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Injuries on the Server.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Yotan, Sep 26, 2015.

  1. Yotan

    Yotan New Member

    Feb 10, 2015
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    A few days ago there was a discussion that came up about injuries on the server. I have personally seen people get shot in vital spots yet within a few days later they are right as rain. I understand that this is A. the Future and B. Limited RP time. Injuries never the less do not heal up over night.

    Now, I hear what your saying, "Yotan, their are stim packs, med kits, and advanced medical equipment." True, but not everyone can get to these.

    First of lets get a real for a second to give injuries a base. These are average figures but still depending on the skill of the surgeon when repairing bone trauma from bullet.

    Gunshot wound:
    Flesh wound - 3-6 months
    Bone healing - 3-6 months
    Require: Sling - 3 months
    • Increasing pain in the wound, Fever, Redness, swelling, pus coming from the wound, or nerve damage even paralysis.
    • For chest back or abdomen wounds, watch for shortness of breath, painful breathing, increasing back or abdomen pain, weakness, dizziness or fainting.

    Skin Lacerations (Cut, Scrape, Gash, Stab Wound) Depending on depth:
    Flesh wound (stitches) - 3–4 weeks
    Flesh Wound (no stitches) - 6–8 weeks
    • Dangers: Increasing pain in the wound, Fever, Redness, swelling, pus coming from the wound, or bleeding/bleedout.
    • Example: 1cm deep cut takes 1-2 weeks.

    I am not heal expert as I had to look up what I could. If you are a medical expert please pop in and give the correct figures.


    On to the subject of Stims

    In-game there are 6 differnt types of Stims, 3 healing one and 3 status effect ones.

    • Red stim: A stimpack full of red liquid
    • Fungus Stim: This stim has natural healing properties.
    • Synthesis Stim: This stim is full of tree sap. It has beneficial healing properties.


    My Thoughts/suggestion:

    To me the three different times should be specific on only certain races. Red Stim are more synthetic for Glitches and NovaKid. Fungus for Avain, Humans, Apex and Hyoltol. While Synthesis only works on Floran.

    • Blue stim: I'm thinking an anabolic steroid or Tetrahydrogestrinone
    • Green stim: I would think is a nervous system stimulant and appetite suppressant like a Amphetamines.
    • Yellow stim: This is a fun one. I feel that this is a epidiermis altering nano solution that alters the skin to luminate bioluminecent light.

    However I don't think many of the status ones would work well on glitch or Novakid.


    As far as the healing Stim, I suggest the the healing time is only cut by half. Meaning the injury still require time to heal. Sure with proper medical care those healing times could be reduce greatly but not insta-healing and require hosiptal time.

    In all healing should take time to heal if your an organic or a novakid. As far as glitch go they can insta-heal but if they have the part available. For those with cars, the part may not be in all the time.

    Any ways the best form of healing is time, that should be something to keep in mind.
  2. Punished Tacc

    Punished Tacc New Member

    Dec 17, 2013
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    Good luck getting someone to RP their main having broken bones in a hospital bed for more than 2 days. I wouldn't.
  3. Yotan

    Yotan New Member

    Feb 10, 2015
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    I have done it. Granted if your character has no friends or comrades than guess that is the character personality fault and the player, but go ahead by all means. I sure that co-insides with the server rules.
  4. Punished Tacc

    Punished Tacc New Member

    Dec 17, 2013
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    There's also the lack of medical characters, population issues, energy weapons that present unrealistic wounds, and the typical argument of reality not being equal to fun. If I'm gonna be knocked out in bed for weeks, might as well just kill myself and make a clone in a fraction of the time. Unless that was banned.
  5. Day Tripper

    Day Tripper miller ball breaker

    Aug 18, 2014
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  6. Cole Ombre

    Cole Ombre Lurking Admin

    Feb 11, 2014
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    I've had my char break a few ribs before and had him feel the effects for about 8 weeks, 2 of which I spent off of him because he was cooped up in a hospital. I guess it really depends on what wound was suffered, how much it would effect RP, and how much time the player has to RP. If its something like a broken bone and you can still walk around and function, then sure people will allow it to be felt longer, because it doesn't really hinder their RP. But if its a gutshot and they are sitting in a hospital for weeks slowly bleeding out, then theyre going to want to speed it up so they can get back into the scene.

    In the end it comes down to the player. You can't really force injury heal time on anyone. If they really want their char back up, theyll find a way.
  7. Awe

    Awe Gotta go fast!

    Jan 28, 2014
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    Greg was confined to a wheelchair for almost a full IRL week when he lost a leg one time. Got a robit one eventually but I would've stayed in the wheelchair longer if I'd had a model for one. People do RP injuries, you'd be surprised.
  8. Alias

    Alias New Member

    Jul 30, 2014
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    I agree that while proper roleplaying of injuries has been a problem, it's nothing new. This issue goes back a long, long time.
    Maybe instead of proposing a solution right off the bat, we could discuss the problem more in depth? I do mean discuss, not to just have another scar measuring contest. There are plenty of those in the archive.
  9. Doctor Frohman

    Doctor Frohman New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
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    holy mental unstability batman!
    killing yourself just for a few weeks quicker 'healing'?

    Medical RP is fun though, especially when visitors come around.
    However, its only fun when the doctor is like... not shit. Doesn't have to be good, just has to understand there's more to medical RP than just *needles wound* and more than just operating on some guy. Conversations usually happen, not just silent working.
    And man, don't put your character in the position for injury if you can't take the consequences of such.
  10. Ziggy

    Ziggy Sinfully Soft

    Feb 1, 2014
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    I used to. Bone injuries are no joke. The last thing I had was a borked shoulder; he kept the arm in a week, which is like- a month in RP time
  11. Smokestack

    Smokestack Bird man with a bird plan

    Aug 14, 2014
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    I don't trust other players. Personally, since I play as a medical character, I would tell them their recovery time. I tell them their dosage of certain medication and have them check back with me. You really do just need a good doctor in order to RP things like recovery well.

    Or you can google the average recovery time of certain injuries and reduce it to reasonable amount.

    • Gunshot wounds takes 3-6 months IRL to heal if the bullet went through the shoulder with a shattered clavicle and humerus. You would be discharged from the hospital within 1-2 weeks IRL if there aren't any complications.
    • Skin wounds heal after 1-2 weeks IRL.
    • Fractures and broken bones take 6-8 weeks IRL. The part that is damaged would have little to no function until that time is up.
    • Cuts take 2-5 days IRL for scabbing to form. Tissue growth and rebuilding take 2-5 weeks IRL
    All it takes is a little research and you can see what a realistic amount of time recovering could take. A lot of them are long, so they can be shortened to a quarter. But things like that I would discuss with the doctor who can give a proper diagnosis based on the patient's condition.
  12. Raideck

    Raideck Member

    Apr 6, 2014
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    The problem is players are impatient and want to get back to their pew pew angst ASAP. However, RP is what you make it and if you can't make any RP from being injured then maybe you arn't a very good role player.