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Lunar News Issue Two

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Zephzer, Feb 11, 2015.

  1. Zephzer

    Zephzer Level Over 9000

    Feb 2, 2015
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    Price: 20 Pixels

    Editor Note ~
    Greetings Loyal Viewers,

    I, Kylar Johnson, thank each and every one of you for taking the time to read Lunar News. It has been my dream the past few years to work as a reporter but coming to Antares has taken me above and beyond. Recently we were able to hire several new members of the team. They will be listed at the end of the article. None of them are paid. They help support Lunar News because they are passionate about news, except for our intern James, he just needed work experience out of college. We recently begun construction on our office for Lunar News. It is located at the coordinated x: -877424885 y: 875659532 on Beta Araxis VI. It’s nothing fancy and we would love to expand it with more money. At the moment most of the news team sleeps in the basement and then walks upstairs to work. It has been a bonding experience for us all. We hope to have everyone’s continued support as we grow and expand at Lunar News. Here is a list of our new hires.

    Name: Roger Solo (Pictured Right)
    Position: Technological Adviser

    (No Picture Available)
    Name: Naftali
    Position: Freelance Reporter

    Thanks again,

    - Kylar

    Interview with former colony owner Julius Mayne

    "First, Mr. Mayne, what made you come back to Antares?"
    J: Oh... well, me and my wife simply thought enough time had passed that we could come back and continue the life we have built together.

    "And are there any particular colonies or organizations that interest as you've come back? A lot has changed since you left after all."
    J: Nothing in particular has interested me as of yet, but then again, I have only recently moved back. Maybe I'll find something.

    "So, Mr. Mayne, what would you have to say about Antares current state?"
    J: Er... not much better honestly. It is still a bunch of people who only have a pretense of what it means to be an adult. Everyone still wears cloaks and odd gear to try and seem like they're a lot more dangerous than they actually are. I don't know, Antares always seemed like that, a place where people pretend to be adults instead of actually dealing with responsibility. It's part of the reason I left in the first place.

    "Interesting, and finally, is there anything you'd like to say to Antares?"
    J: I'm back, so be prepared, I guess.

    Speaking with Julius Mayne was a pleasure. It seems he is one of the few left in Antares with their head on straight. The interview was a pleasant change from roaming criminals, and dangerous miscreants. Here's hoping Antares will be able to retain the civility it's fought for in the future.

    - Naftali

    Blast to the past

    This week Lunar News also got an exclusive interview with a security guard from Asani, a desolate and fallen city. He told us the story of the fall of Asani. For privacy purposes the security officer will not be named. He was working security in Asani and was still fairly new. There was an ever growing cultist problem in the city. Some of the officers got captured by the cultists and were cut up badly. The real target though was the Asani Viceroy, Omen. When Omen was captured by the cultists it took him out of commission for about three weeks’ time. The city was then being run by his second in command Griss, who at the time was the head of security. That’s when all hell started to break loose. Around the same time as Omen was out of commission gangs began to show up to the city. They left graffiti everywhere. The only hospital in Asani was also burned to the ground. The amount of bandits began to outnumber security and with the Viceroy unable to do anything the city was quickly sent into chaos. This security guard that Lunar News was able to interview was trying to help keep the city under control until he was wounded from a bullet while busting a drug operation. Him and several other guards were injured and could no longer help along with Omen which sealed Asani’s fate.

    - Kylar

    The Jewel
    Rumors have slowly been flowing through the sector about an item of mass value. Our informants tell us that local sector authority has been alerted of a rare gem. This artifact belongs to the Avians and is a very valuable power crystal. Estimates show it being worth more than the historical Hope Diamond. It was stolen from the Avians and is rumored to have surfaced in Antares. If anyone has any leads please contact any of the Lunar News team.

    - Kylar


    Hello and welcome to our new column, Bathroom Story. This is a new addition to our humorous section of the news. Each week we will try to find funny stories or weird going-ons. These stories do not necessarily have to have taken place in a restroom but for our first story it has.

    It was a normal day at the outpost. Two of Lunar News’ team, James and Kylar, were visiting the outpost looking for a story. They had just recently befriended a black Avian named Crow. Kylar, Owner of Lunar News, went to use the outpost bathroom and found himself being followed by a strangely masked Floran. This Floran began to dig through the bathroom trashcan looking for some form of meat. The team attempted to speak with the Floran trying to let him know that it would be rather hard to find meat in the bathroom trashcan. They were met with strange looks and noises. Pulling their money together they decided to buy some food for this ravished Floran and offered to give him food for an interview. The masked one took the raw meat from the team and began to eat it. Afterwards he was prodded for a story and refused to give one. Crow stepped forwarded and threatened to beat an interview out of the Floran. Somehow this argument devolved into a battle of the Bands between the News Team, Crow, and the Floran plus a friend. Quite honestly it’s not the strangest thing I’ve heard happening on the outpost.
    - Kylar


    Our reporter Naftali revisited Kero Kero Café to review each piece on the menu

    Foods Sampled:

    Kelp Tea 5.5

    Iced Mocha Coffee 6.4

    Avesmingo Milkshake 8.9

    Pineapple Juice 7.3

    Coffee 4.1

    Mixed Sugar Special 3.2

    Meat Dumpling 6.2

    Onigiri: 3.2

    Fish Dumplings 5.4

    Avesmingo Riscotto 8.2

    Avesmingo Martini 6.2

    Reefjuice 4.5


    Resolute the civil place for civilized people. A town with a little bit for everyone: shops, a café, hotel, nice vacant housing, and much more. Located at x: 14 y: 50 I a.



    Lunar News is currently looking for sponsors for the paper. If you are interested please contact Kylar. What does being a sponsor entail? You gain permanent access to each issue of Lunar News from your home / place of business for free. You will also be given a permanent advertisement slot and a pass to visit our offices at any time.

    (( If you find any typos please let me know ooc. I didn't have anyone but myself to proof read it and wanted to get it posted.))
  2. UrbanCritter

    UrbanCritter The Elusive Antaran Raccoon

    Aug 6, 2014
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    [email protected]
    Thank you for your advertisement.
    If possible, I would like you to come review the Philosopher's cafe and club hive when it's ready.
    If all goes well, I might suggest Sponsorship.
  3. Fiery Wither Rose

    Fiery Wither Rose TheOneMute

    Jun 14, 2014
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  4. Mitzi the Floran

    Mitzi the Floran Sufferer of Prawnsequences

    Jan 4, 2014
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    This maeks grate hat
  5. Sammy McHammyDoodle

    Sammy McHammyDoodle New Member

    Jan 13, 2014
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    decent news but resolute is still shit
  6. Kirby teh Pink

    Kirby teh Pink Puts the Coo in Cool

    Feb 4, 2014
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    They should publish this in avian. I'm tired of running autotranslate programs on everything. -Skarti
  7. OptionalFingers

    OptionalFingers New Member

    Feb 9, 2014
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    Still awaiting a message from you so I'll know when to send you my column.
    ~ Zoya Capuchin
  8. Zephzer

    Zephzer Level Over 9000

    Feb 2, 2015
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    I emailed you.
  9. Mitzi the Floran

    Mitzi the Floran Sufferer of Prawnsequences

    Jan 4, 2014
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    The menu since the release of this paper has long been changed. I also somewhat doubt the culinary palate of the reviewer, as he didn't state anything about each of the individual items in particular, what they liked or disliked about them, or anything of that nature, as a more experienced reviewer would conduct themselves. Please come by again soon and we can do a run-through of the menu at your leisure.

  10. Zephzer

    Zephzer Level Over 9000

    Feb 2, 2015
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    Hey that sounds great. I'll try and get Roger or James to come with me.
    - Kylar