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ISPN: Tragedy at Monolith's Industrial Complex

Discussion in 'StarNet News' started by Havel, Jul 10, 2016.

  1. Havel

    Havel New Member

    Nov 29, 2015
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    As the television show fades in, the Hylotl anchor looks as concerned as any amphibian could, his stern facial expression unchanged as he looks towards the camera.

    "Thank you for tuning in at ISPN, your number one InterStellar News Channel. Today is a sad day for all the people at the Council Space Frontier. Word has come to us that yesterday, at the end of the workers' shift, multiple explosions have occurred inside Monolith's facility at Tartarus Rest 1."

    The image from the television would shift to that of a structure amidst snowy mountains, from which lots of fire and black smoke would come from. The quality of the footage was average, but it captured enough of the bright red of the flames for the viewer to notice the size of the fire.

    "That's some of the security camera's footage which was sent to us by the public relations employees. Now, let us hear the testimony of the chief engineer, who watched the tragedy from the hangar and called the official Council channels for aid."

    The figure of the anchor fades away, and two neutral profiles appear at the screen, one on top of the other, properly identified as the interviewer and the other as Linus Brél, Chief Engineer. Besides each profile there would be a blank space, which would be filled by transcript words as they began to speak.

    INTERVIEWER: "First of all, thank you for coming to us so shortly after the disaster. It is important for the public to know the truth. Tell us, Mr. Brél, did you notice anything suspicious on that day? Was it just another day at the facility?"

    CHIEF ENGINEER: "Well, no, there wasn't anything suspicious, I would say. It was regular day, yes. Just as we do every two weeks, we had received new Erchius Crystals to use in our power generators, and the shipment had arrived a few hours before the explosion. These crystals had their Magnetic Resonance Index a little bit higher than the average, but they were still inside the tolerated margin, so my team installed them. I also noticed that the pilot of the ship had changed, but it's not up to me whom the Tagal Mining Syndicate hires. It was... Just another day.

    I: "And the explosions, what can you tell us about them? What might have caused them?"

    C.E.: "As far as I can tell, the explosions had two focuses, mainly. The biggest of them came from beneath the facility, where the generators are installed. Our employees are hired individually, and they've worked with us for many months. I don't believe... I don't want to believe that any of them has been directly responsible for this. It could only have been caused by some irregularity with the crystals, as no one other than my team is allowed in there. Still, there was a second explosion, not as powerful as the others. It came from the last floor of the building, from the office of the CEO, Mr. Swapseeker. I have no clue on that."

    I: "We weren't able to reach Mr. Swapseeker. Has he made any statements over this tragedy? What is the official positioning of the company?"

    C.E.: "No... Mr. Swapseeker was at his office at the time of the explosions. I've seen Mr. Titus running towards the building after that, but all of us who survived were evacuated before we could see anything else. I can't speak for the company."

    I: "Thank you again, Mr. Brél. This is all."

    The serious face of the Hylotl fades back in, taking the place of the transcription and profiles.

    "It is indeed a tragedy. We at ISPN give our condolences for all the families and the workers involved with Monolith. Now, after the advertisements, tune in to know how the market responded to that disaster." ​
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