*These stolen notes may be found anywhere. It is unknown who is putting them out to the public. Feel free to find it in-characterly, your character's response if you're REALLY FEELING IT. The author of the notes did not paste them to surfaces themself, nor were they ever meant to get out.* *A torn page is found taped under the seat in the second floor, left corner of the inn in Asani.* 11/16/2414 the perfect hunter is you least xpect. kyle dusnt even remember me i bet no i kno so itll be eesy peesy. i just need a few days to plan with help from nurlagin i might just do it and be able to pay for the tools too bsides i mean he did hert me alot on the ship. emoshinaly i hav feelings 2. i men i just wanted the last oreo we had and he didnt even split it in half like wtf we fought about it for days till we came to antares where we actuely got food!! not 'mre' peices of shit but its k hell learn his leson soon for always caling me ignorant
*A page is poorly ripped out of whatever journal it must've originated from, taped to the back of an Asani bench. Whoever wrote them is terribly bad at spelling, his or her handwriting terrible.* 12/1/2414 its a holly jolly cristmas people dyeing bcuz is stupid best thing is they think its kyle!! its so funny cuz all i ned to do is wear a robe and us the name scarff and they tink its kyle!!!! i rely like *torn paper* carryng this stuff hurts tho, it bubbles alot 2, stings my eyes *A different handwriting in different ink color is at the bottom of the poorly torn page.* Don't be like this guy, I beg of you, reader. Don't kill people because some other guy took the last soda or something, right?
*A page is found taped to the side of a post in Asani, not many would easily see it mixed in with the other papers. It stands out by being torn roughly.* i used a translatr for this 1 so From remnants of flames There will be Silt And with silt Carries smoke and why am i writing this poem i dont even kno, i guess it kind off matches my self?? i relly ned 2 get my pdas back 2 rit on