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Lee's Desk

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Kazi, Mar 14, 2014.

  1. Kazi

    Kazi New Member

    Feb 28, 2014
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    *A plain wooden table covered in printouts and hand written notes. A small tablet computer sits next to a printer and an old style iron lamp*

    *pages of posts and correspondence from Ray Beluga are top most on the pile, with hand written notes and arrows scribbled in the margins. Mixed in with these are print outs on antimatter and neutronium. On the pages about antimatter there are a few sections highlighted seemingly based on the use of simple terms in the margins seems to be some basic math; the more technical sections have question marks and the note "I should have taken more sciences in school". The page on neutronium has additional question marks in the margins and the words, "strange matter?", "quark matter?", and "black holes?" written in the margin along with "I have no clue what any of this means". Also poking out from the the stacks appears to be a school transcript, and a few news articles*

    *The tablet on and a writing app is open, the only words so far on the page are "Who is Ray Beluga?"*

    ((stay tuned for the exciting article!))
  2. Kazi

    Kazi New Member

    Feb 28, 2014
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    *with all the paper work about Ray tucked away neatly in a file cleverly labeled '"Death" Ray Beluga', Lee's desk once again begins to fill up with papers. This time on the subject of Floran violence (both to them and by them) as well as accounts of violent actions by other races. There are a few pages about Syntia with the handwritten note in the margin reading "Need more information", and an almost completely blank piece of paper with the heading USCM.*

    *The writing program on the tablet is once again open with the heading "The Floran Menace:Fact or Fiction?"*