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Jitter's Diary

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Dimmie, Mar 15, 2015.

  1. Dimmie

    Dimmie New Member

    Feb 9, 2015
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    An ever expanding and written journal. Usually on Jitter's person or hidden in the coffee brewing room on her ship.

    The First Day,

    My supplies are spent, but here I am, Antares. The Frontier. So far away from the homelands. It's an exciting experience. Nothing much happened today, I journeyed to a local planet in hopes of getting my fix of coffee beans. There I ran into an interesting thing. A Novakid, those grossly incandescent gas bags. I've never met one in the flesh and I admit, I was a little excited. Her attention drifted randomly and spontaneously, but her kindness will not be forgotten. Perhaps gasbags, much like metalmen, are of use to the Flora. She did steal a few coffee beans for me after all. Though my most undesirable trait shown through--, damnable loyalty. It's going to get me killed some day.

    In the end, I was exiled from the planet for a full week. I was hoping that my large, lumbering, and oaf-like attitude would convince him that I was harmless, and it seemed to work. A bit. It's only a week and I'm not in a prison cell. So there's that.

    Later in the night while I was enjoying my nightly decaff cup of coffee, a Floran spoke across the radio and earned my attention. He mentioned being with a tribe, a Stab-Dancer was the Chieftain, and being 'on their place'. It reminded me of my tribe's Chieftain's name. Back-Stabber. I got a real chuckle out of that. When he beamed onto my ship to try my coffee I sifted through his ships navigation system and nabbed the coordinates myself.

    I know, stealing from another member of the Flora is bad. But when I had asked the Floran said he wasn't supposed to tell. We're all of the Flora in the end, all I did was... Borrow without his permission. I'm sure nobody will mind.

    After I returned to my ship, he tried some of my specialty brewed coffee, and went on a running spree, then beamed down to the planet I was currently hovering over. Hopefully Kero Kero can deal with a hyper-active Floran.

    Tomorrow I will head out to meet the locals, I was given permission to join other tribes freely. It's a thought.