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[Interest Check] Technology Company/Faction

Discussion in 'Roleplay Planning' started by QuestionableMotives, Feb 8, 2015.

  1. QuestionableMotives

    QuestionableMotives Not To Be Trusted

    Oct 25, 2014
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    I'm thinking of creating a technology faction using an existing but idle character, Vireo. His IC excuse for leaving was travelling out of sector, but I never really specified why. I'm thinking he could have received further education in engineering and moved back to start a company.

    I'm thinking big- we could create custom armour suits, (Nothing OP, obviously. I don't want to sell arguement inducing impervium power armour capable of withstanding any pressure and taking thousands of hits to even dent. That'd be lame.), Weapons, ship tech, and medical stuff.

    Obviously, Vireo is a ship engineer. He doesn't know much about how weapons work, creating good armours or medical stuff.
    That's where YOU come in, good citizen of Antares!
    I'm asking for anyone, especially (but not limited to) people who are good at creating custom weapons/SBSE guru's to help us out here.
    As for funds, Vireo was making alot of money already with his job as an engineer in Triton. Since Triton is now closed, he also receieved a bonus of 75k. that places his total amount of pixels pretty high. (Im not going to go off of Vireo's accounting logs, I never really updated those like I should.)

    So, what do you guys think? Would you join a non-militarized, business minded faction?

    Do be honest im not always the best with upkeeping a faction/group. (I've had two smaller groups quickly die out because i never really organized much, but they were both event-based.) But I'll try this time, I swear! :p
  2. Not A President

    Not A President [help me]

    Oct 19, 2014
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    EDIT; (You already know this but i could help you wif wepuns bb ilu)
    EDITEDIT; (I would so have my penguin Shark join the faction to make finger-sized guns.)
  3. Reconus

    Reconus Moderator
    Staff Member

    Feb 23, 2014
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    I've got some experience behind creating custom "tools" (seeing that you can basically make anything even though it counts as a gun - which then has NPC guards asking you to put away that harmless camera you're currently holding or be met with brutal force. Good times.) and with painting armour sets.

    Back on topic, the idea of bringing such a business into Antares is quite a good one, but one must take into account you are literally taking a pinch of one of everything. Your market will be a wide range - being technology itself - so either nothing will be of great quality if you hope to build up stocks or you will have to do special requests for what-ever the customer may want at the current time. Quantity or Quality comes into mind on this subject. The latter may be best in this matter.

    Thus comes into the account of the facility you intend to run. It will need to be ready to perform the tasks of creating these things, and it is probably not wise to have a separate factory for each separate item. Medical goods will require labs and the like, where as more solid technology requires machines and moulds. Space would be quite difficult to manage and expensive If you intend to build all these "rooms", and It would then be difficult to produce a large scale of items. Coming back to the first point, this would fit the Quality tree more with special requests and so forth. Labourers will also be all over the place rather than focusing on a single project.

    I personally like the idea of bringing a bit more technology to the market. Most of it is untouched besides weapons and armour which everyone seems to be doing which I never understood. Ship technology would be interesting to see for starters, whilst the development in the medical theatre has also been quite rare. I've only seen health-care services so far rather than the creation of new medical appliances and the like.

    Although I have little excuse to join a group like this IC'ly, I wouldn't mind helping with designs if one would require it.