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Jed Richardson's Private Entries

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Cynirr, Oct 22, 2015.

  1. Cynirr

    Cynirr O15

    Mar 27, 2014
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    ((Just before this all begins, I'd like to put this out there:
    1. This all occurs ICly.
    2. No, your character will not find evidence of what happens, no matter how hard you try.
    3. No one IC will get involved. It is impossible.
    4. You will be able to visit scenes OOC.
    5. Don't hesitate to ask questions about ANYTHING. Also, feel free to leave comments about what you think.

    VOV- Basically an online video
    OT- A text based document written online

    #1 Cynirr, Oct 22, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 24, 2015
  2. Cynirr

    Cynirr O15

    Mar 27, 2014
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    *video begins. The camera appears to be looking through a sliver in a wall (wooden). A man and a women are conversing in an open area*

    Woman: -I just don't know George. The others... we can't just leave them.

    George: They are fucking dead okay. You saw it collapse on them. There is no way for us to get them out of there. We just need to get the gems and leave.

    Woman: This is so wrong-

    George: SHUT UP. Get the shit and come on, or else I'll leave you for dead too.
    *Woman begins to cry*
    *Camera jolts around a bit and is placed on something, you are still able to see the two people through the sliver. You can hear shuffling and finally you can see Jed in the corner of the sliver (he is presumably outside now). He approaches the couple.*
    *George noticed the approaching figure and turns himself around.*

    George: W-who the fuck are you?
    *Jed unsheathes a large knife from his hip and gets into George's immediate area and places on hand on his left shoulder, then jabs the man with the knife in an upwards motion in his chest. The knife goes through him like he was made of butter. You can hear a small yelp from the man as the knife leaves his torso. He falls to the ground."

    Woman: H-... *violent screaming as Jed takes a few steps toward her*
    *she tries to unholster a small weapon from her thigh but she is shaking too viciously in horror*
    *Jed throws a swing with his knife. The knife enters through the bottom of her jaw and almost immediately pierces through the top of her head*
    *her body twitches for a moment and then goes limp. Jed lets her lifeless body crumple to the ground. He turns around to George, still half alive on the ground, laying on his side in a pool of his own blood. Jed flips the man on his back and gets on his knees. He raises the knife and brutally stabs the man ten more times. Jed is still on his knees and his hands in his lap. He gets up and re-enters his hideout from which it was all recorded.*
    *Video ends*

    ((Coords to scene will be posted later today))
  3. Cynirr

    Cynirr O15

    Mar 27, 2014
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    *Screen appears with Jed in a seat in a very calm environment. He shuffles a bit before raising a sheet of paper into his sight, he begins to read.*

    "When I was little I had no one, I always wanted to be someone. I wanted people to know me, I wanted to fit in. I found people I liked but when I tried being myself I got pushed away and got called annoying. That's how it was through most of my life, up until the 8th grade. The moment I walked into those doors of that brick building I was greeted and taken under people's arms. I didn't know them, they didn't know me. But they were relentless to get to know me. One after one I got a few friends, and then a friend group. Things were getting good but I was still missing something. I didn't know what it was I haven't ever experienced it. There was always this girl that would catch my eye. In the hallways and in class. There was just this thing with her, she had something that no one else did. Whenever I saw her I couldn't help but smile. It wasn't till a while through the school year when girls started talking to me and became friends with me. And they sort of joined the friend group. That's when lots of drama and gossip found its way into my life. Around that time, maybe a little later, is when a friend of mine let me in on a little secret. That girl who always caught my eye turned out to like me. In fact she had already texted me but I didn't know it was the same girl who I've been thinking about the whole time. Immediately I texted back but I've never tried talking to someone who liked me, yet alone that I liked back. I couldn't put my phone down and my heart always felt funny when I heard my ringtone. Her friends got in contact with me and suggested that we go out. I asked if she'd like to go out but decided that we better go on a date first. So we arranged to go to the movies with one of her friends. It felt so weird being next to a person who shared the same feelings as me. I wanted to do something cheesy like put my arm around her or slowly try and meet hands with her but she was too distracted by her friend and I felt it'd be too awkward. The movie ended and I waited to be picked up. We were just standing there and I regret not hugging her before I left, especially when her friend yelled at me afterwards. Later that night was when it all started. I asked her out over text and she said she wouldn't say yes unless I called her. So of course I called, hesitating at first because I was so excited, but I called. It was so awkward, my voice was shaky and words hardly left my mouth. But she said yes! And then we hung up. I think that was by far the happiest moment of my life. That moment was one I can never regret.

    The next day we went to school and I walked in. I walked the hall to the very end where I saw her with a group of friends and she came running over and gave me the best hug I've ever received from anyone. More heart warming than my moms and more reassuring than ever. We were so happy. It was great for a while. For her at least. Night and day we talked. Except not so much in person as we did over the phone. But that didn't really matter to us. We were too in love. And yes. Yes, yes, yes was that the purest love. It was perfect. We were perfect. But it didn't last. I got too surrounded in too much drama. Dirty thoughts. Puberty. I was released to the thoughts of cutting. It wasn't too far from then when I used cutting as a way to get what I wanted. Selfishly I threatened suicide and self harm in exchange for sex or nudes. I abused her. I and my thoughts turned on themselves and I became something so horrid and so monstrous I can not be forgiven. It's a crime to be who I was. I threw her into a world where I controlled everything and got whatever I wanted. I thoughtlessly abused her. How can someone who seemingly loves someone so much do that to them? She one day announced that she was asexual and I agreed that, that was okay. I'd learn to live with that. Little did I know it was her way of shielding herself because she thought that when I came back I'd rape her. I threatened to rape her before. Jokingly of course but it was obvious torture now that I look back on it. Every day I became more blind to what I was doing, what I had become.

    Long after, I changed. But not after break up and break up again. When she left me it nailed it into my skull that I was bad. What I was doing was bad. And so I stopped. But by the time I was broken down into someone other than that beast, it was too late. The damage was done, the scars made. After I changed she was able to cover up the scars of what I did to her. We got on with it. We tried to forgive and forget. But the distance just made it all worse. Love can't be stretched that far. We tried everything we could but it was no use. Day in and day out we kept talking. We still loved each other more than the pain. But time and distance reopened the cuts the past has left her, and it was too much. It was enough. Night after night now I think about it all. It keeps my restless. And when I look down at my own physical scars, it's a metaphor that haunts me everyday. It brings back all the things that I have done and said. Every night it unsheathes it power and impales me with it. It reminds me that I ruined someone, that I was a monster. That I was living a lie and instead of living in a world where it was just us and everything was good, it was actually just me. I was the monster in someone's nightmare. Chasing them. Killing them. And leaving a trace; a memory that no one could ever forget."
    *Jed looks into the camera and it shuts off.*
    #3 Cynirr, Oct 27, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 27, 2015
  4. Cynirr

    Cynirr O15

    Mar 27, 2014
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    I'm insane Lilly. I've become something else again.
  5. Cynirr

    Cynirr O15

    Mar 27, 2014
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    I know I'm fucked up in the head- let's blame it on the movies instead. Things happened that weren't supposed to, I'm not even ashamed a bit. I know what I've done and I think it's what I meant to be. Some say a monster and some say a hero. No matter what people say, I'm stilll the same. I get people out of this shit-hole world that they live in. That they call home. I do people a favor.