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Journal - The People of Antares

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Aquascale, Feb 17, 2015.

  1. Aquascale

    Aquascale New Member

    Feb 12, 2015
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    [Journal found aboard a mostly empty shuttle. The ship itself is a Hylotl model. This journal is one of the only things on the entire vessel.]

    ((Also feel free to leave comments.))

    I have been drifting through this frontier for awhile now and have met a lot of, shall we say, colorful characters.

    I've met almost every possible race of sentient being here. It's astonishing, really. Back on my homeworld, I'd only find maybe the occasional Human, maybe even an Avian from time to time, but I've never seen a place where all races can live in peace.

    Okay, well, maybe not peace. They're constantly fighting. But it's still progress, I suppose. Even most of the Florans I've met are quite civilized. But, I've quickly realized that Florans are not the people I should be worried about here.

    Antares has a problem with Space Pirates. A lot of them. Slavers too. Became captive myself for a short while after I offered someone some fuel for their ship. I can assure you that that will not be happening again. The Slaver themselves though, I believe their name was [This part of the page has been torn out], seemed reluctant to take me hostage, though. It was the strangest thing I've ever been through. They apologized profusely before they tied me up, and even after they released me. They even asked if we could be friends afterwards. I've been taken hostage a few times myself, but that has never happened before.

    If I recall, the first person I ever came in contact with was a Space Pirate. They gave me fuel, and for free, too! Well, I suppose not actually free. They mumbled that I "owed them one". They never specified what exactly it was that I owed them, though. Regardless, I've actually seen them multiple times after our first encounter, and they act like I'm not even there! The nerve. I do suppose they're constantly getting into trouble, though. For instance, this Glitch radio'd in one fateful night, can't recall his name, saying he was hosting a party. A soiree! And on his own ship, too. I, of course, obliged, to find this beautiful ship made almost completely out of gold and Glitch architecture. I believe the Glitch said his ship was called the "Decadence". The name surely fit! Anyway, I'm getting off topic. That space pirate that was previously mentioned was there at said party as well, when suddenly these armed people came in with guns, pointing them directly at him! I didn't know what to do, so I ducked upstairs. On the bright side, I met a charming young Hylotl named Star-Scale up there. But once again, I'm getting off topic. There was this huge standoff between the armed people, the Space Pirate, and even the host of the party itself! He was quite furious, obviously. Then suddenly, another armed person appeared and joined in! I was terrified, but at the same time, I couldn't leave! I was enthralled, I had to see what happened. It was like one of those "Wild West Shootouts" I've read about in some of my history books, and it went on for what felt like hours! It did, however, end very anticlimactically. They ended up just leaving. I'm glad that no one was harmed but at the same time...ah, I digress.

    Then there's the Florans. Now, I don't have much of a problem with them. My ancestors did, sure, but they also wanted intergalactic peace. That's what I always say. So, I'm quite friendly to the Florans! However, not too long ago, one of them beamed down into a colony I was on. Salazar's the name. I was relaxing in the inn, enjoying some rice wine, then suddenly this Floran came inside with a spear, and said I looked delicious! I was so afraid that I dropped the bottle of rice wine and ran as fast as I could. Oh, but the Floran was faster, and it was coming right for me! I ended up falling into a cave, leaving me with a bunch of nasty cuts. I barely made it out alive! I climbed out of the cave after awhile, and found the same person that kidnapped me holding up the Floran with a shotgun! But then, another thing that I just could not believe would happen, happened! This Novakid in red robes ran up to the scene and started playing some music on a music box. And, wouldn't you know it, the Floran fainted! I remember some Human poet saying something along the lines of "Music can soothe the savage beast", but I did not think that would apply to Florans!

    Ah, but I have found a few good people, or as some call them, "diamonds in the rough". The previously mentioned Hylotl man is a very good conversationalist. I believe he's a very good friend of mine, though we seldom end up in the same colony as each other. The person that kidnapped me...I have mixed feelings about. Sure, they kidnapped me, but deep down I feel that they're a good person. They are however quite rude. I think I will look over it this once. Then there's another man whom I believe to be Hylotl (it was a little hard to tell through the helmet) who goes by the name of..."Bork", I believe. Strange name if they're a Hylotl, but who am I to judge? This person is very musically talented. Not much of a conversationalist, however. Though, I suppose I'm not either. I more of an on-looker I suppose. I've also met quite a few Avians, but they don't seem very interested in me. Which is fine, I suppose. Traditional Avians are quite stalwart in their beliefs and such.

    I suppose I'll be updating this journal with more interesting happenings, when and if they happen. This frontier is very...different, from my homeworld. Terrifying too. But something makes me want to stay awhile.
    #1 Aquascale, Feb 17, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 18, 2015