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[Journal] Veon's Memories

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Shag, Feb 1, 2015.

  1. Shag

    Shag High Impact Sexual Implications

    Feb 22, 2014
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    Entry #01

    Dear diary,

    No, wait, this is a journal. Cousin Shadowstep told me guys write down their thoughts on journals and girls their emotions and feelings on diaries. Dumby!

    Er, moving on. I finally escaped from my home! Now I can go find Shadow and we'll be back together just like when we were younger! We'll have baths together, we'll play games again and he'll read me bedtime stories about mighty kings and heroes! After so long I can finally go find him here! And maybe he'll hug me and make those horrible nightmares go away like before too...

    But anyway, today I went to the Outpost to look for clues about Shadow's whereabouts. I got in a pickle with a mean Floran named Raz or something. She made fun of me but I punched her how you taught me how to punch! Except I accidentally punched a Novakid instead. It was so embarrasing! But I apologized and the Novakid was really nice to me!

    But it's so lonely out here in the middle of this dark, lawless space... I don't know how you managed Shadow... You were always so strong and dependable...

    Oh Shadow, how I miss you and uncle Steelwing... Everyone has forgotten about you and uncle, may he rest in peace, back here. It's like a taboo or something to speak about you and uncle.

    I hope I'll find you soon cousin... I'm all alone and you're all I have left.

    - Veon Lightbringer
    #1 Shag, Feb 1, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 1, 2015