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John "Relic" Crawford

Discussion in 'Character Descriptions' started by J_Wolf, Aug 25, 2016.

  1. J_Wolf

    J_Wolf New Member

    Aug 23, 2016
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    Johnathan J. Crawford

    Basic Information

    Preferred Name
    Was often referred to as "Relic" by the pirates he operated with... and the name stuck. This wasn't for his age, as it was more for his want, need, and desire to solve ancient puzzles. He enjoyed research and development of hardware and software, and when coming across a piece of 'ancient' or old technology, he wanted to be the first to put hands on it, in order to understand it, figure out what makes it work.

    Apparent Age/Actual Age
    Mid-late 30's
    A genetic defect means that his hair has true coloration, and is naturally stark white.




    Known Affiliations
    He likes to keep to himself these days, as the last time he was around a large group of people, he was tortured and nearly killed.

    Occupation(if any)
    Researcher, developer, hardware/software "theory crafter."
    He will fix and/or repair technology for varying prices. <See Personality>


    Standing at about 6', weighing in at just over 200lbs, he has the physical build of somebody who moved a lot of cargo for a long period of time. He was built, muscle structure well defined, but by no means was he a body builder. His diet and constant exercise for the last 10 years has left him in a state in which lifting and moving objects, and running for just under a mile, don't tire him out.

    If he were standing naked in front of somebody, and said 'somebody' had time to count, the scars on his body would count in the high 600s. Various injuries from cuts, to lead projectiles, plasma burns and burns from fires as well as stab wounds, scrapes some of them seen on his scalp at times. These scars start at the top of his head, and could be counted all the way down to the bottom of his feet.

    Bright, crystalline blue eyes, and slightly darker than snow white hair, he often looks tired and/or bored, eyes reading most times that he just can't be bothered with people, and prefers his puzzles, and research.

    Doesn't see a need to keep himself clean shaven, and rarely is unless he needs to be.

    Born with a genetic defect that removed pigment from the hair on his head, and will some times color it in order to 'fit in', and avoid be asked questions about it.

    Most often seen with a pair of jeans and a simple t-shirt when he's aboard his own ship. Off of his ship, he prefers to cover as much of his body as he can, as he doesn't like people looking over his scars, and would prefer that nobody knows they exist, though, the ones on his face are harder to hide, so he just doesn't bother with them.
    Long sleeve, collared shirts, slacks, and boots.
    On his ship, it isn't uncommon to see his shirt and/or pants with random streaks of fuel, oil, paint, dust, or dirt.



    Personality Description

    Customer : "Relic, I brought this piece to you a month ago, when is it going to be done?"
    John : "You're... in my light..."

    He runs his business out of his ship, and before taking on a new project, will usually ask potential customers what the piece is worth to them.
    "How much is this being fixed, worth to you?" or "Why is this important to you?"
    This is not just to gauge how much the actual product is worth, but how much of his time he should dedicate to it each day.
    If it isn't odd, weird, unique, or interesting, he'll put it on the back-burner, and deal with it when his more interesting projects have been taken care of.

    He dislikes physical contact of any kind, so much, in fact, that he'll often stand away from a group to avoid being touched. He prefers the seclusion of his 'boat' (ship), and the company of his ships on-board AI, as he has made some changes to its programming to make it... less chatty.

    Enjoys playing the harmonica and guitar (not at the same time) , and has some times been found sitting in a chair near a body of water playing.


    Brief Biography

    Relic was taken on by a privateer organization in order to 'reclaim' goods for a settlements far from Antares space. He was raised in a 'good' home, with parents that cared quite a bit about him, and his love for history and archaeology. He was paid quite a bit to 'appraise' things that the company would come across, and put it back in working order in order to sell it for even more.
    However, in a Hylotl controlled system, he was asked to appraise a sword.

    In his research he found it to be a sword with a longer history than the company that stole it, and more than the last 3 generations of their family. He learned that the weapon was ceremonial, and was meant to be given at a marriage ceremony...
    You see, John never married, and had no interest in doing so... but... something changed as he dug in to the history, and lore, of the weapon his crew was going to sell... he felt... bad...
    He was removing a piece from a little girl's dream wedding... he was changing more lives than just his own, and his crews. This wasn't just about a payday any more... and, upon having these feelings, returned to the system... and returned the sword.
    Upon returning to the outpost... he was beaten, being asked where he'd taken the valuable sword... and he refused to answer, even under pain of torture and the possibility of death.
    Broken, bruised, and bleeding, John somehow managed to find his way away from the outpost, stealing a company ship, and fleeing until his ship ran short of fuel...
    There were enough medical supplies for him to get himself in semi-working order, however, two fingers broken on his right hand didn't heal quite right, leaving him with the inability to completely extend the middle and ring fingers of that hand.

    ...he now finds himself here... existing.
    His skillset is limited enough to not be in high demand, and able to remain mostly unknown, and left alone.