there is some controversy around it's brother model - the VP89-A, which is a belt-fed heavy-weapon variant of the shotgun.
    A classic for weapon enthusiasts, the 'VP37 Battle Rifle' remains top dog of X-TREME's rifle range, still as viable today as it was thirty-two years ago with only a handful of tweaks and modifications. The stock has been improved for a more lightweight design, with also the new addition of gas-vent system to compensate for recoil and counter muzzle climb. A sturdy front grip helps keep the weapon more than level, the rifle more than capable at engaging targets at all ranges. The VP37 standard magazine fits 30 rounds by default, and more with larger magazines.

    When using this rifle, many have commented on it's damage to targets, often varying drastically from one shot to the next. This is because the VP37 has been designed in such a way as to deliberately tumble rounds after a certain duration of time using clever - in fact, borderline ingenious - engineering to set it into a specific motion as it leaves the barrel. Of course, this nature means that the rifle is more than not inaccurate, and not every round will land upset. Those that do however may not penetrate heavier armours but cause frightening damage, as the side of the shell smashes into the target at high speed.
    The 'XR-V205 SAR (Sharpshooter Assault Rifle)' is one of the first battle rifles to be constructed for both close quarters combat and long range sharpshooter engagements. The functional design allows for more time travelling through a rifled barrel to increase accuracy and efficiency of design. In fact, the design itself is compact enough to still be considered an assault weapon, without becoming a long rifle, typical of most sniper-style armaments. Not designed by X-TREME Riotgear, and instead handed out to various contractors, the design is said to rival that of the typical XR-V30-100 Series rifles. The VP205 standard magazine fits 35 rounds by default, and more with larger magazines.

    Typical of most bullpup designed weapons, the XR-V205 suffers from the same dangers of operation as any other. Hot brass is sometimes known to touch the user and cause some nasty burns. Although problems faced long before our time in the current year (2416), the bullpup design faced balance and weight issues. The XR-V205 has solved that with lighter weight materials and space age metals, but this increases it's susceptibility to damage and wear. It is known to break down from prolonged use, and is very dangerous to fire uncleaned after said use, as the dangers of the magazine exploding in your face are very real. The rules of the VP23 apply - treat it well, and it will treat you well.
    A standard issue canister, the 'XR-DO12 Smoke Grenade' is simple deployable ordinance which emits a large shroud of smoke over a long period of time upon being primed and thrown. This thick smoke cloud is easily capable of breaking line of sight between you and the enemy for use in several tactical scenarios. The DO12 also comes in a wide variety of colours (check the collection for more information) for cover, screening, camouflage and signalling.
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  4. Reconus

    Reconus Moderator
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    Feb 23, 2014
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    Kinetik Co.

    [..[​IMG]..] Innovating the rail-gun market since 2368, Kinetik is back with some of -the- finest solid projectile slinging guns this side of the galaxy. If style and class is your sort of thing, Kinetik will provide just that: a nice looking gun with a mean end result. Come on down to our licensed proprietary vendors across the sector and receive your shipment of furnished goods, today!

    The 'Chalybeous-Count' is a large handheld rail-revolver, sheer size contributing to enormous muzzle velocities. A trio of rails help stabilise and accelerate the projectile, of which it can hold a court of up to 6, being both deadly accurate and alarmingly powerful, applying awesome impacts with each shot. Of course, the rail-revolver performs significantly better with solid slugs, but will still work reliably using other compatible rail munitions.
    There are two models of the same 'Count, with one slightly older than the new - and both look exactly alike, the only difference being the text printed upon the metal, reading "Chalybeous-Count .1" rather than "Chalybeous-Count .0". The newer model is more efficient when it comes to space management, allowing the addition of more capacitors. Whilst the amount of energy stored is exactly the same, this new addition allows the user to quickly empty the entire revolver's cylinder into targets in a six-shot burst. The switch between modes is held down at the rear of the weapon. This faster firing may be deadly, but the recoil and inaccuracy often make it useful only in niche, short range conditions.
    Taking inspiration from glitch weapon manufacturing, the 'Kingsman' Chemlock is a chemrail sidearm, making use of both gunpowder propulsion and electromagnetic rails. Fitted with an internal magazine, the weapon is clip fed with each clip containing 12 shots. The chemlock is also capable of single fire for accuracy and burst fire for power, with bursts consisting of three shots.
    There is word of several other uncommon models of Kingsman - these ones being moulded and fitted with extended barrels, more so resembling rifles than pistols. Such chemlocks are often more accurate and far more deadly - though at quite an increase of cost. Kingsman rifles are usually found sitting at a 750-900 pixel (px) mark, due to the addition of longer rails and thus more material.
    The standard-issue combat rifle in the Kinetik armoury is a hybrid weapon by the label of 'Knight-Errant'. Using chemrail functionality - a blend between common chemical ballistics and gauss mechanisms - the chemrail is affordable yet still ultimately reliable. Extra capacitor charge allowed the addition of a burst fire function, the rifle able to fire a burst of two bullets per trigger pull. The default magazine holds 20 rounds in total, and the Knight-Errant does support enlarged clips and specialised ammunition.
    The 'Pale-Paragon' is a light, fully automatic gauss gun, filling the role of a personal defence weapon. With a capacity (by default) of 30 rounds, the 'Pale-Paragon' operates using a coilgun set up, making use of a set of electromagnetic coils within the barrel to hurtle projectiles forward. As with all gauss weaponry, solid slugs can reach much higher velocity than other munitions, although such specialised types of ammo are fully compatible with this design.
    Operating using tried-and-true gunpowder projectiles comes the 'Warlord' Machinepistol, a fully automatic sidearm. Equipped with an inbuilt laser point and iron sights, the Warlord is still able to maintain steady accuracy when required. The standard magazine capacity is 20 bullets, to which the weapon will support both sub-sonic and super-sonic ammunition, although extended magazines are available.
    While being "tried-and-true", the Warlord is oddly modern and tricked out for a mundane and unassuming chemical weapon, from the laser pointer to the holo-dot in between the iron sights, to even the firing pin itself. Even some of the working mechanisms of the weapon are delicate, electrical machines. It's rather uncommon - in fact, a very rare circumstance - for the Warlord to "run out of power", using many techniques similarly used in cybernetics (such as induction pads and photovoltiac body), but sometimes it will. Recharging is as simple as "letting it lie", but the real threat comes in weaponry that target electronics. From microwave disruption to EMP, these weapons often more than not fry the weapon entirely, rendering it useless.
    Inspired by the age-old human designs, the 'Archduke' is a lever-action shotgun suitable for both hunting and home defence. Fitting a total of ten shots maximum - and supporting a wide range of ammunition from slugs to flechette to buckshot and more - the shotgun is both fast firing and accurate as long as you have a quick and steady hand, limited only by your own ability.
    With the steady need for compact yet powerful firearms Kinetik had taken upon themselves to deliver, leading to the aptly named 'Bastard-Prince' - a hybrid heavy handgun. Making smart use of chemrail ballistics the handgun performs much like a one-handed shotgun and is able to fit both slugs and flechette rounds depending on the situation. The 'Bastard-Prince' is also host to a unique dual magazine system, holding two separate internal magazines (able to hold four shots each) which can be switched between on the fly, allowing for the usage of two types of ammunition at once.
    The 'Flash-Friar' is a cheap and simple deployable concussion canister with the sole purpose of disorienting and in some cases incapacitating hostiles, whether for assault or defense scenarios. The canister detonates with a bright flash and forceful shockwave, with the latter benefiting greatly from enclosed environments.
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  5. Reconus

    Reconus Moderator
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    Feb 23, 2014
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    Quintarus Ingenuities

    Following the success of his father Oyakawa Ryuichi, the luxuriant Kaminaga Ryuichi has revolutionised the modern ideas of light-based and plasmic technologies.
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    Quintarus Ingenuities are proud to present their newest line of scientific developments; you can expect only the highest quality devices, equipment, and technology from us.
    We should all strive for perfection, and we at Quintarus Ingenuities make it.

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    Our Collection:

    One of the first devices of it's kind, the 'Artenyov' Plasma Beam is a handheld uses series of powerful emitters to energise ionised - rather than super-heat - gas before using electromagnetic coils to fire a condensed, elongated missile as compared to other plasma devices which fire in large blobs - with a lengthened projectile, and the vapour trail that follows, comes the name of plasma 'beams'. With the gas cylinder able to contribute up to 16 shots before requiring a replacement, the 'Artenyov' allows for longevity in the fight.
    Mobility in mind, the minds at Quintarus designed a small personal defence weapon based on laser technology which has come to be named the 'E'lix' Personal Defence Laser. The device is outfitted with a single 'pulse' projector, allowing for faster fire-rate at the expense of firepower and accuracy. However, the device's size makes it rather controllable and wieldy, without recoil to worry about. Heat is automatically managed by the E'lix itself, the device pausing to cool automatically before resuming fire. An energy cell is enough to provide 35 shots, which in most cases is enough for 5 'bursts'.
    With the need for a precise energy weapon, Quintarus delivers with the 'Estelle' Precision Laser - a two-handed, long range device. With a multitude of focusing lenses across the extent of the barrel in addition to an amplified light projector the 'Estelle' encourages long range combat using pinpoint precision and aim even without any additional addons. Automatic heat management removes the need for user interface, with users having to simply wait for the weapon to sufficiently cool before firing again unlike older models. The energy cell contains enough charge to output a number of 14 shots before requiring a replacement cell. A scoped variant is available for 100px extra.
    Recent developments into laser optimisation and miniaturisation led to the creation of the 'Kichiro' Rotary-Laser. A handheld device, the 'Kichiro' has a trio of barrels, each filled with separate focusing lenses. These barrels then rotate, with a beam flashing through the lenses with each rotation to allow for a quickened rate of fire at the cost of weaker beams. The device handles well - practically being recoiless besides moving parts - but will overheat quite quickly. After rigorous testing, the weapon has been locked to 3 seconds of continuous fire before the weapon will lock up to cool (which usually takes another 4-5 seconds). The energy cell contains enough power for over 600 shots.
    A rotary, three barelled laser pistol. Presumably the end of all things nice, washing over them in a storm of green light. Of course, the Kichiro's design leaves many faults that are only briefly touched on. While indeed recoilless, the weapon often fights it's user with semi-violent vibrations from the in-built motor. In addition, the weapon itself is rather inaccurate - and becomes more and more inaccurate the longer one fires it for, the laser lenses becoming warped and distorted with growing heat. And on top, the individual beams are not the strongest, and only grow weaker at longer ranges. Add all these three things, and you get what amounts to a fear-weapon, area-denial - or a close range swiss-machine.
    An expansion upon the smaller 'Artenyov', the 'Quixote' Plasma Catapult, a larger scale 'beam' rifle. Akin to the smaller design, the 'Quitxote' uses series of powerful emitters to energise ionised gas before using electromagnetic coils to fire a condensed, elongated missile as compared to other plasma devices which fire in large blobs - with a lengthened projectile, and the vapour trail that follows, comes the name of plasma 'beams'. The systems involved allow for a greater accuracy and striking distance, able to engage at medium ranges with ease. The gas cylinder contains enough gas for 9 shots before the device requires a replacement. The device is single fire, requiring time to cool after each shot before being able to fire again.
    Further scaling upon the 'Artenyov' - and in effect, the 'Quixote' - led to the development and production of the 'Chen' Wave Catapult as a high yield equivalent of the two plasma devices. The 'Chen' is designed in response to larger targets and heavy armour, filling the role as anti-material with it's specially shaped bolt. Plasma bolts from the 'Chen' are formed in a tall torus to maximise area and stability within the structure for hits with a larger impact. This plasma 'wave', due to it's natural improved stability, will more often than not dig into and discharge into the target rather than disperse immediately upon impact into the surrounding space, gouging out fair chunks of armour. The gas cylinder is able to yield 7 waves before requiring a replacement.

    The weapon is rather a bulky, being a semi-hybrid between an anti-material rifle and an LMG - having the frame and size of the latter, but the role and power of the former. This can make aiming the device difficult without a ledge or floor to support it on first, but it can perform well at the hip (and chest height, for those who can hold it there). However, with the heavy weapon comes ammunition issues, with canisters being on the large side, which usually means they cannot be carried in a reasonably large amount without support. It's usually worth it though, with the Chen's violent ability to quite literally rip plates in two with shear explosive force from the embedded plasma wave.
    The process of solidifying light has always been a fascination, and it's applications vary widely. The 'Tarusud' Hardlight Rifle applies this technology to armaments, mating it with laser-based projectiles to form a forceful energy weapon. The device uses a powerful laser emitter and shapes it's pulse before it exits the barrel. The resulting projectile formed is a aerodynamic, razor hardlight prism reaching velocities - whilst certainly nowhere near original light-speed - near to many gunpowder counterparts. These projectiles are groved to fracture upon impacting harder materials, splintering into several fragments to optimise damage against light targets. The energy cell contains enough power to supply 28 shots before requiring a replacement.
    Based upon the rapid-fire laser technology used at Quintarus, the deployable 'Gearshaft' Las-Pulse Bomb acts as a quick response to enclosed positions, entrenchment, and room sweeping. The device is both compact and lightweight, allowing for it to be easily thrown long distances. In addition, it is easily deployable with a single button press. Once deployed, a set timer will countdown before the device begins firing high-power laser blasts from each of it's nozzles in quick pulses. It is however far less effective in larger, open spaces, as proximity is key.

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  6. Reconus

    Reconus Moderator
    Staff Member

    Feb 23, 2014
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    ((Lo and behold - the catalog is finally taking orders! Just contact (via forum PM preferably) @Reconus to set up an IC deal/transaction - OOC or otherwise! Feel free to forward any questions there too.))
    #6 Reconus, Oct 23, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 26, 2016
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  7. Reconus

    Reconus Moderator
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    Feb 23, 2014
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    ((The catalogue has been updated with 15 new items - three for each company - including 5 new deployables from smoke; to flash; to pure fragmentation to fill your grenadier-ing needs.
    Also, minor updates have been made to the OOC weapon-explaining section at the top.
    Please poke if you see any glaring issues with the text.))
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