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Interstellar News Network: Florans Prepare for Violence

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Solanidae, Jul 7, 2015.

  1. Solanidae

    Solanidae New Member

    Feb 16, 2014
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    Interstellar News Network: Florans Prepare For Violence

    Written by Relstish Lisehs

    Floran aggression is marked to increase in the Antares frontier as lax weapons laws and insufficient colony security takes its toll. Civilians watch on and distribute photos online of Florans purchasing deadly firearms, conducting standoffs with overworked local militias and recklessly firing weapons without police intervention.

    A Floran marauder purchasing deadly weapons at a black market.

    Security officials in the Antares sector grit their teeth as a lack of export laws put the lives of their charges at risk. Fearing a repeat of Port Last’s deadly Floran invasion, security is at an all-time high on the various frontier worlds, but will this extra vigilance cost them in the long run?

    Local security denying a band of Floran raiders access to a defenseless colony world.

    In other parts of the sector, Floran bandits roam freely, using their easily acquired guns to threaten and terrorize anyone unable to fight them off. It is unclear whether security forces in the sector intend to intervene on other worlds, preventing these dangerous individuals from converging and creating every colony administrator’s worst nightmare - a Floran warband.

    A Hylotl civilian taking cover from a rampaging Floran. INN was unfortunately unable to intervene.

    If this isn't disconcerting to you there is a problem. The intentions in these photos are unmistakable. And their implications should send a shiver down our spine as we sit comfortably in front of our holoprojectors or electronic devices viewing from a safe distance. We urge all Antarans to prepare and be vigilant against the looming danger of the Floran menace.
  2. Shadeykins

    Shadeykins New Member

    Jun 20, 2015
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    When there's too many weeds in the garden, you need to start rooting them out.

    Left unchecked they'll choke out all other life until there's nothing left.

    Anyone have some herbicide?

    - HardShock
  3. Froot


    Mar 30, 2015
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    Yeah, it's called the USAF. Seriously, how could they have let this get this bad?
  4. Doctor Frohman

    Doctor Frohman New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
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    Cause they're fucking useless and only look out for themselves. They ain't the "good guys" and "saviors" of Antares, they're just a group of douchebags with guns.
    - "Unity"
  5. SP3CTR3

    SP3CTR3 Flipping Tables at ignorance!

    May 13, 2015
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    "Just yesterday some guy was having his kidney removed near my shop, look, it's bad all over. The only question is, who is gonna step up to be sector security?? Till then, an armed populace is the best defense...Come on down and check out my selection of pistols!"
  6. Link Thorncrown

    Link Thorncrown New Member

    Jul 4, 2015
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    Link think Link leave tribe. Not like needless violence. No make sense. Link know Link look bad in comparison just because Link Floran, but farther Link goes from this stupid war stuff, better for Link. Maybe Link stay away from Mawl for awhile.
  7. Solour

    Solour a dad

    May 26, 2014
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    When we try and step on other settlements, everyone's panties get in a twist. Decide what you all fucking want, please and thank you.

    We are all for the extermination of the Dionaea. However, due to public backlash; We will need a general census. Most, if not all Florans are threats. I will whole-heartidly stand by this short standard, at all neccessary times.

    Here's your reply. You want something done? Propose it to us. I'll take it into heavy consideration.

    Another thing. That hulking green menace? That's the tribe's kill-bot. The black-figure's just as guilty.
  8. Twitch

    Twitch Wayward Star

    Dec 17, 2013
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    Correct me if I am wrong, but the firearm the black figure is using looks very similar to the weapons I have seen a few of the USAF soldiers armed with in the past.

    -Snake Eyes
  9. Keycross

    Keycross -Insert title here-

    Mar 31, 2014
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    It's a XM-43, tehre's no doubt about it... how the pluck that figure acquired it? Those aren't sold to anyone. If anyone sees it again, contact USAF or get backup to detain it.

  10. Solour

    Solour a dad

    May 26, 2014
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    A Not-so-recent turn of betrayal, had spurred a set of Task-Force 77's gear into the general public of the Antares system. A traitor, and a menace had given his weapons, and what could be his BDUs to the Dionaea tribe. Any and all injuries done with our weapons, handled by non-Task-force members are out of our jurisdiction.
    Said convicted member has long since been dishonourably dis-charged. Our aquiring of weapons, however has not been an easy feat. I assure you, however: The black figure is NOT affiliated with the Task-force, instead they are a tribeswoman of the Dionaea.
    Thank you.

  11. EyesofMarch

    EyesofMarch New Member

    Feb 17, 2014
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    USERNAME: Americangal1337

    Jesus, this Floran issue get's worse every single frigin day.
  12. Shadeykins

    Shadeykins New Member

    Jun 20, 2015
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    Who? I don't take kindly to competition.

    Especially when the competition is backstreet doctors who aren't even savvy with a scalpel.

    - HardShock
  13. Link Thorncrown

    Link Thorncrown New Member

    Jul 4, 2015
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    That feel when Florans are reporting themselves to the local news team just to scare a few shop owners. Fearmongering media is bad for business.
  14. Yotan

    Yotan New Member

    Feb 10, 2015
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    Tanji ~ I have read through the comments and article. However I feel that there is a lack of observation in this article. First off the article should be focused on the individuals or group at hand, not the entire floran race. Being that from what snippets are shown only show a small group. Secondly no one seems concerned that there are purchasable weapons that can be acquired on the black market. The third observation is that the group has glitches with the floran individuals. As for the security of the sector and those pointing to USAF, public records show that they have approved several individuals that are floran such as Trapjaw, Dirtleaf, and Mattulip. So yes that floran menace is on the rampage. Forth observation the article mentions other parts of the sector floran bands are roaming freely, yet it is not named. An in creditable article would of mentions the name of such band as well as proof of these bandits. Everyone knows about the Dionaea Tribe, so who are the other bandits? Fifth observation which I find rather comical, three florans do not add up to the word warband, perhaps fire team but not warband.

    Frankly these racist articles are becoming tiresome, as they only focus on hate mongering one race, mainly florans. Yet there is Oak (a floran) who is promoting scientific progress, obviously several Floran in the USAF who are trying to protect, there are also several floran business owners who are providing serves, all for the sector.

    As I see it this article has next to no creditable information except that there is a black market selling weapons that the INN had actually tracked down, which means that the news network did the work for the USAF. And if this black market weapon shop is selling to florans. I am sure that they are selling to other races.

    Oh as for the Hylotl "civilian" that was taking cover in the floran rampage. No one is questioning why a hylotl is at this weapon black market shop?
  15. Doctor Frohman

    Doctor Frohman New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
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    are you retarded
    - "Unity"
    Oh fuck off BB. I ran with those shitstains for maybe a few months or so. When we were trying to protect faggots, we were weak. People were losing shit left and right, and thats when we were being supplied by the fucks up top in the military. With how you guys've been doing, you ain't gonna do anything with consideration. The best thing you guys'll do is fuck up those Dionea shits, but I bet that by now, those fuckers'll weasel their way out. They'll have some shitty cream or something to prevent them from being flammable, or have shear numbers or the power of the ghosts on their side. We're basically screwed less the USAF and the other cunts like the Grounded shits at Dexter's group up and finish off those murdersalads. That's the way I understand it.
    - "Unity"
    are you also retarded
    do you even know what happened to the Hylotl Homeworld?
    do you know how Florans even physically psychologically work?
    motherfucker come on, racism is there for a reason

    And don't bring Mattulip into this, it's a fucking psycho. I worked with him back in the USAF.
  16. Yotan

    Yotan New Member

    Feb 10, 2015
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    Tanji ~ Actually yes I am aware of what happened to my races home world. Avian started it, florans defended, and Hylotl's paid the price. I don't think you even know how floran "physically psychologically" works. Oh I am aware that racism is there for a reason, it is crude way for a lack of taking the time and understandings. Which clearly you express quite thoroughly on this articles comment section. Of course a imbecile like you would understand.
  17. Doctor Frohman

    Doctor Frohman New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
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    Avians started it? What are you on? They fucked up and crashed a ship, then they saw how fucking awful Florans were and decided to stand up and do something about it. Florans merely saw the fuckin Hylotl and how weak you shits were and decided to ruin your picnic.

    Florans are naturally fuckin blood-thirsty and naturally don't have a care for meaties. Go ahead and point out my mistakes, I'm high as a kite right now and its... 3:20 AM on my internal clock.

    Racisms there cause its /based/ on something. Like black people and ghettos an shit in the old 2000s. Like jews back when all they could do was bank and /had/ to learn numbers. Thing is, Florans are blood-thirsty by nature tho, unlike Jews or Blacks, so racism for them is fucking perfectably acceptable mange.

    I dunno if I can talk sense into a Hylotl tho, you guys hold yourselves so high above all the other races.

    Thankfully I'm a Neko Dragon God.

    - "Unity"
  18. Shadeykins

    Shadeykins New Member

    Jun 20, 2015
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    I happen to be a doctor.

    Willing to bet that makes me more educated and less of an "imbecile" than you.

    Stop whipping out the thesaurus to try and make your squishy-fishy c*** seem larger than it is and start realizing that there's probably more than a few Florans eager to take a bite out of you the second you turn your back.

    I'm all for getting rid of the murdersalads, USAF or not.

    Florans are a problem. Problems need to be solved.

    - HardShock
  19. Yotan

    Yotan New Member

    Feb 10, 2015
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    Again I am fully aware of history, and is clash landing not starting something? Possession is nine-tenths of the law.

    What field is your doctoral in? Cause I am sure a doctor of your educated field and many years of education would know all about "physically psychologolgy" works. With that being said I would love to hear a lecture about it from you some time.

    Tanji ~
  20. Solour

    Solour a dad

    May 26, 2014
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    I remember you. Started with a C?
