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Log of a former Calvaryman

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Clockai Pyrosik, May 1, 2015.

  1. Clockai Pyrosik

    Clockai Pyrosik New Member

    Apr 9, 2015
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    ((This log is for my character 0011010000110010.))
    //Starting Starlog....
    //Login below:
    //Username: 0011010000110010
    //Password: ************
    //Access granted
    //Recording status: RECORDING
    A Glitch in heavy armor sat in front of the camera. He stared blankly at the Camera for a moment, before finally starting. He had a mouth that could be seen under his face guard as he spoke. He wasn't prefixing and his words and spoke with emotion. Clearly vo-corded.
    "My name is 0011010000110010. I am also known as Francis Tolliver, as named by a drunk human I came across. I come from the town of Liverpool under the kingship of 0011000000110001. Two galactic years ago I left my home planet after being forcefully injected with sentiance by a..." He paused for a moment, looking for the right word. "Less-than-sociable Hyltol. And by that I mean he gave me the choice of injection or cutting off my head." The robot gave his armored head a knock with his knuckles to enthuse his point. "Consitering my entire body is armor I doubt he would've gotten far. Anyway. This log is the start of many, I'm sure guarding a place at night will give me stories to tell...be them good or bad."
    Fumbles with camera's controls.
    //Recording status: OFFLINE
  2. Clockai Pyrosik

    Clockai Pyrosik New Member

    Apr 9, 2015
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    //Recording status: RECORDING
    The glitch was back, although his surroundings were entirely different. Behind him was a multi-screen camera system and a large red storage crate, behind that was a heavy-duty door. The deck was much larger. He was grinning under his face mask as he begun his daily log.
    "Well. I've decided to hold two jobs. I'm going to be security at the colony and a shipper on my off-time." He kicks his armored boots up on the table, causing the camera to shake a little.
    "I've sent out adverts and alerted the owner of Katune- Max, I do believe his name is- that I'm willing to do shipping for whoever can pay their way in fuel." Hand lazily moves about as he speaks, in that sort of 'I'm showing I know what I'm doing is serious but it's boring as fuck' sort of way.
    "Speaking of Katune, I broke up a bar-fight. Two of them, actually. One rowdy human who seriously needs to learn respect and an argument between a Grounded and a snobby Hylotl. Goddamn fish. Bride-to-be of the owner of the bar, that's who the fish was going after. Didn't catch her name. Cute blue avian." Removes his boots to swing round, glaring sharply at the many camera monitors behind his chair.
    He returned to staring at the camera, letting out a sigh that sounded more like a mechanical shutter on a camera. "I cannot stand this ship. It's very large, which is wonderful for shipping, but I swear there be spirits about." Shakes his head to clear it.
    "Oh, right, the ship. I bought a very high-class ship from a Novakid maverick. In typical fashion, he says he dosn't remember where he got it. I'm surprised he remembered what a Glitch was." Deadpan on that last sentence. "He traded it to me for a crate worth of fuel I looted off of an abandoned rig I found in space." He was silent for a moment. "...I don't know what he's going to do with it considering he gave me his ship. I swear, I've spoken with a Floran- also known as-" Air quotes from hands in heavy leather gloves- "-'savages' who managed a brain surgery. I can't get the crate behind me to open without breaking the lock, so my reaction might've been a touch skewed." He's now looking up at the stars through the window in the front.
    "Speaking of Florans, I raided a crashed ship with a group of three of them. Some guy who yelled at me for blading a ferret-" It was a weasel you idiot. "-that clearly had rabies, and most likely something else from eating the crew of the ship, and another one. Goes by the name 'stab dancer'. Gave me a nice sword in return for helping her clear out fuel." Pauses to take a breath. "We had a nice conversation about weapons. She's a fine collector, but needs to learn how to use blades proper. I mean, who doesn't get the concept of half-swording?"
    Shakes head again. "I'm rambling. I need to shut down and recharge. Log number..." He had to think for a moment. "Two. Log number two. Sorry, I've never been good with numbers. Log number two over."
    He reaches up and the camera shakes. He lets out a sigh before getting up and walking out of the room, through the heavy door behind the crate.
    In real-time, the video shows a full rotation of the ship around the planet before the Glitch comes back in, sitting down, turning on the engine, etc.
    And pissed that he left the camera on.
    Why isn't there an 'off' button?
    Oh, found i
    //Recording status: OFFLINE