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Making a Colony/Faction Planet...

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Azeliblehblehbleh, Jul 30, 2014.

  1. Azeliblehblehbleh

    Azeliblehblehbleh New Member

    Jul 18, 2014
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    Thieb, Boneflower, A.I, Flightfall, Waterdancer, Lightsplitter.

    Humans, Florans, Glitch, Avians, Hylotl, and Apex all know her (or, sometimes, him) by a different name and a different appearance. This divine authority is one of safe, sane indulgence and managed hedonism.

    My character, Solari, has embraced the lifestyle Thieb (for Thieb refuses the term Goddess no matter what name, what appearance, they take) has given her. Solari has been working for quite a long time to restore the Temple, and has finally come close to succeeding. The necessary things are almost complete: places to heal, to sleep, to attract visitors, to do just about anything. There's still some stuff I have to work on before it opens but it's almost done both IC and OOC.

    What I need to know now is, after having sown a few small seeds of awareness (clues, one might say) into RP for a while, how do I go about making this a proper faction/colony? I've kept the planet secret-- nobody knows the coords aside from me thus far. So that ensures that at the least the reveal will be promising. But what to do with the official, technical stuff? Do I run it by someone first?
  2. CaptainBritton02

    CaptainBritton02 Man of War

    Jan 7, 2014
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    What was done to create the GLORIOUS HKC was to: A) Finish all ideas and put them in a post on roleplay planning; B) If people like it, you talk to somebody about getting a sub-forum.; C) Then you execute the ideas.; Backup Plan: If people don't like your ideas, change them until they like them.
  3. Azeliblehblehbleh

    Azeliblehblehbleh New Member

    Jul 18, 2014
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    So I'm more or less on the right track? Yay!