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Just Got Accepted - Character Synopsis: Zepa Volther -Glitch-

Discussion in 'Character Discussion' started by ZepaVolther, May 4, 2015.

  1. ZepaVolther

    ZepaVolther New Member

    May 13, 2014
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    Since I just got accepted, I thought of sharing my characters information to you all :)

    Character Information
    What do they look like?

    Character Name: Zepa Volther

    Where did they come from?

    Birth Planet: Terminus (Glitch Ruled Planet)
    Hometown: Technopole

    What Is Your Character’s Backstory?

    Zepa Volther, created in royalty, it has said that he was built with the newest type of parts for his body that his family can afford. His family was a part of a long lineage of righteous personal guards for the planets king. It is known that every male that is created in the Volther family is said to be trained by The High Knights of Valor when each male reaches the age of 10. Every time a male is built they will have 10 years to enjoy their life and 10 years to become a Knight of Valor. It is known that many have died during the rigorous training that they have to overcome. No one knows about the whereabouts of the training grounds or know about the training that they do.

    After 10 rigorous long years, Zepa came back home, different. It is rumored that they lose their original body paint and come back with a new sliver body paint as an acknowledgement that they survived. As Zepa came back to his home town, the people all stared at him with fury and social injustice. Zepa shrugged it off as he did not know or cared about what was happening. All he thought about is home. Home is where his heart can rejuvenate. As he walked back to his house, he noticed the door open, he smelt fresh oil in the air. As he entered the front door, he did not come back to a home, he came back to a slaughter. Fresh black smoke blasted at his face as it revealed his parents dead and pinned to the wall, his pet dog chopped and burnt in pieces. His entire childhood burnt into a black smoldering ash. Zepa fell down to his knees, as he wanted to cry, but he couldn’t, he forgot how to. As the ash of his parents fell upon him his knees heavily dropped towards the floor as he keeled down and waited till the roaring inferno it all burnt in front of him.

    On that day the sky became ash gray as the rain slowly put out the inferno, it then created thick smog. All that remained is the burnt down house, the soggy oil smell, and as the smog faded away. There lies Zepa Volther on his knees. He did not look the same, his body paint became darker like the black ash that fell upon him. He became so depressed he then disappeared into the shadows to not be heard of again.

    Years later, Zepa became a criminal on Terminus as he was hunted down to be imprisoned for his shut down. No one never knew why Zepa suddenly became a criminal, people say he went insane, others say he wanted to fight for his own justice that he believed in. For over half a year he was hiding in the shadows gathering up supplies and escaping the might of the dictator.

    Once Zepa escaped his planet, he slept on his ship and some how entered a worm hole by accident and traveled into another universe.

    Describe your character?

    Zepa Volther is a free spirited glitch who can be masochistically weird for doing jobs that he hates. He may seem weird, but he is actually a deep thinker as well a poet as he often questions life.

    What will they do?
    After escaping the might of the dictator, he will find a new civilization that will accept him for who he is. As he travels the universe he will make friends, Adventure, and finally live his own life. His actions will be the consequences that will befall him whether if it is for good or for evil.
    #1 ZepaVolther, May 4, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: May 5, 2015
  2. EyesofMarch

    EyesofMarch New Member

    Feb 17, 2014
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    I'd hold back on the mental disorders.. A lot of people seem to have them. Otherwise, very nice!
  3. Khaltor

    Khaltor Lore Master

    Jun 13, 2014
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    I cannot comprehend this backstory.
    Some parts aren't expressed in a comprehensive way, at least that's what it looks like to me...

    It's unclear whether the Glitch world he came from was primarily hive-mind, which i would assume, as Outcasts are quite a minority. The fact that the differ from the obvious Glitch hive-mind is entirely possible, there may be quite some variations.

    Every time a boy is born & 10 years to enjoy their innocence, i'm assuming you mean when they are created, and that during these 10 years the Glitch is still "physically" adult, since Glitch most probably have no child state.

    Other than that, welcome!
  4. Not A President

    Not A President [help me]

    Oct 19, 2014
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    Just a bit of constructive criticism;
    Somehow entering a wormhole, even by accident, doesn't exactly make for a stable plot line comparing it to what happened before.
    Also (and I'm not looking this up as I read) I don't believe there actually is such things as alternate universes, only one large universe in which the mass of it we live in is only so little. Let alone I don't think anything can survive a worm hole/black hole, I believe they'd tear apart, or expand into gloop, or something. Dunno. Just how I picture it though.

    Otherwise, I like it.
  5. CaptainBritton02

    CaptainBritton02 Man of War

    Jan 7, 2014
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    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wormhole "The theory of general relativity predicts that if traversable wormholes exist, they could allow time travel.[3] This would be accomplished by accelerating one end of the wormhole to a high velocity relative to the other, and then sometime later bringing it back; relativistictime dilation would result in the accelerated wormhole mouth aging less than the stationary one as seen by an external observer, similar to what is seen in the twin paradox. However, time connects differently through the wormhole than outside it, so that synchronized clocks at each mouth will remain synchronized to someone traveling through the wormhole itself, no matter how the mouths move around.[23]This means that anything which entered the accelerated wormhole mouth would exit the stationary one at a point in time prior to its entry."

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multiverse "The multiverse (or meta-universe) is the hypothetical set of infinite or finite possible universes (including the Universe we consistently experience) that together comprise everything that exists: the entirety of space, time, matter, and energy as well as the physical laws and constants that describe them. The various universes within the multiverse are sometimes called parallel universes or "alternate universes"."

    AKA entering a wormhole theoretically would let you time travel.
    And Multiverse theory. Mmm.
    #5 CaptainBritton02, May 5, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: May 5, 2015
  6. Not A President

    Not A President [help me]

    Oct 19, 2014
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    I don't look smart anymore
  7. Comrade

    Comrade New Member

    Dec 29, 2014
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    Who says he's smart, m8, all he did was copy and paste info from Wikipedia
  8. CaptainBritton02

    CaptainBritton02 Man of War

    Jan 7, 2014
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    Eh, most of the info of the multiverse theory I already knew, but I'm a lazy pleb.
  9. Comrade

    Comrade New Member

    Dec 29, 2014
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    clean my shoes plebian!
    k back on topic, you provided some good information and took some time to make this, so +1
  10. Narfball

    Narfball narfball

    Dec 22, 2013
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    nice stuff man