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Jim Xenonson

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by JimHarrison, Aug 24, 2014.

  1. JimHarrison

    JimHarrison Grouchy Player

    Apr 18, 2014
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    Huh. Let's check out the nightly build?

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    What in tha' gosh darned..?! My ship done been wrecked mighty well! Don't right recall what I was doin' out in these parts, but I reckon the ol' Computer'll tell me what ta' do, as always!

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    Mighty good thang I done brought m'handy dandy Matter-Manipulator! Never leave home without it! Now I can fix the ol' girl up, I do declare, 'er my name ain't Jim Xenonson!
    .. It is, ain't it? Err. Well, let's just give it a minute now, hold yer' horses. Yes, yes sir. I reckon that I am. I believe. If I recall correctly..

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    Shucks! The computer done went and told me ta' grab m'self some Copper on tha' surface so we could fix up them there FTL drives and tha' Engine - but golly, don't you just gotta admire that there view? What a sight! My paw always done told me to take in moments like these. If I done had a paw. Can't likely recall at the moment.. Heck, it don't rightly matter right now anyways. I gots ta' find me Copper!

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    Gosh darned stinkin' hole. Don't know who done let in water - gonna have ta' speak ta' tha' Dig Manager 'bout all this!

    Gotta grab them there bits of Coal, cause if what I figger' my paw would'a told me, if I do got myself one'a them - a paw, that is - is that all good things worth gettin' require patience. Which means it's gon' take a long time, and that means I'll be needin' coal fer' fires and the like.

    Oh. Shucks. I s'pose I'm the dig manager, ain't I? Well ain't that just a kick in the pants! Oh well, Jim, y'old dog you - quit mining through lakes an' rivers an' such.

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    Still ain't found no copper yet, and it's getting mighty late. I s'pose I'd best start findin' a place ta' settle down fer' the night.
    Oh, good golly miss molly! Look at them there Mushrooms! Naw, naw. C'mon now, Jimbo. Stay on track, y'hear?

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    Darn, I ain't found nothin'. S'pose them diggin' an' minin' is just gon' have ta' wait till tha' Mornin'. Good night, diary. You've been mighty fun ta' write in. Hopefully I remember ta' grab you on tha' way outta this hole in the mornin'.

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