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Leaving Antares

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Doctor Frohman, Jul 29, 2014.

  1. Doctor Frohman

    Doctor Frohman New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
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    If you don't know Clarice Kara, please just ignore this.

    Anyway, as the title suggests, I'm leaving Antares. I most likely won't return, so... I'm sorry everyone who I've left behind.

    Now, most of you have things left unanswered, and seeing as how I'm not going to return and probably die, I'm just going to give you my life story. Also, if you don't know me, go away.

    I was born due to an incestual relationship with my Father and my Cousin, once removed. I was born with True-Gray eyes and seen as a mishap, or a mistake. Dad never really liked me and Mom was never around, so I became a loner. Because of that, my siblings started to take a hating to me, except two. My cousin Marilyn and my adopted sister, Megan.

    When I started high-school, Megan took me on her fishing ship to Uyendinya Island, where I fell in love with the place. I made it my new hangout spot and would basically live there, as my home itself wasn't as friendly.

    At my sophomore year, Dad had this great idea. Since the sea was only starting to freeze at points in the winter due to the global warming of the planet, he decided that we should have a bunker on Uyendinya Island. It was finished in my senior year, but I always stayed on the opposite side of the island from where they were building it. Oh! I also got my husky-pup that year, which I named Bärli, or "Little Bear".

    At my senior year, Marilyn and I fell in love. Yes, she was my cousin, but it's fucking legal, so shut up.
    We would spend all night just staring, looking up at the stars and making up constellations, or finding existing ones... I feel sad and happy just thinking of the times we spent together.

    When I was 18, Earth started to fall. The gigantic tentacle monster was fucking shit up everywhere, so most of the family fled to the bunker. Dad ended up calling and talking with some company who agreed to take us with them off-planet in exchange for... god knows what. I was in a shuttle with Konrad and Conrad, my twin brothers, hysterically named, I know, when I saw out the window the fishing town I grew up in being torn apart. With that, one of the most northern spots on the Earth had fallen, along with the rest of civilization itself.

    The company took us to an Earth-Like planet and began to establish relays, trying to communicate with any United Systems guys. Sadly, it didn't work. Eventually, they established marshal law, and turned the goddamn group of survivors, into a prison encampment. They built a huge city, visible from space, to enhouse all the people they had plucked from Earth in its madness.

    I joined up with their police force, just for better food and water, not to help them. Eventually, Marilyn joined up with me as well and we continued our relationship where it left off. Marilyn was trained brutally, due to her smallness and other things. She would break her hands during CQC Training with one of the divisions branch guys...

    Eventually, we rose in rank, starting to feel less pity for those who we pushed around and harassed, we were merely doing our jobs. That's when I realized we were slowly being brainwashed. I tried to convince Marilyn, but she just wouldn't listen. I had a stronger will than her and... eventually, she was just like them. Didn't even remember her own damn name, like I did back at Tet.

    When the planet had been starting to reach critical levels, due to all the mining and factory work, added to that all the goddamn experiments those fuckers must of been doing, it was noticeably different. Certain groups started to cause a revolution, and that's when I made my move. I got myself stationed on Ship-Guarding, or whatever it was called, through seduction. It wasn't until I was there that I realized that Marilyn had also been put on duty. I made my move however, as this planet was bust and I knew it. I shot two of the other police officers and stabbed another in the tendon, making my way to the ship, hoping Marilyn would be too late. However, she thought ahead of time and made her way around back, meeting me half-way on the walkway. We talked, argued, and eventually, fought. In the end, I plunged my knife into her chest, yanking it out quickly, and leaving her there.

    As I got into the ship, I raced through the stars, finding my way to the Antares sector. Crowliss discovered me in the wreckage, leading me back to Tetanus Fields. When I arrived, I hated the place at first, sticking to a cave on the outer workings of the encampment. Crowliss then brought Tiger over to help him learn about sex. The poor lad had never had 'The Talk'. Anyway, after awhile, I noticed Tiger was taking a liking to me, and apparently, Skyrax Otto the Third also did. He pushed us together, setting up romantic dinners, and overall being an ass, but eventually we got together as a couple.

    When we moved back into Tetanus, I met a guy named Felith. He had been robbed by Joshua Sheffler and the two decided to have a fist-fight off-planet. I volunteered to come with and snipe for him, just incase it went haywire. Felith, of course, lost the fight, getting the shit beaten out of him, so I picked him up and brought him back to Tet.

    Then, I saw the flaw that was Crowliss. He was the Korpser of the Boards, but was terrible at it. So... I decided to take judgement into my own hands and fix up The Boards. I lured him into my ship, deciding that I'd abandon him on a Gamma Sector planet, not killing him, incase the plan went butch. He resisted, however, so I placed three shots in him, leaving him to the tentacly, dry planet, where he was picked up by slavers, unfortunately.

    Eventually, I started to take interest in a popular Floran by the name of Traptooth. I decided, against better, safer judgement, to talk to him in person, one on one. He proposed a deal. I show him his children, the Mucktooths, or Traplurks as some call, by smuggling him onto Tetanus, and he talks to me.

    When I snuck him onto Tetanus, right past Petaldancer and Felith, we talked in the dark, him keeping his rocket-launcher pointed at me the entire time. He eventually eased up and we talked normally, discussing things and his own motives. I knew that Felith and some of the others were starting to become suspicious of me, starting to put together the pieces of the puzzle that was Crowliss' disapearance, so I asked if he knew a safe place. He suggested Luminara, saying that I could live there, close to him.

    Time passed, I had packed up my things, and Felith and I had argued about Petaldancer. I said that she was worthless and a burden on the community, due to her blindness and frailty. Words turned to fists as we fought, tumbling down stairs, laying blows apon eachother like it was going out of style. He shattered my rib-cage, puncturing a lung, which lead to my low-lung capacity today. The fight ended as I snapped his leg in two and Ruby fired of a series of gunshots.

    I left Tetanus soon after, being exiled by Stanza for what I had done. I made myself a home on Luminara and began talking more with Traptooth, even going as far as to help him with his day-to-day activities. An avian who I had met on Tetanus decided to follow me as well, going by the name of Captain. We talked and after about a week, we relieved stress on his ship.

    Tiger found me later on, after I paid off the pirate gang he was running with for his location. We hugged, snuggled, and talked over our experiences. I eventually confessed to my affair with Captain, and saw him get mad for the first time. That was the last time I saw him, sadly...

    I was kidnapped by The Dianthus Cartel, originally with the purpose of making me a slave, I convinced them otherwise. I joined up with their slaving buisness, leaving after a series of terrorist attacks, one involving the kidnapping of Skarti.

    Captain and I then grew in our relationship, but nothing else really happened. I left Luminara, then starting to feel guilt for what I had done in the past... I met Felith on Union, then invited him up to my ship, confessing all the terrible things I had done, laying out a series of weapons for him to kill me with, but no... he spared me. He told me to start doing some good for the universe, and pointed me in the direction of the USCM.

    I joined up with the USCM and after awhile, I realized that this wasn't all it was cut out to be. The USCM didn't really help people, they did things within' their own agenda, hurting innocents sometimes just to get their way. This branch of the USCM was so unofficial too, letting a crazed Floran in their ranks and having terrible protocols.

    When I received an email from 513, Marilyn, I knew I had to leave, so I asked Duskfeather about resigning, and... well... it was super easy. I just asked, he said yes, and I left him all my USCM gear. So now... I'm going to the relayed coordinates 513 said, unknown if it is in murderous intentions, or in joyful reunion. I have confessed my crimes and everything I have done to you, and I hope now, that you understand me and my dumb actions.

    Goodbye, Antares, and... well... I'll miss you guys.
    Except you, Skarti, you sonofabitch.

    - Clarice

    (( Basically, I've killed Clarice off. I might pull her back to Antares in a year or so, but... who knows if I'll still be interested then. Oh, and I woulda put this in an email, but I don't know if it coulda fit all the people there and I don't know everyone OOCly. ))
  2. Finestein Goodlad

    Finestein Goodlad Wizard Mod

    Mar 27, 2014
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    A twisted story it is, but I am sure you that shall find your good fortune during your new adventures. Farewell and may Kluex light your path, Clarice.
  3. Sammy McHammyDoodle

    Sammy McHammyDoodle New Member

    Jan 13, 2014
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    I don't know you but I still read it, hav niec trip!