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LOGS - Summers, Lightbringer, Veon [E-2]

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Shag, Apr 6, 2015.

  1. Shag

    Shag High Impact Sexual Implications

    Feb 22, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Log 01

    Interstellar Date: April 5th, 2415

    Today was eventful. Where to start? I guess I could start with the fact that the Falcon has finally finished its development and is ready to be deployed. Not much else to say about it, at least in my own personal logs.

    I talked with LC Mattulip, she had a job for me regarding her life support systems. She handed me the necessary data to get acquainted with its composition before getting myself dirty with it. She told me to talk with Cole about it. I guess I will, better safe anyways. Which reminds me, I'll have to ask Cateth about anything regarding the biological side of it. Might need to replace a couple of synthetic fibrous filters or maybe even the myofilament membranes. I wouldn't know, its not my area. I'll see about replacing the myoelectric sensors though, can never be too careful. I'll go over the blueprints tomorrow.

    I also found out Smoke got, well, smoked. Haha. I shouldn't joke about it, he lost his arm thanks to some corrosive rounds from some baddie who lured him and PFC Britton over a distress signal. We have to be more careful. Whatever, Smoke's a butt.

    Little after getting a coffee I got sexually (and sensually) harassed by a pretty, busty red girl. Avian, like me. I shouldn't complain, I know, but it was creepy. She walked over to me and started running her hands and beak all over my torso and face. I always thought something like that would be hot. Turns out its not. She might have a nice hourglass figure, big beautiful eyes, a nice and soft pair of tatas and a round bubble butt but being cornered while everyone else in the bar is watching isn't exactly my favourite dream, or wet dream in this case, I guess. She was pretty forward telling me how she thought I was cute and handsome and a bunch of other things which at the time didn't make sense to me at the time. Like also being told I could work as a model or something. Why do people keep saying that? Whatever, I got scared and ran for it after Matt gave me a chance, with the excuse being to take over gate duty.

    Didn't work out. Smokes talked me into hanging out with the girl. I found out her name was Moonfeathers. She was a lot more calm when I came back to talk to her. This time she was nice enough and we even arranged a date. We're going to Katune to talk over a bit of coffee and a few snacks. I hope I haven't made a mistake. She is pretty though. . .

    Maybe we'll be good friends. Or more than that, like she wants.

    Note to self:
    Order the drinks and snacks myself.
    Make sure to not let my guard down in case she tries to slip sedatives into my drinks or food.
    Be nice and understanding. Maybe she has issues, who knows.
    Don't stick it in the crazy,

    Veon out.

    Previous Balance: 10500 p

    • Personal Ship Maintenance: 300 p
    • New Clothes: 100 p
    • Personal Ship Refuelling: 400 p
    • Biweekly Salary: 750 p
    Current Balance: 10450 p
    #1 Shag, Apr 6, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 14, 2015
  2. Shag

    Shag High Impact Sexual Implications

    Feb 22, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Log 02

    Interstellar Date: April 6th, 2415

    Augh. . . what have I done. Okay okay, let's not get my feathers ruffled up. It's bad for them, I need to keep them in top shape and glossy!

    So let's recap a little bit. Hm. We met up like we said we would, at the Freezer. And I also found out she has no home, and currently has set up little camp under the civilian clinic. I felt bad for her and offered her to sleep in my ship, which she readily accepted to do so. After a bit of talking and her flirting with me, I asked for permission to leave and went out for the date. Except nothing went according to what little I tried to plan out. We went to Katune, only to find out that they didn't serve food because the cook had recently quit. And also to run into one of the Demons we had to deal with earlier. Wasn't fun. Moonfeathers started freaking out and I had to basically drag her out of there since she froze up. She calmed herseld down a little later by hugging me, which to be honest I kind of enjoyed a bit too much. I kinda felt like a pervert, but it's hard to resist her, especially with those big cute eyes she has, and that look on her face when she looks up. . .
    Keep yourself in track Veon.

    Well, later I flew her to Kero Kero, to catch some grub. But like the rest of the date, it didn't go as planned either. It was empty. I'd blame Kluex for this but it's clearly not his fault. Fates be damned, I really wanted to eat some quality seafood or something that Glauen guy cooks. His Avosian cuisine is the best, and it really is nice to enjoy something of your own culture for a while. It's hard living off MREs and the stale food of the bunker. Thankfully I've got my own stock of fresh food in my ship, where I currently am,

    Anyway, since we didn't have anywhere else to go to I brought her up to my ship. I offered to cook something up, some vegetarian meals, since I caught that from her earlier. Panfried marinated assorted veggies for the main dish and some yavi soup with a bit of seaweed in it, which thankfully she liked. The food wasn't exactly easy to make and I'm not that great of a cook, but she said she liked it so it's okay I guess. She told me she liked how I knew how to cook, maybe it wasn't such a bad thing for Mom to teach me how to. Well, after eating and talking about each other we kinda drifted off to other topics after a while. She held me and put my head on her, uhm, attributes while we cuddled. I couldn't help it. I caved in after a while as she encouraged me. I can't blame it all on her anyway, if I had been a bit more resilient I could've held up. Whatever I somehow managed to keep my cherry unpopped for now. I get the feeling I'm not going to hold up the fort much further. I could barely keep my head straight after that. . .
    I'm still thankful that she was nice and gentle but I really do feel as though I've done something wrong. I feel guilty, and this feeling tugs hard at my heart. It really does hurt, and I'm only even more confused now.

    What should I do? I wish Shadowstep was still here. He could give me advice on the matter. Ugh. . .

    I'll start meditating tomorrow, right after Moon wakes up and leaves the bed. For now I guess I'll just sleep tight beside her.

    Veon out.

    Current Balance: 10450 p
    #2 Shag, Apr 7, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 14, 2015
  3. Shag

    Shag High Impact Sexual Implications

    Feb 22, 2014
    Likes Received:
    [This image depicts the scenery of a planet, from Veon's point of view inside his visor.]

    Log 03

    Interstellar Date: April 7th, 2415

    [ Sound File Excerpt ]
    -Tzzt tzzt-
    Veon: <Fade in> . . . -ignal's stopped. That's weird, it was showing up in the radar just a second ago. . .
    -Rustle rustle-
    Veon: I'm sure I. . . <His voice trails off>
    -Crack, SNAP! Tzzt, tzzt-
    -More rustling-
    Veon: What's this? A weather-monitoring drone?
    -Shake, rattle rattle.-
    Veon: <Spelling out each letter and number> C-K-0-7, dash, 0-F-B. What is this thing? It's. . . It's all burnt and charred. Even the plating's melted off. . . This doesn't look right.
    Veon: Sounds like there's bit of power left in it, and . . . -Rustle- Huh. Whaddya know, it's a jammer. No wonder the signal went out. Weird how it turned on just now. <Whispering> How old is this thing. . .? It doesn't seem to match any known series out in the market. . . And . .
    -Scratch scratch scratch, CLINK! Thump!-
    Veon: <Surprised> Woah! The plating came off! But. . There's an image on it. Looks like a pirate's emblem been imprinted on it. Could explain why I haven't recognized the model. . . Still though. . What happened to the signal I was looking for. . .?

    Veon: I'll bring this back to the ship, run a few tests back at Freezer. Maybe find out what happened. A jamming drone in the middle of a deserted planet and no sign of anything. That's just weird.
    [ End of Recording ]
    Previous Balance: 10450 p
    • Personal Ship Refuelling: 250 p
    • N/A
    Current Balance: 10200 p
    #3 Shag, Apr 7, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 14, 2015
  4. Shag

    Shag High Impact Sexual Implications

    Feb 22, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Log 04

    Interstellar Date: April 12th, 2415

    Been a few days since the last time I wrote a log. Huh. A lot of things have been going on. Well. Let's just, vomit it all out. Metaphorically.

    A few days ago I went on a rescue mission. I broke out a human from an escape pod. His name's Joukahinen. He's 'Finnish', or so he says. He doesn't speak common and he's got a major phobia of 'xenos'. He spends most of his time drinking. I've been buying his drinks because he apparently doesn't have any money. He's trying to adapt but I can see that he is struggling. Poor guy, he didn't even know Earth had been destroyed. Seems that he was stuck in some sort of stasis field. I feel bad for the guy.

    Haven't seen Moonfeathers ever since that night. It bothers me, but I guess I was right. I was just her little boytoy. She hasn't called or texted me. Whatever, I'm glad we stopped were we did. I would've crossed a very fine line.

    What else. . . Oh right. So a couple of days go I managed to triangulate the location of the signal. Yesterday I went to check out the area on my own after getting suited up. Didn't think I'd need any help since the ship's scanners didn't pick up any life forms aside from the respective animals and plants of the planet. So I went down, and whoop, there's this huge pod in a crater. After looking around for a bit, I found NINA inside of it. She was badly damaged. Thankfully Greg patched her up later when we got to the base but before that a lot of fun happened. Yay.

    When she rebooted and scanned me she sent another signal, telling the rest of the androids to reboot as well. Sadly I had no idea what was going on, but I busted her out of the pod. And that's when the moron trio showed up, guns blazing and all. Thankfully they lived up to their name and they started shooting each other for no apparent reason. I took my chance and started shooting at the biggest one. Big mistake. He didn't even flinch and started firing plasma bolts at me. That's when the first supercharged blast blew my shoulder off. Thankfully our armor isn't like the shit mercs wear all the time and even though I got 2nd degree burns, the ablative ceramic shielding took most of the heat and damage before getting blown off. Son of a bitch, I thought. But being amped up on adrenaline helps a lot. Thought that didn't stop me from screeching out in pain. Fun right? So right after that I decided to pump the motherfucker full of AP rounds. I shot the rest of the magazine into him, around 22 bullets. He still came at me.

    Then I got shot again, but this time he tried to shoot through the pod. Haha, idiot. Not. Damn thing went through it like a hot knife through butter. Still though, it took away most of its power and by the time it hit my left shoulder and arm it didn't do much damage.

    But wait! It gets even better. Desperate, I grabbed a grenade from my belt and threw it over the pod at the guy. He went flying and smashed himself against the sand and still found a way to survive and shoot me. He got my chest that time and broke 2 ribs. Again, thank Kluex for ablative shielding. I shot the damn thing in the head until candy came out. He's dead right? Nope. Just as I turned around it started shooting around randomly and got NINA and me with one shot. Oh that was it. I walked over the thing and emptied a third mag on it, threw the carbine away and pulled out my .45 and shot its limbs off with pure AP goodness. Then it blew up on my face.

    Whoever made this thing surely must be in hell.

    And well, after that, backup arrived and we cleaned up the rest of the androids which kept surfacing from the sea, like some stupid and cheesy horror movie. Turns out there were like 3-4 pods underwater.

    Then they got me to the hospital and here I am. They had to patch up all my burns, and suture my punctured left lung surgically after one of my broken ribs stabbed it. I was bored for a while then Eve came to see me. Eve, the French girl who pops in and out of my world every so often. She confuses me. First she lectures me, then she kisses me, then she tells me I'm liar who wants to make her one of my 'whores' (because I totally have a harem.) and she wants me to become a man because I'm apparently a loser, then she rages and I try to shut her up, then she pouts and then kisses me again and she starts asking how I don't get her and stuff.

    I think she might have daddy issues. Why are women so confusing? It's like there's no middle ground between the sex-dependant slut and the super reserved cold ice queens that are just impossible to please.

    Or maybe that's just me and my horrible luck with girls.

    Whatever. I'm still tired from yesterday's battle. Hopefully I'll be back in action in less than a week. The wonders of modern medical technology.

    Veon out.

    PS: I better buy some GroFeather again. It's gonna be such a pain in the ass to regrow my feathers. And also I gotta make sure to order some XSheen and Lightouch feather softener. I'm one vain sucker but hey, it does the job.
    Previous Balance: 10200 p
    • Personal Ship Refuelling: 100p
    • Joukahainen's drinks: 40p
    • Sold Drone Parts: 230p
    • Sold Scavenged (Scrap) Android Equipment/Parts: 200p
    Current Balance: 10490p
    #4 Shag, Apr 12, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 14, 2015
  5. Shag

    Shag High Impact Sexual Implications

    Feb 22, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Log 05

    Interstellar Date: April 13th, 2415

    Day three in bed, but already I can get up for about an hour or so before my left lung begins to hurt because of the stress and my broken ribs. They seem to be healing up quickly and nicely. Gotta thank the XenoCare company scientists for making such good painkillers and cell regen stimulants. A lot of the 2nd degree burns are already healed up and beginning to scar. Though I'll have to keep using the bandages until my feather coat regrows. . .

    I took an extra couple of painkillers to go back to the planet where we found the pods, and sure enough most are still there. I took the opportunity to back-up the information from the terminals inside into my PDA and then wipe the data in them. This'll come in handy if I ever need to sell information about planets suitable for colonization and exploitation. As for the pods themselves I figured a scrap metal recycler depot could take them off my hands for a few hundred pixels. Good stuff.

    In any case I've discussed with Smokestack the possibility of opening up a small aviation and spacecraft enterprise. We've got enough capital to start with the basics and we're planning on setting up shop in the Freezer to lower the costs of renting space, taxes and attract more people to the bunker. We're planning on starting with ship upgrades, early warning radar systems, and spaceship repair. We'll see how well we do before committing to bigger and riskier projects. We might do contracts for small endoatmospheric interceptors and fighters depending on how much the customers are willing to invest and if they're reliable.

    We'll keep small and safe for now, enough to get by with at least 10%-25% profits. Might discuss some partnership deals with the USSR for raw materials or maybe Radical Industries if they seem interested.

    And we've already thought of a name for the company: Ascendant Aviation.

    Hope everything goes well, Kluex willing.

    Veon out.
    Previous Balance: 10490p
    • N/A
    • Sold Droid Pods: 550p
    Current Balance: 11040p
    #5 Shag, Apr 14, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 14, 2015
  6. Shag

    Shag High Impact Sexual Implications

    Feb 22, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Log 06

    Interstellar Date: April 14th, 2415

    Feeling even better today, now that my broken ribs have set and have begun to meld back together. In any case, I've contacted a representative of Radical Industries, Ion, through public channels. While we haven't explicitly agreed to establish a contract, it seems that they're eager to conduct a bit of trade. Who wouldn't? Right now I'm waiting on a response, but so far I've been able to set up everything without a hitch. Thank Kluex for that.

    I'm thinking of spending up to 6000 pixels in high grade materials for the production of upgrades, equipment, repair and ship manufacturing. Well, mostly upgrades and equipment. 6000p worth of materials would probably be drained right away after building 1 Falcon. It's a good thing those are built on an order-by-order basis. Wouldn't be good to build them and keep them in storage anyway. They take up too much space.

    So I've continued to work on a few variants of the Falcon and have finished programming the simulator systems that will help in the training of future pilots. The software is compatible with most simulator hardware and operative systems.
    Top view of the Falcon AM
    Previous Balance: 11040p

    • Personal Ship Refueling: 200p
    • Personal Ship Maintenance: 200p
    • Biweekly Payment: 850p
    Current Balance: 11490p
  7. Shag

    Shag High Impact Sexual Implications

    Feb 22, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Log 07

    Interstellar Date: April 19th, 2415

    Lot of stuff been going on lately. We'be been getting more and more recruits, which is good, but I'm also beginning to wonder what are we gonna do with so many of them. A lot of them tend to disobey orders and be generally disrespectful towards the higher ranking members which bothers me. Specially Woodson, who kicked off Cygnus off the tower during boot training. Boot camp was fine however, despite having to crawl through guts and blood and run like crazy, among other, less desirable things. I held up pretty well though, if I may say so myself.

    Before that, I met with Eve again while in the Freezer. She keeps teasing me and giving me mixed signals. She gets angry with me a lot and even french kissed Mute, my ex-girlfriend in front of me just to spite me. It worked pretty well. Afterwards she wanted to apologize and after trying to get her off my back, because she ended up begging me not to let her go, I finally accepted her apology and gave her one more chance. I've no idea if she was just putting up a face just to keep messing with me, but to be honest I don't even care any more. Next time I'll just drop it and look for someone else whom I really like and who won't play me like a fiddle just cause. I'm really frustrated with her. I can never get what she's thinking about or what she likes. Maybe I should stop beating around the bush and cut her off. I'm having lots of mixed feelings about this, even more so after tonight.

    I bought a Poptop and Virorb plushie for Eve but. . . seeing how she's like, I gave one of them to Smoke and the other to Cygnus, because she will probably bash me for it and will just throw them away anyway. I talked to them about it in Katune over some drinks.

    Cygnus seems like a nice girl, and in fact so do a lot of other of my female friends but I still don't know if leaving Eve is the right thing to do. Maybe she has really changed.

    It bothers me too that a lot of my friends seem to think I'm some sort of playboy though, like both Smoke and Flaire pointed out this evening. It's even more annoying because even Eve seems to think I wanna make her one of my 'whores'. I haven't even lost my virginity yet!

    Argh let's change subject. I finished up the new Falcon model. Falcon SM. It should prove substantially effective and helpful during missions. Though with limited. . .

    Pluck it. Who am I kidding I can't stop thinking about Eve and my problems. I'm just gonna go take a long shower and go hit the bunk. This is stressing me out.

    Veon out.
    Previous Balance: 11490p
    • Personal Ship Refueling: 200p
    • Plushies: 45p
    • Sold 30mm Prototype Chaingun: 500p
    Current Balance: 11755p
  8. Shag

    Shag High Impact Sexual Implications

    Feb 22, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Log 08

    Interstellar Date: April 20th, 2415

    Kluex, what am I doing with my life?!
    Why did I not wait? I'm such a horrible guy. How could I do this to Eve? To Cygnus? Am I really as good as people think me to be? What sort of bastard engages in another relationship before cutting off the other one?! Kluex help me, I'm the worst sort of person there is.

    Just when I think Eve is no longer interested in me, she goes and sends me a message about how sorry she is and how she really likes me. And what have I been doing? Chasing skirt that's what. Oh man what should I do? I gave Eve another chance, how could I just betray her like this? And Cygnus. . .

    What am I going to tell them? I need to think about this. I've set myself up and now I need to choose between either of them and face the consequences. But if I leave Cygnus, then what sort of guy am I that would just talk trash about Eve and then completely deny what I said and go after her again? And Eve. . . I've toyed with her feelings too! Just what should I do. . ? Am I leading them on?

    Man, how I wish I could go back in time to fix all of this!

    Previous Balance: 11755p
    • Personal Ship Refueling: 200p
    • New Clothes: 23p
    • Drinks: 7p
    • N/A
    Current Balance: 11525p

    Note: Start a savings account with interest.
    #8 Shag, Apr 21, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 21, 2015
  9. Shag

    Shag High Impact Sexual Implications

    Feb 22, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Log 09

    Interstellar Date: April 22nd, 2415

    I've made my decision. Eve and I are just too different, too unstable. I don't know what good would come out of her and me. Would I really even be able to make her happy? Would I be happy? I should have stopped our relationship before it had gone on too far. I know it, and it pains me.

    Cygnus is the only one for me. I too wish to father hatchlings eventually, and with Eve that won't happen. Cygnus is kind, she's spirited, gentle, lovely. . . you name it. We work together and live in the same place. We are also kin. I have to now focus on making Cygnus happy, keeping her safe and sound.

    If this all works out between me and her I want us to live a happy life along with out hatchlings. I've already started scouting planets for suitable conditions in which we could live in peace and security if we ever leave the United Systems. And well, since I've been going into uncharted areas I've also taken the chance to map a few star-charts of the area. They'll cash in nicely for some extra pocket money.

    I have to make sure I can keep a steady flow of money, at least until I'm finished setting up our little home.

    Veon out.
    Previous Balance: 11525p
    • Personal Ship Refueling: 1000p
    • Probing Scanners: 3000p
    • Bank Interest (2%): 230p
    • Sold Sector Maps and Charts: 3500p
    • Finder's Fees (Ore Deposits & L. Erchius Wells): 2000p
    Current Balance: 13255p

    Note: Contact local ore processing plant for materials. I still need those vanadium-durasteel alloys for manufacturing aircraft.
    #9 Shag, Apr 23, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 23, 2015
  10. Shag

    Shag High Impact Sexual Implications

    Feb 22, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Log 10

    Interstellar Date: April 26th, 2415

    Finally the gears of progress have been moving forward. Today I received the shipment of materials from the RSSU. Borish really has some good quality materials. I like this man, we might do business again. Next up for Ascendant Aviation is to set up a base of operations and a manufacturing plant, afterwards we can begin to sell products. It's a good thing I made sure to order a bit more than I actually needed, so I can build mine and Cygnus's house.

    We're starting to plan our little home's layout. We might even build a few more houses for a small settlement for us both and our friends to relax in when we need some time off. It'll be nice if my pocket can afford it. Which I do doubt, since after spending so many pixels I've been left a bit dry. Whatever, this shipment of materials should keep me supplied for a long time. At least until I build a few aircraft models.

    Moving on, my relationship with Cygnus has improved! I'm so lucky to have been posted in the same fire-team as her too! That aside I think we might have almost gotten in trouble after what we did in the showers. But I'm sure there were no stains there. We'll have to be a bit more careful where we do it though.

    Still, we've been getting to know each other more and more. I'm happy I've met her. She's so sweet and beautiful. So lucky she's my nestmate. Sleeping with her really helps me forget about the screaming and the nightmares. . .
    Previous Balance: 13255p
    • Personal Ship Refueling: 1000p
    • Cost of Materials (RSSU): 7540p
    • Comission (RSSU): 260P
    • Bank Interest (2%): 265p
    Current Balance: 4520p
    #10 Shag, Apr 27, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 27, 2015