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Lyra Aurichord

Discussion in 'Character Descriptions' started by Lyra, Nov 3, 2016.

  1. Lyra

    Lyra Ayy

    Dec 18, 2014
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    Physical Description
    Age: 21
    Height: 6’2
    Dialect/Accent: Slightly faded British middle-class.
    Race: Caucasian
    Chest: Average
    • Body: Full hourglass, tall build, with a trained musculature of exactly what one expects from basic military training.
    • Hair: Skillfully dyed shade of turquoise, crafted in a way that makes the colour look rather natural. It is generally left unstyled, left to manifest in whatever way it normally would.
    • Eyes: Stark shade of sunburst which tend to jump out against her regular attire of blue.
    Normally wears an otherwise unadorned sea-green hoodie with skinny jeans that disappear into a pair of large, black, faux-leather hiking boots- they are generally rather dirtied. On her back is a large pack, heavy with items.
    Average Contents of Backpack (These can be assumed to be in here all the time unless otherwise stated):
    • Hologram Disc (a little wider than a roomba and about as thick)
    • Touchscreen tablet
    • Clarinet, in a case
    • Pencil
    • A wireless speaker
    • A strange looking gun that is wide, short, and fat. It may have been a manufactured weapon once, but it has since far modified and tinkered upon.
    • Lyra is a very rationally-oriented thinker. The base of her character, however, is very emotional- this can easily cause either indecisiveness and inner turmoil or overcompensation which results in arrogance and/or recklessness.
    • Her principled outlook often involves much self-sacrifice and an (attempted) stoic’s attitude.
    • She funnels much of her emotion into propelling herself to pursue logic, and as a consequence she is very idealistic. She has an optimistic, ever-augmented sense of justice which she clings to very strongly.
    • Her attitude is quick to trust all, and she has trouble seeing the bad in people she cares for- those few she distrusts, however, are distrusted very strongly, and although her principles urge her not to, she tends to demonize them.
    • Lyra has a strong distrust of high authorities (though she separates the person from their position) and yearns to bring about justice and fairness that she believes “good people deserve”. This reveals yet more of her conflictions- She is not a strong leader. Consequently, she prefers to work alone or behind a close team.
    #1 Lyra, Nov 3, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 3, 2016