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Lissa's Video Logs

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Alyxx, Jun 17, 2014.

  1. Alyxx

    Alyxx New Member

    Mar 26, 2014
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    ((Note that these logs can only be accessed via Lissa's ship console, where everything is stored. Any IC information here will be mentioned if it's of public knowledge.))

    >Restarting. User: "Lisssa". ID: Captain.
    >Video Log #001, intitializing...

    *A "Female" Floran, standing at 5.7 Ft. with green leaves covering her head sits in the captain's chair. "She" looks emotioned and dissapointed, at the same time. She proceeds to leave a Mace she had on her right hand close to the chair, and dropping the shield she is wearing. She has Oil spilled around the iron protection she has on her chest. She looks to the Camera, before noticing that it's recording.

    "Hss... Floran thought that sstupid Sship sstoped recording after firsst time. Why does idiot box sstil records Lissa?"

    *She starts tapping some of the controls, in a completely random fashion, untill she hits a button that stops the Recording...


    >Restarting. User: "Lisssa". ID: Captain.
    >Video Log #002, intitializing...

    *Lissa's still there, tapping random buttons. Probably, with all the tapping, she restarted the Recording. She looks back to the screen, noticing herself again.

    "Why iss sstupid box sso interessted in Lissa's lifess? If box wantss to know, Lissa will tellss..."

    *She leans back in the chair, picking the Mace, that has a lot of Oil, like if it was used on a Glitch recently, and not in the nice way.

    "Sstupid Metalmenss think that they can sstop Floran from taking sshiny stuffss. Lissa fightss Metalmenss, Metalmenss fight Lissa. Lissa winss battle. Sstabs all of them, and hass trophy."

    *She gets up, taking a Glitch war axe from the wall, with a certain tone of proudness.

    "Ssshiny axe doess not cutss, but iss pretty. Floran putss on wall for vissitorsss. Now Lissa needss more Metalss for greater huntss, so Floran can return to Tribesss. Floran feelsss sad for Tribesmen. Hass to Sstab them when come back."

    *She places the Axe back on the wall, before sitting on the chair again, observing the space, as the ship's orbiting a small moon.

    "Lissa will go to Floranss Tribessplace, called "Taranis". Lissa saw coordinates in fancy SstarNetss. Floran will not sstab other Floranss, or other Metalmenss that work for the Ordersss. Lissa's ready to go."

    *She starts randomly tapping the controls again, searching for an imput for coordinates, but instead, she deactivates the Power output, shutting down everything on the ship, including the Video Recorder...
    #1 Alyxx, Jun 17, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 17, 2014
  2. Alyxx

    Alyxx New Member

    Mar 26, 2014
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    >Restarting. User: "Lisssa". ID: Captain.
    >Video Log #003, intitializing...

    *Lissa's sitting in the Captain's chair, with all the seatbelts on as possible, keeping her attached to the chair like if she was in a padded cell. She's pretty nervous, but she calms down as the FTL Drive automatically stops in the orbit of Taranis. She detaches the seatbelts, and heads to the Ship's Storage, as she takes a Wizard's hat from it -Obviously stolen-, placing it on her head. Then, she looks back to the Console, noticing that it's recording her. Again.

    "Hsss... Why does sstupid image box hass to record me again?"

    *She walks back to the Camera, before noticing herself in the hat. She makes some strange poses with it, before tapping it.

    "Floran looks good on hat. Floran likes. Hss..."

    *She taps more buttons, this time carefully staying away from the Power one, untill finally turning off the Camera, and the recording...


    >Restarting. User: "Lisssa". ID: Captain.
    >Video Log #004, intitializing...

    *Lissa's back on screen, tapping more buttons on the controls, untill she looks up again.

    "Hsss. Box wantss to know what Lissa'ss up to, yesss?"

    *She leans back on the chair, hitting the FTL Engine drive, placing all the seatbelts back on, as the ship charges, jumping. Meanwhile, Lissa's holding to the seat the stronger she can.

    "Hsss! Lisssa met Floran named 'Ssshade'... Isss good Floran, ssays I can join tribess. Lissa's in need of tribesss since lasst one burned. Lissa made sssure to sstab survivorss quick. Oh, Ssshade told Lisssa that Lissa hasss to ssstab Birdmen to prove application. Lissa's searching for Birdmend planet now. Lisssa wantss to taste Birdmen's Chicken..."

    *She goes silent, probably thinking of fried chicken, as the FTL stops in the orbit of a random planet. As this happens, Lissa takes off the seatbelts, and turns off the Recorder...
    #2 Alyxx, Jun 17, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 12, 2014
  3. Alyxx

    Alyxx New Member

    Mar 26, 2014
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    (( Part of this isn't exactly accurate. Some words might not be the ones actually used in the real conversation, as my mind likes to forget such things.))

    >Restarting. User: "Lisssa". ID: Captain.
    >Video Log #005, intitializing...

    *Lissa abruptly sits on the captain's chair, the door closing behind her. She looks over to the camera, before taking a deep breathe.

    "Hsss... Drosssera tribesss no more. after Lisssa send application -And wasss proudly accepted-, Tree vanisssh. Lisssa wasss sad, before meeting Blood-Drinker. He isss Drosssera member, but tellsss Floran that needsss to prove herssself againsss..."

    *Just then, the door opens behind her again, another Floran -Blood-Drinker- steps in. Lissa turns to him.

    L- "Where to?"

    B- "Hmm... New Chicago'sss good place. Lotsss of things to sssteal."

    L- "New chicago? What isss?"

    B- "Isss Colony. Look at StarNetsss."

    L- "Okaysss..."

    *Lisa turns to the pad, starts tapping like a plant, and sets course over to New Chicago.

    L- "...New Chicago, here we go."

    B- "Carefull. Isss good place to sssteal, but much policemen too."

    L- "...Isss good plan?"

    B- "Yesss. Jussst do what I do."

    *Lissa nods, before looking over the window, where New Chicago's planet can be seen. Blood-Drinker proceeds to walk off to the telepad, and Lissa follows him, the recorder automatically turning off after a few minutes of nothingness...


    ((...This is also the last time she's seen, as she will get executed at New Chicago, at the hands of Cass, after the esacalation from a simple rob, to a hostage situation, to a full-out gunfure, that ended killing off Lissa, Blood-Drinker, and some other Hylothl whose name I forgot. If someone, for some reason knows his name, tell me. Meanwhile, the Hotel she owned, located at:

    X: 29, Y: -18, Alpha Tiko Majoris III, is now of public use, and free-to-claim. - It's a beach-side Hotel too.

    ...And with this, I declare Lissa Deceased. ))
    #3 Alyxx, Sep 9, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 12, 2014
  4. GuardianPotato

    GuardianPotato New Member

    Feb 24, 2014
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    ((GG Lissa))