Howdy do ya do? I'm Lime Time. Figured I'd introduce myself while my application is being processed. Do we have to use the character we use in the application? How many can we have? I'm thinking of trying out a few of the races until I find a character that works right.
Welcome! You only have to apply for one character, and after that you can have as many as you want - without having to apply for each new one. Have fun - don't be afraid of bullies. Cyberbullies are OP will nerf
That Adorable Spinach may seem like a cute plant with the volume knob turned all the way onto ultra, but beware... it is secretly evil.
When life gives you limes... Wait, wrong fruit. Nevermind. Anyway, welcome to the club. Please leave your sanity at the door, and do report the flamers/trolls.
That's perfectly fine! Just remember to check the lore and ask any questions at forum for doubts, there are enough well-versed rpers to cover every race,.