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Approved Mal - Question

Discussion in 'Character Questions' started by Recluse, Oct 20, 2016.

  1. Recluse

    Recluse New Member

    Oct 16, 2015
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    This thread's for finding out what my new antagonist "Mal_Petunia" may have in terms of knowledge and equipment. What I want them to be, is a severely sadistic, very cowardly, and extremely intelligent mad scientist who has no conscious, and does things only for for misery of others. They prefer to kill people and watch people die in the most twisted and gruesome way possible, and loves it when it's done publicly.

    The reason for this character is to have fun giving the server a serial killer that is completely aware of what they're doing, is around very often, and yet no one know who truly is the killer. A constant fear for characters, so to say. I think people would like it.

    What this characters purpose isn't, is to inflict ooc grief. I will not be harming players characters without their consent, nor will I be forcing my actions on others. The character as a whole is possibly 'over powered' in terms of what they're capable of, but by no means invincible. They are allowed to be killed at any time, any way, without reason even. (As long as it's not blatant meta/power game, of course.)

    With this knowledge, I come to you asking if they are allowed to be a highly skilled virologist, and chemist. My reasoning for wanting them to be highly skilled in these categories is so they're capable of creating extremely deadly viruses, extremely lethal drugs, and to be able to program software. The purpose of having these skills is so she can do what she wants without being caught to the best of her ability. The deadly viruses for genocide(past) and creating skin-eating and organ rupturing viruses(present), lethal drugs for the reason listed before, except in chemical form.

    I'm not sure if I'm allowed to have them be this smart, or be this knowledgeable. If I need to make compromises, such as remove her knowledge in chemicals, I understand.

    The way they act and behave is all an illusion; the disguise they put on them self is an autistic, childish woman who is border-lines special needs. They elude that they're severely emotional, always willing to help, and very social, when inside they're truly scared of being discovered, and are very, very scared of combat in any shape or form. Their methods of attack come in poisonings, chemical bombs, viruses, etc.
  2. Recluse

    Recluse New Member

    Oct 16, 2015
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    EDIT; I forgot to say what equipment they would have. I'll ask after we discuss their knowledge, since that seems to have relevance.
  3. Aiko

    Aiko The Coolest Cat

    Dec 19, 2013
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    So long as you don't go out of your way to kill PC's for the sake of killing PC's, especially without their willingness, you'll be fine.

    This includes indirectly trying to murder a bunch of people via biological warfare, loool. Make sure to talk things out OOC first with people you intend to attack and you'll be golden.
  4. Recluse

    Recluse New Member

    Oct 16, 2015
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    Since that's taken care of, am I allowed to say she has a ship (small), a laboratory, the means to create viruses and chemicals in this laboratory, and the following equipment; a glove which, when pressed down on, releases through a needle on the index finger whatever is inside the chemical compartment in the glove? It's small, and slightly hard to see, obviously. I imagine the gloves a container, with a cotton around it to disguise this. A needles connected, and it's released via pressure whenever the needle feels resistance.

    If that isn't okay, how about a syringe gun that shoots syringes at a high enough velocity to pierce skin and self-administer whatever is in this syringe? Single shot, single reload sort of deal. It's slightly bulky, but it can fit in a pocket.

    I understand this is overpowered, however it's not meant to ever be used on someone without their consent. It's not a 'secret weapon' oocly. They will fully know what hits them, and will be asked if I am allowed to.
  5. Aiko

    Aiko The Coolest Cat

    Dec 19, 2013
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    So long as the above point I made is still followed I see no harm to any of this. Go ahead!