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Journal of Captain Tiburon Blackfin

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by nightbane, Jan 24, 2015.

  1. nightbane

    nightbane New Member

    Mar 6, 2014
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    -An old leather tome kept by the Captains' chair holds the Journal Entries of Captain Tiburon Blackfin. More commonly known as Glitchfin -

    Concern. I am not sure what the current star date is. My ship may as well be a floating log right now. It is in need of major repairs and upgrades. But alas those will need to come in suns and moons. Productive. I know what I need to build, and improve upon, and have listed those here. Hopefully everything will go well.

    Rooms to build/repair for Teranova
    Control Room
    Teleport Room
    Agricultural Room
    Smithing Room
    Medical Room
    Storage Room - Explanation. This is a mabey depending if I store like parts in the appropiate rooms
    Science Room
    Recreational Room
    Librairy Room
    Exploration Room
    Living Room

    Statement. Though I have been in this....time and place before. It is not the same. I was young then, but am older now. Hopefully, this time will be differnt.
    Determination.This time....I will thrive.
  2. nightbane

    nightbane New Member

    Mar 6, 2014
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    -New Page, New Entry-

    Statement. If someone had told me today, all the craziness that would go down over the last week, I would have laughed!.
    Story. It all started as a normal day for me. I had just gotten back from a hard days mining. Explantion. I needed the ore for prix, so I could make repairs to my ship. Sitting in the conforts of my chair, I heard a distress signal over the network. Reasoning. Judging by the speech pattern, I assumed it was most likely a glitch.
    Triump. By the maker I was right. He was a black smith by the name of Sleiphnir. Sorrow. Poor souls ship had crash landed on a snow covered planet. He was the only one on board, so no deaths to be had. After a bit of chatter we board my ship, The Teranova, only to find out, I was low on fuel. Needless to say, we spent the next half day (of that planet) collecting chacoal for fuel. From there we headed the bumpy ride to Wayward. It good to know a smith, both of us even imagine belonging to a small colony some day.
    After a bit re parted ways.


    Statement. A few days latter, I pick up ANOTHER distress call. Me and a few other headed the call. A human by the name of Niick, I think. A floran known as Star Eater or what not and a few other humans that came and left. On planet, we came upon a gruesome site! According to the floran, they were human. Disgust. I did imagine seeing that much carnage, but in retro spec, it wasn't as bad as some planets have seen. In the camp, was an apex; Doctor Octavious. Tangent. He, she....hard to tell with apex. Retract. Anyways she was poking around the tents trying to find what did this. She and the human work it up with gun far, yet did not want to startle it. Sarcasm. Well THAT defintly equate to not being startled. Anyways, it turned out to be one of the biggest Floran's I ever seen! Almost as tall as me. The Doc thankfully had it sadated. Regret. It all went down hill from there.

    Revelation. The Doctor was transporting us to Asani. A planet that had previously been ravaged. She reveals to us that she converted the formal prison, into what I assume to be, a tempoary base/laboratory. The feral floran caged, she went to get tools. Seemed to take hours. By then, the feral floran had stirred awake. It apprently couldn't even understand floran. Leading Star Eater to believe he was a Sapling. And believe it more when it tried to charge me, considering me a snack. Appreciation. By the maker I am glad for cages. The floran wanted this floran released, not trusting the doctor. Hence a battle of electrifing proportions commences. It attratcs some stranger who try to help resolve the conflect. Within the chaos I had glass shards stuck in my leg. Sarcasm. Joy, and here I thought I was going to help someone in distree, not BE in distress.. Eventualy it is settled with the floran leaving with the caged floran. The doctor patche me up, and it ends there. Or so I thought. Suddenly, after using some crutches to help me up the stair, a THIRD floran throws bug nests at me. Thank goodnes there was a human with a plasma gun. Bugs everywhere, sap spilling, it was a mess. And that not even counting the bandits. Needlessly to say....I will likely be staying away from Asani for a little while
  3. nightbane

    nightbane New Member

    Mar 6, 2014
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    -New Page, New Entry-

    Acceptance. I am adjusting to life in Antaras slowly. And have met many different people. Explantion. Like any frontier it is wild, and life reflect it. Yet I find a calmness in Wayward. Unusual. And despite how thing are, I have found myself making fast friends with a Floran. He, she...it? Goes by Silk-spinner. Concern. Outright gave me a heart attack when I found out it was shot. Introduce. Rodrick is also an intresting human, and his friend Grinco is a doctor and hyotle. Happiness. Aside from Grinco and a Hytole by the name of Jai, I have yet to see any other hyotle. Flat. And like most folks, they are either shocked I am a hyotle, or wonder why I talk like this. Reminder. Sometimes I have to remember myself.

    Story. When I was young, the space fairing ship I was onboard had a....questionble crew. Sorrow. And boy did I wish we were wrong. The captain along with half the crew became drunk, and throw a damn party in the control room! Pain. They decided to go for a joy ride and crashed the ship into a nearby planet. Add. I wasn't the only survivor, but I cannot recall who else was involved. Focus. Anyways, some glitch that weren't attached to the hive mind, and were space fareing found us, after deciding to see what was causing interference with their own ship. Appreciation. They took us all in. I myself was so throttled, I couldn't rember how to even took. With patience, much frustration, the glitch re-raised me. Admittance. I was child like, and took to mimicing their speech pattern, habit, styles, etc. And it stayed with me, even when I did get my memories back. Discomfort. Since then even my own family found it difficult to completly accept this. Curt. But that was then, and this is how I am.

    Finale. Antares is my new home, and I will forge forward!!! Consideration. I contine doing hard labor. I often mines ores and sell them. Add. I have light training in forging, smelting, etc from the glitch. Addmitance. But I am not able to make high class things, but better then nothing. Statement. So I will have to buy everything else. I have about 2000 pixels to my name. Explain. Through selling, mineing etc I will gain more, and likely lose more as I contune to upgrade. Annoyance. As it stands that is what is left over after buying a starmap, and engine parts to upgrade my ship.
    Anger. Was probobly ripped off, but oh well.

    Happiness. At least I finally got that garden room set up. Fresh grown food ever few weeks.