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Private Inter-Office Communications

Discussion in 'Talekas QRF' started by EyesofMarch, May 9, 2016.

  1. EyesofMarch

    EyesofMarch New Member

    Feb 17, 2014
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    Staff Members,
    Use this system as a means of sending out quick notes to fellow staff members. Continued conversations should be held through the protected Starnet communication system. Thank you.

    - Lieutenant McKinley

  2. EyesofMarch

    EyesofMarch New Member

    Feb 17, 2014
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    And, now that I have drank several cups of coffee and completed setting up the entire Talekas online database in under two goddamn hours, I'd like to use this new system to congratulate Kahlua Downsilk, Noa Jaycee, Cole Ombre and Mick Lanski for passing the Talekas QRF's first ever basic training event. You have all made me very proud to lead this organization, and to lead ladies and gentlemen like yourself. You have impressed Master Sergeant Britton and myself to a very high degree, and I have no doubt that with all of us working together, this sector of Council Space will be a great deal safer in the long run.

    I am currently working on getting us an operational contract in the area, as well as investigating a few areas for potential operations to begin, but until I send out any company-wide messages on the matter, feel free to go home, spend time with your families, and celebrate your accomplishments. I will try and set up an impromptu-graduation ceremony but, in case I am unable to, I'd like to especially congratulate Corporal Downsilk for getting Distinguished Graduate, and being high-tracked to the rank of Corporal.

    However, be vigilant. There was a serious terrorist attack on Upside yesterday that flooded the entire sewers and sent the whole colony into serious fucking tumble. Stay safe, and don't try to be heroes quite yet. The time will come, I assure you. See you all very soon.

    - Lieutenant McKinley
  3. Caws

    Caws birb

    Jan 15, 2016
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    I'll be handling a distress signal on a barren planet. If you need the co-ordinates, please don't ask, my signal cuts out as soon as I enter this place. Expect a post-operation report up in a few hours or so. Details on the signal sent out were essentially; 'trapped in my bunker for a few months, structural damage is terrible, etc'. Will deliver survivor to Upside under close supervision.

    - Noa Jaycee
  4. EyesofMarch

    EyesofMarch New Member

    Feb 17, 2014
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    Stay safe, and congratulations on your first op.

    - Lieutenant McKinley.
  5. EyesofMarch

    EyesofMarch New Member

    Feb 17, 2014
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    After the terrorist attack on Upside yesterday, Sergeant Major Britton has decided to put his entire attention to protecting the colony, and is no longer a member of the Talekas Quick Reaction Force. I will be operating as the sole leadership of the organization until I find someone who has the proper leadership and combat capabilities to take his place. May we wish him well in his future endeavors, and may we hope to work with him in a future contract on Upside.

    - Lieutenant McKinley
  6. EyesofMarch

    EyesofMarch New Member

    Feb 17, 2014
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    Due to how busy we will be this week, I am skipping an official ceremony and fully instating everyone into the Talekas QRF. We are now active and seeking contracts everyone! Congratulations! And we're gonna get even busier. Privates Ombre, Lanski and Jaycee and Corporal Downsilk; be prepared for an upcoming operation this weekend. I'm struggling to find a contract from Upside, and their mayor is being a huge cock, so we're gonna need some funding on the side. Luckily, I've come across the location of an Erchius mining facility, named Fort Brakken. Currently no one living in it, and if we can take it under our control, we'll have enough funds to purchase new gear, pay everyone for awhile, and manage distress and response operations until we can get a full-on contract. We will be briefing on this operation on Friday, where I will also discuss some of the dangers that come with the job, and give a general introduction to our program and duties. Keep in mind, you work for TQRF now. Not Upside or the USAF, so you don't answer to them anymore.

    For now, I want everyone on full alert, and be prepared to respond to any distress signals, except for Private Jaycee. Her valient efforts today earned her a good break for the week, and I want everyone to look out for her while off-duty. However, do NOT assist Upside unless specifically asked to by Upside security personnel. Until we get a contract with em', there's not much we can do. If you have any questions, please contact me. Have a good week everyone.

    Very Respectfully,

    Lieutenant McKinley
  7. Ziggy

    Ziggy Sinfully Soft

    Feb 1, 2014
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    Firstly I'd like to thank Lieutenant McKinley for her leadership and continued effort during our training. It was probably more stressful on her than us to be responsible for so many people at once. Secondly, I'm excited for the opportunity to make the sector a better place. I would like to implore everyone to pay occasional visits to Mud; though they don't have electricity in every building, it's still a culturally rich colony. Enjoy the food and the company on your down time when you can. Not only that, but having TQRF staff on the streets of the colony may warm the mayor, Ernal, up to hiring us on as an additional layer of security.

  8. Caws

    Caws birb

    Jan 15, 2016
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    I should be available for operations and other things in at least a week. I am taking medicine to suppress my extreme night-terrors so I can get some sleep, however, the medicine makes me loopy and disoriented. However, this way I am more likely to suffer from hallucinations, so in the mean-time, need a temporary care-taker so I don't hurt myself or others.

    - Noa Jaycee
  9. EyesofMarch

    EyesofMarch New Member

    Feb 17, 2014
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    Be advised, we will be conducting a raid of a supposed raider compound tomorrow. Intelligence suggests it is an underground base, however it seems to have been abandoned by the majority of hostile forces. The time will most likely be around two or three EST tomorrow. We will meet at Talekas Base for a quick briefing on what we know before moving on the objective. I will update you all as I learn more from our sources.

    - Lieutenant McKinley
  10. Ziggy

    Ziggy Sinfully Soft

    Feb 1, 2014
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    Yes ma'am. Will comply.

    -Cpl D
  11. EyesofMarch

    EyesofMarch New Member

    Feb 17, 2014
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    Congratulations everyone, the Talekas QRF has just received its first defense contract for the colony of Mud! Due to the special nature of defending Mud, only one contractor will be allowed on planet at a time while on duty, and can only carry a defensive stun weapon. This goes for any contractors responding to an emergency as well, unless it is another bio-hazard response. In this event, lethals are authorized by the colonial leadership. We will also be available to assist in medical emergencies, natural disasters, and colonial upkeep, say, should they be interested in putting in a power generator or something of the sort. We're not only here to defend these colonies, but help make living on these colonies easier, and improve the overall life of people in Council Space, so if you can find a way to contribute on or off-duty to Mud, please do so.

    Corporal Downsilk, because of your unique position in assisting with security on Mud while off-duty, you will be the liaison and warning officer for Mud. Assist in defending the world, respond to calls on-world, and alert Talekas Base if anything goes down on-world. Do your best to keep up our positive image, as we were asked to defend Mud in high regard after our multiple defenses of Upside. I'll ask Ernal if we could perhaps install a Talekas QRF office on-world for downtime.

    All other contractors, stay on high alert. We've had a lot of calls in the last few days, and we may have that op happen today. Again, I'll release the details as they come to me.

    If you have any more questions, feel free to contact me.

    Very Respectfully,

    Lieutenant McKinley
  12. Ziggy

    Ziggy Sinfully Soft

    Feb 1, 2014
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    Ma'am. I'll do my best to represent the TQRF. We set the standard.

    -Corporal Downsilk
  13. EyesofMarch

    EyesofMarch New Member

    Feb 17, 2014
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    ROEs for Biological Attacks and operations on Mud have been updated. Read them over and keep a copy on you at all times.

    Very Respectfully,

    Lieutenant McKinley
  14. EyesofMarch

    EyesofMarch New Member

    Feb 17, 2014
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    The Talekas QRF has re-located its sector headquarters to the new Talekas Headquarters. Contact myself or Corporal Downsilk for information on it's location. The Talekas Base will now be used as a basic training base for new recruits. Please move all gear and personal items to our new headquarters when available please. Feel free to spice it up and make it feel homey.

    Very Respectfully,

    Lieutenant McKinley
  15. EyesofMarch

    EyesofMarch New Member

    Feb 17, 2014
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    Attention! Our new Hazard Suits, Off-Duty Jackets and Dress Uniforms are now in! Please ensure to use the bio-suits to respond to hazardous material assists, and grab your uniform and jacket! The uniform does not come with pants, so you can use whichever you'd like in conjunction, but please ensure the pants are professional and appropriate with the uniform. As well, I will be sending out the coordinates for Talekas Headquarters soon.

    Also, make sure to congratulate Sergeant Downsilk on his promotion today! Keep up the good work!

    - Lieutenant McKinley
  16. EyesofMarch

    EyesofMarch New Member

    Feb 17, 2014
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    Attention! Fantastic news! We've just pulled a contract with Upside, and thus, we will need two contractors, one at minimum, to be patrolling Upside at all times. Since Sergeant Downsilk is our Mud liason, I am looking for either Private Jaycee, Private Mick or Private Cole to work Upside. This assignment is VERY important, and it is our most dangerous one yet, so please be safe, be aware, and be ready to respond with force and to call for backup should you need it. However, do not forget this is a civilized colony, and you must also remain tactful. Only use lethal weaponry as a LAST. RESORT. I will be updating our ROEs for Upside soon, so be sure to check back every so often.

    Post here if you are volunteering to take the Upside job.

    Also, we are opening basic training slots for new recruits. Please alert me if you are interested in assisting me in training our new recruits. This is one of the most important jobs we have, as we'll be bringing in fresh blood, and it will also be very intensive, so only notify me of your interest if you are ready to push yourself.

    Contact me if you have any questions. Keep up the fantastic work guys.

    Very Respectfully,

    Lieutenant McKinley
  17. Cole Ombre

    Cole Ombre Lurking Admin

    Feb 11, 2014
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    I can put in time working Upside. I can also assist in weapons training for recruits when necessary.
  18. Ziggy

    Ziggy Sinfully Soft

    Feb 1, 2014
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    I'll take that training.
    -Sgt. Downsilk
  19. EyesofMarch

    EyesofMarch New Member

    Feb 17, 2014
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    Good work everyone. Today, we faced our first major challenge; a hostile attack on Upside by Florans. And yet, we prevailed. We secured civilian personnel, eliminated the major threat, and forced them off-world while also rescuing wounded and returning Upside to it's desired, peaceful state. I am proud of everyone, especially Sergeant Downsilk, Private Cole, and our newest member, Recruit-In-Training Karo Veyron, for standing in the line of fire, and defending our homes, our people, from an enemy threat, and putting civilians lives above their own. This is why we do what we do.

    In other news, I have updated Upside's ROEs on our rules of engagement page, and have updated our staff roster. New combat uniforms were also delivered by Private Cole today to Talekas Headquarters in barracks locker, so be sure to change into your new gear and put your old equipment in one of our storage lockers. We're still looking for any possible renovations to Talekas Headquarters as well, so let me know if you have any ideas via our ideas and suggestions page. Also, our new training class will take place in the next two weeks; I'll get a time out for all interested in being trainers.

    Sergeant Downsilk, please have Recruit Veyron send me a fully written application so I can properly add him into our roster.

    Thank you, and keep up the good work.

    Very Respectfully,

    Lieutenant McKinley
  20. EyesofMarch

    EyesofMarch New Member

    Feb 17, 2014
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    Attention all contractors,

    We'll be having a quick staff meeting in around an hour at Talekas Headquarters. Please notify me if you cannot attend. Thank you.

    Very Respectfully,

    Lieutenant McKinley