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Judge Nicodemus Hawthorn's Journal

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Lawsonkc6, Jul 9, 2016.

  1. Lawsonkc6

    Lawsonkc6 Hanging Judge of Antares

    Jul 8, 2016
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    *This black leather bound journal is kept under lock and key in a safe in Hawthorn's house. Unless he has not found a home yet or he is moving, then it is in his inner coat pocket.*

    First entry. Where to begin? Oh...right. I have been removed from my position as Judge in the small town of Bergen. Not for a good reason, mind you. I suppose that the last 16 executions was the last straws for the idiots. For 36 years I have been keeping that town safe from the parasitic influences that resided in its outskirts and sewers. For 36 years of service, I have been removed. Removed! That damned fool Hamson Plutarch and his "ideas" of right and wrong. Bah! What could he possibly know of how the criminal mind functions?

    I escaped from the mob, thankfully. Like a scene out of an old witch movie, they came screaming toward the courthouse, pitchforks and all. Thankfully my accountant's idea to save up money worked, and I have enough fuel and money to get to a "friendly" town. Perhaps they will need a Judge, eh? Doubtful, but it is worth an attempt. Order must be maintained at all costs, through any means. I have heard of Floran terrorists and such. Perhapsthey shall be the first to go and I can help the authorities root them out. Ha! "Root" them out.

    I will be sending out a broadcast soon. I'll ask where a good place to stop is located. And then? Well, we will just have to see, won't we?
    #1 Lawsonkc6, Jul 9, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 14, 2016
  2. Lawsonkc6

    Lawsonkc6 Hanging Judge of Antares

    Jul 8, 2016
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    Second Entry. A new position. Marshall. Interesting, really. I suggested the idea to Ernal yesterday. He was hesitant, as usual. Is it that difficult, Mr. Ernal? To bring more security to Mud? Perhaps it is the idea of me having more say when it comes to the Security of Mud. Perhaps he is just a weak minded fool who likes the status quo. No, that isn't it. Ernal is weak and submissive, true, but he is no fool. He is intelligent in many ways, some of which are questionable. And, from what I have heard, his choice of "partners" is less than positive.

    But it is not my business to speak of who the bird sleeps with. Before the Marshall position can be created, I need to convince Mr. Star to keep his personal vengeance against this Sunshine Corporation to a minimum. No fights. No trying to meddle in their affairs. Even though I have been here for a week, I already have the Mud mentality: No more trouble than is needed. Damn these birds and their feathers. They are putting me on edge with their paranoia.

    I will be speaking with Mr. Star today. I can tell he wants that job. After decades of working with police officers and other security firms, I know when someone wants something. But something is holding him back. He wants it but he seemed somewhat hesitant when I brought it up.

    I keep thinking I see that damned Plutarch. In the crowds. In the inn. In my own bedroom when I try and sleep. Could it actually be him? I don't think he could. Impossible...

    I made sure his little party was over as soon as I left. No more Beren to worry about, eh? The idiots in the Council will be worrying about it for weeks. But that is besides the point. I WILL stop seeing him. I know I will. He is dead. I am not. That is all that matters.
  3. Lawsonkc6

    Lawsonkc6 Hanging Judge of Antares

    Jul 8, 2016
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    I forget the date today. But things are in motion. And it will only help Mud grow.

    I am still waiting on a years worth of fees from the accounts of my clients. My accountent says that it is a slow process due to me relocating, but it will happen. Beren's little coffer, if it still survivedthe fire, is now truely empty. The money legally was mine. I simply removed it from one bank to another. I now have enough money to fund the expansion of Mud. A courthouse, more houses, a resteraunt or two, perhaps a library. Everything that an modern town would have. Add some color to this drab place. While it will be a slow process, it will be good overall for Mud. This town needs some sort of change.

    I met a man today, one who shares my ideals and some of my intellect. Diego Manriquez. Interesting man. He plans on building a settlement, one that will act as a hub for traders. An interesting idea, one that is full of promise. I will fund that enterprise as well, as well as its security. If, for some odd reason, my position in Mud is revoked, or the town burns to the ground, I will have a comfortable pillow to fall back on. One where large decisions will be made, and one that I have funded.

    The attack on the guardsman Volare is troubling. I retrieved a notebook that was found on the body of the assailant. Coordinates, and what is interesting is that they lead to this newly founded Rothfield Genetics Lab. Also, when I was given the location of the corpse, by that pompus Kahlua, the body had vanished. Dug up and taken. I don't know where and I don't know by who, but I do not like this one bit. A storm is brewing, and it is headed towards Mud. And I do not like that idea one bit.

    I suppose that is all I have to say for today. But, inevitably, something will happen within the next few days.
  4. Lawsonkc6

    Lawsonkc6 Hanging Judge of Antares

    Jul 8, 2016
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    *There are several illegible markings, a few spotches of some unknown language, but finally, it returns to legible writing. No dating. No sign of what day this was written on*

    Very well, if that is how this game shall be played, then I shall play along. I am technically allowed back into Mud by now, but I refuse. I am to busy transferring funds to Dr. Steiner and his little genetics lab. For all the brilliance buried in his skull, the man thinks to small. He could have formed his own company, made millions, and over shadowed his peers. Yet he chooses to remain with Rothfield and the idiots that are employed there. Now he is in the Gor Waste area, and he has been allotted control over a new laboratory there. I have seen what is buried beneath the place, and I know what Rothfield wants. And he can have it. If it assists in bringing Law and Order to this cesspool, then so be it.

    The Lights over Mud will be appearing soon. I suppose I shall attend, but only for the Lights. Nothing else. But mind you, my lifesaver will be on my person at all times.
  5. Lawsonkc6

    Lawsonkc6 Hanging Judge of Antares

    Jul 8, 2016
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    June 28

    I have had a heart attack. Not as life threatening as one would have imagined, but I am still not well. I will not be able to make it to view the Lights of Mud. The pills I was taking had been switched by someone. And it could have only happened when I was in Mud. I knew that someone there was staring daggers at me behind my back. But who, though? Ernal? No, no he doesn't have the nerve to do such a thing. Star? He is a stubborn Nova, but I do not think he would do something like that. Though, after his little "talk down to me like I am a child" moment, I would not complain if he simply popped like a balloon.

    Volare? I do not know much of the bird, but he is not capable of something of that nature. Even after Subject 596 assaulted him, I do not think that he would have the gumption to break his little code as a guard. Perhaps...

    Kahlua. That must be it. The stuck up bird never did seem to appreciate the things I do. And his "friendship" with Ernal only gives him more reason to do such a thing. I respect Ernal as a leader, but as a person he can be a fool, at times. His love life over shadows the need to keep Mud safe. And I can feel it catching up with him. Soon, oh so very soon, it will catch up with him.

    I'll talk to someone to see if Kahlua can not be made an example of. I doubt anything will happen to the little child, but if something does...well, it does not matter then, does it. But the question is: how did he switch my medication? It was locked in my drawer at the Inn at night, and I made sure it was always in my vest pocket when I did my rounds. How did he do it? It baffles the mind, really.

    My chest is killing me. I shall go and lie down, I need to rest. Dr. Steiner has given me a new dose of heart medication. Stronger doses, to make sure that my heart recovers. When I obtain the last of my fees from Beren, I will have a new heart installed. Something more....powerful. Less prone to failure. Until then, I shall rest.
    1 person likes this.
  6. Lawsonkc6

    Lawsonkc6 Hanging Judge of Antares

    Jul 8, 2016
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    August 4th

    I have recovered some from the incident rather well. Dr. Steiner's little pills work rather well, my chest is no longer feeling like an elephant is sitting on it. Though I still have some heart palpitations, it seems that I will not have any more trouble with my ailing heart. Within the month, I will have enough money to purchase a new heart. A cybernetic one, I think. That would work out nicely. No more problems. No more issues.

    Now onto the criminal who caused this incident. I am now certain that it could be no one else but that arrogant bird Kahlua. The self-important bird never did seem to appreciate my knowledge of the justice system. How dare he think that he is more qualified than I in law enforcement? And to put Mud in danger by being so close to Ernal, distracting him from his duty to protect Mud? From now on, he is a criminal. And, while I can not enact Justice upon him myself, I will make sure that he is brought to Justice for attempted murder. An attempted murder of a government official no less. He will pay, no doubt about it.

    I have been funding the construction of a new colony. Weapons manufacturing. Good profit to be made from that. And no civilians will be armed. No exceptions. No excuses. A TRUE safe haven. A beacon of protection from the outside world. Unlike Mud and its many faults, this will be a near perfect place. And it seems that I shall become the town's Judge and possibly the overseer of its protection. Better than what was offered to me in Mud. An actual salary. An actual position with power. A position in which I shall be able to keep Order. I shall have to bring my furniture out of storage, when my home is built.
  7. Lawsonkc6

    Lawsonkc6 Hanging Judge of Antares

    Jul 8, 2016
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    August 6th

    Did you really think you could escape from me, little bird? That your crimes would not go unnoticed? That your attempts to hinder me would not be met with retaliation? Oh how adorable. The things that must be flashing through your little avian brain right now. "It's just a minor thing. It will pass over soon." Oh it will. And so will you, Kahlua. So will you.

    I had you poisoned, you see. And you didn't even see it coming. I had the poison made specially for you. Isn't that thoughtful? A deadly liquid, just a few drops would be enough to kill you. It will start with a fever. Mild at first. Then it will progress. With that, nausea will set it. Then the fatigue. And then, the thing I had this tailored for, the nightmares. Oh yes Kahlua. You will be haunted by all that you have done. Those terrible memories that you though you had locked away, they will reemerge. Your worst fears come to life. One night, it might be Ernal being killed, all because of your stupidity. Perhaps another it will be Mud burning, all because of Ernal's obsession with his love life, all your fault. And then, perhaps, you will be alone. In the dark abyss of Oblivion. Alone, lonely, no one to keep you company. No one to keep you from breaking. Your screams will not be heard. Alone, little bird. All alone.

    You never saw this coming, did you? I had it all planned. You were out in a heavily crowded area. For weeks you have been seeing things out of the corner of your eye, things that disappear when you looked for them. Movements you couldn't quite catch. And then that fateful day, when your accidentally bumped into someone, you had no idea that a needle was injecting you with your death. How your arrogance has blinded you, Mr. Kahlua. And now you shall pay the price for it.

    You are an average Avian male. The calculations told us the amount that was needed. The doctor said that not that much would be needed. Money was an issue, so they cut just a bit of the dosage. But still, enough to kill you, they assured me of that. Oh, the death will be brutal to watch. It will take about a week or two to reach the end, but when that time passes, the seizures will begin. Without warning. Your brain will not be able to find the issue, but it will find that the majority of the problems are coming from your heart. In an attempt to keep the rest of the body safe, the brain will begin to shut down the heart. You will go into cardiac arrest, a prisoner of your own mind. If your heart does not rupture from the trauma, you will simply collapse. Your heart will have stopped beating. You will be dead. Found Guilty for your crimes. Law and Order shall be restored.

    My conscience does not trouble me in the slightest. It was the weakness of your character that drove my actions. Why should I be reproached? Law and Order must be upheld at all cost. If not, then the universe shall descend into Chaos. And I will not let that happen. Justice came, as it always does. Unfortunately, I will not be there to witness your execution. Though I will take heart knowing that you have been removed, so that you may not harm anyone else. I wish you the best, Mr. Kahlua. Goodbye.
    Judge Nicodemus Hawthorn
  8. Lawsonkc6

    Lawsonkc6 Hanging Judge of Antares

    Jul 8, 2016
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    August 10th

    Mr. Manriquez has his town nearly finished. The factory is still being constructed, though the townhall is finished. The town hall itself was the most expensive building I believe. I had to have my desk and typewriter brought to my office. And my chair. And the grandfather clock. And the chandelier.

    Apparently, my authority is being recognized. I have no desire to become mayor, but apparently, I am a possible candidate for something resembling Vice Mayor, if that is even the correct phrase. I have provided funding for the town, it is only right that I be given some credit. I will, of course, become the town's Judge. It is only proper that a town dedicated to safety would have a veteran at the reigns. Armed guards, no civilians with weapons, no excuses, no exceptions. A delightful bastion of hope for those who need a place to dwell in safety. And it shall be modern, unlike Mud. Not a backwater little colony with wooden buidings, but proper apartments, an actual town hall, and a source of income.

    Kahua should be dead within the month, if not the week. I have heard nothing about his situation. Mud is locked down, no way to send someone in to spy on the birds. I will be content in knowing that the criminal will be dead soon. Its all I can do for now.

    I almost have enough saved for a cybernetic heart. I will have the operation done once the preparations have been made. Then I won't have this ailing heart shut down on me when I am needed most. Perhaps....

    No, the idea is not needed at this time. And the amount of risk involved is highly problematic. I will not dwell on it. Instead, I will prepare for my new position. I need to have a new suit tailored for me. And new robes as well. All in good time. After all, good things happen to those who wait.
  9. Lawsonkc6

    Lawsonkc6 Hanging Judge of Antares

    Jul 8, 2016
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    September 14
    It has been a rather interesting several days. I have been cleared for the heart replacement. The procedure will be done on Friday. I am rather giddy over the oppurtunity to take part in modern day science. I am certain that all will go well.

    I had a rather interesting discussion yesterday. An Avian was present at "The Ranch," a new colony that was started by an interesting man named Gillian. But that is besides the point. This Avian, I can not recall his name, is a priest. Of sorts. He worships all of the imaginary birds in the sky as most of the Avians do. I must have startled him, because he was rather cautious at first, though we began to converse and he slowly let his guard down. I forget that the birds have a vast array of gods they pray to, and this priest is no exception. Offhandedly, I mentioned that I had sentenced several of their "priest" to death because of murders in the names of their gods. I could feel the anger as soon as I mentioned it, the sudden onset of rage. Surprisingly, he remained calm and responded, with no hint of remorse, that he has killed several human mercenaries before, for attacks against their religion or some nonsense like that. He spoke in almost a...nostalgic tone. These birds are quiet an odd people. The ones who stay away from religion are able to act like any other citizen would. And yet, these priests and their followers speak like prophets, leading the poor fools into some sort of imaginary love affair with a bird in the sky. Bah. These priests are frauds, no different than the humans who rant about God, Our Lord and Savior. Fools, the lot of them. Although, the human priests do not go around killing for their god. Which places them on a higher plane than the fanatical avians.

    In any case, I hope that we are able to continue the conversation at a later date. Unfortunately, The Berg is not the most hospitable place, and I will be leaving soon. Perhaps returning to The Ranch for a short time. By then, Omega's factory should be operational, and then we can begin our design. Ah, what a future it will be. Plans to be made, designs to be finished, a new world to soon view. Exciting, is it not?
    #9 Lawsonkc6, Sep 14, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 14, 2016
  10. Lawsonkc6

    Lawsonkc6 Hanging Judge of Antares

    Jul 8, 2016
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    September 16

    Kahlua is alive.

    I do not know how it happened. Perhaps the fools trying to save money by cutting the dosage was the cause. Perhaps it was a problem with the substance itself. Perhaps Kluex is real and he favors the bird. It does not matter. He will die. There is no other choice now. The little rat deserves his fate, but luck does not favor me, it seems. No matter, it will be done one way or another.

    To make matters worse is that he had the audacity to smile at me! Who does he think he is?! To grin at me after what he has done! But the question is, how did he know? He must know I did it. But how? Every loose end was taken care of. There was no possible way he could have discovered that I was the one who tried to enact Justice upon him. And yet.....he must know! Why else was he mocking me with that grin? That "innocent" smile. He must be laughing at me right now! Laughing at the fact that I didn't notice it sooner!

    Oh, I'll finish him off yet! No more chances to do it subtly. A quick, precise event. Whatever it takes to kill the rat, I will do it. I did leave the marked coin with him. When the end comes, he will realize what it means. Yes, he will know what it means in time.
  11. Lawsonkc6

    Lawsonkc6 Hanging Judge of Antares

    Jul 8, 2016
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    December 6

    Interesting developments.

    I am now the tutor and caretaker of the delightful young girl named Mairi. Oh, the things I could say about the child! She is an utter delight to be around, her mind is sharp, and she surprises me with her knowledge on a wide range of subjects. Madame Primfeather must be proud of her adopted daughter, as that is what I am assuming their relationship is. Oh yes, and her uncle Zephyr. He must be proud as well. I will gladly make sure that Order becomes an important part of her life, and hopefully she will learn quickly.

    That damn girl Thilda has returned, and she seems to have brought company with her to Fenbrook. A nova. Dear lord, the Novas come up with the most uninventive names. Carbon is his name, and I do not like the look of him. He is hiding something behind that "ditzy" façade. But, then again, what if he is such a ditz and I am just mistaken? Irrelevant. He is obviously smarter than he looks, and that bothers me. Perhaps he has arrived to help that girl to help undo me! Are they working together to punish me for my lack of perfection?!

    I will just keep and eye on him, though Thilda is another matter entirely.

    Her necklace, the Phylactery, continues to make me wary. Something seems off with it, and she does not enjoy discussing it. She is obviously hiding something, and it has created an itch within me to find out what is so special about this simple pendent. I did not realize that it was wrapped around her neck when she went falling down the stairs at The Ranch, but perhaps it was there and her foolishness blinded me to it. Foolish girl and her pathetic values.