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Lunar New Broadcast #3

Discussion in 'Archives' started by dukeminiman, Apr 6, 2015.

  1. dukeminiman

    dukeminiman New Member

    Feb 6, 2015
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    -upon opening the page, a video would begin to play-​

    -A one eyed man with some scars on half of his face appears sitting behind a somewhat ratty desk, despite the one eye and the scuffed furniture the man does not appear edgy or gritty and he has a somewhat relaxed smile on his face.-​
    Hey there Antares! And welcome to the new and improved Lunar News! -the man chuckles- Now that the overly excited greeting is out of the way, let me explain what this is. Some of you may remember the original Lunar News that ran a while back, they did a more traditional newspaper while this is somewhat of a broadcast. Long story short Kylar, the previous owner, gave me his blessing to keep the business going. When asked about it he said something about crafting something in a mine..... -the man shrugs- I don't know what that means but he'd been in a cell for a while..... -the man's voice trails off- Anyway, getting back to the actual news. Today's broadcast is a bit floran focused today so be prepared for some violent news. Recently it would seem to that the Dionea Tribe is picking up the slack when it comes to security in Antares. There have been reports of several arrests on Katune by Stab-Dancer, the chieftain of the Dionea Tribe. The suspects were charged with the murder of a floran who was riddled with bullets. There were two murderers Aleck, a human, and Von Giorno, a novakid, both of whom surrendered peacefully after realizing how outmatched they were by their captors. When asked, Stab-Dancer was more than happy to give an interview and had this among other things to say, -the man would hit the button on a device on the desk and Stab-Dancer's voice would fill the room- "I am jusst trying to look out for my people, and be a force for good in Antaresss." -the voice would then click off and the man would resume talking- I was also a witness to the arrest of a mugger on an uninhabited planet. She had attempted to lure in unsuspecting Antarians with a radio ping, but had the bad luck to attract several florans along with myself and two others. Needless to say she was also arrested without much resistance. -the man checks some notes on the desk before continuing- Alright what next..... ah here it is. -the man looks back up at the camera- For those of you out there who are down on your luck and need a place to stay, have I got a place for you. A place called the Boneyard has opened up recently, and is accepting any and all residents. The rent's free, the buildings are..... -the man appears to be having trouble thinking of something nice to say-...reasonably stable, and for those of you who don't like being told what to do, there also aren't any laws or forms of government over there. I had the pleasure of visiting the place earlier today, and let me tell you. If I hadn't gotten this apartment on Katune, that's where I'd be living. -he checks the notes again before looking up- Well, it looks like we're nearing the end of this broadcast so let me finish this up. If anyone out there has a story they want me to look into then they can message me over Star-Net, or they can find me in person. I accept anonymous tips and I won't reveal a source if they wish to remain that way. Aaaannnddd that's it, hopefully you've enjoyed my first attempt at doing this because this definitely won't be my last. -the man grins- And now a word from our sponsors.
    -the screen would cut to a new screen that showed the following-

    *There is a small picture at the bottom of the news transmission, It appears to be some sort of ad.*

    "Captain Bork's"
    *The picture below the text shows Bork, his fins puffed out slightly. He has a goofy smile and is doing the 'thumbs up' signal. Behind him is a thick pane of glass, the void of space outside. Even further behind him, just outside the window, a large slender ship is docked, it appears to be custom, with engine nacelles far bigger than a ship of its class should have.*
    "Independent express hauling"
    *In a small text below contact details can be found*
    ((Contact Wingfighter on the forums))

    -the screen would then cut back to Reed who is now holding some sort of blunt with a green plant sticking out of the end-
    Out in here in space we don't smoke weed, we smoke Astroturf. -he puts the blunt to his mouth, lights it with a blue lighter, and takes a long drag- Trust me it's some good stuff. To purchase some of this, look for the, and I quote, "shady man in the jacket".

    -the screen cuts out to a new video of Reed-
    Alright last ad, apparently people thought this was a written news show because I got several written advertisements. -the man clears his throat- Katune, located at X:-62 Y:47 III, is currently hiring for the following positions: security, bartenders, warehouse workers, and mechanical engineers. Katune is also renting several small shop locations. If you would like to apply for any of the things mentioned, contact either Max or Ziggy.

    -the screen then fades out and a somewhat automated sounding voice begins speaking. "If you would like to see your own advertisement in a Lunar News Broadcast, just contact Reed and send a payment of 75 pixels."
    #1 dukeminiman, Apr 6, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 7, 2015
  2. dukeminiman

    dukeminiman New Member

    Feb 6, 2015
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    ((edited with minor grammatical fixes and some formatting styles that I'm trying out))