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Important Issues the Community Should Acknowledge

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Aiko Ikari, Mar 11, 2015.

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  1. Aiko Ikari

    Aiko Ikari Guest

    Before I begin, I would like to make some things super clear.
    If this thread were to end up deleted, locked, hidden, or any of the like ... it only proves my point.
    The staff trying desperately to hide and silence any and all public issues before they can be heard, only addressing the ones that they cannot keep quiet with empty apologies.

    I will not make a private appeal, as that only encourages more of this behavior.

    There is no transparency here, all that matters is that they fulfill their personal ideals and vendettas.

    Lots of you new faces probably don't know me at all, but I've been here for a long long time. Over a year now, and I've always thrown my heart into this community. It's a nice lil' place, right? Let it be known that my panties aren't riding up or anything like that, I'm not trying to sound melodramatic. I'm just trying to express my concerns, concerns regarding issues that could easily snowball out of control.

    I have been banned, banned for what I can assure you is nothing.

    Some of you may remember my first character, Aiko Yori. Horrible, yes ... absolutely horrible character. Everyone starts somewhere, right :p?

    I had killed her off because she was bad, and then later killed off the second because she was also bad. I had a hard time learning my lesson.

    It's been nearly a year now since Aiko-Yori had been alive, a long ass time. Friends and I had decided that rebooting the fish as the H-Pop Super Idol she would have been for more appropriate as would not only be unique, but entertaining! The name, Aiko Yori, so important to the harmless joke. Surely, a year old name must have expired by now, correct? A name that was neither offensive, nor stolen from a piece of fiction? What possible damage could it cause!

    It seems a few people did not like it, this new character sharing a name with an age old character was ruining their experience, and so I was reported. The staff contacted me, and had told me either I rename her or they take action.

    I joked around and said it wasn't a big deal, how could a year old name like that really matter? They didn't seem to care, and a had suggested that I would no longer play her on Antares after that night. This suggestion was apparently now considered a binding contract, despite me change of heart only moments later!

    I revoked my agreement, stubborn to fold under such an unreasonable demand. It's just a name after all, such a silly thing! A silly thing to be upset about. And their were no rules regarding the recycling of an old characters name in a new characters shoes! But, of course... the staff wouldn't have it, justifying their behavior by referring me to this rule.


    If your opinion conflicts with staff, you will be banned.

    I had boldly stated that, "If you think you can justify banning or suspending me for 'using a name that was used several months ago' then I mean, go for it."

    That was the end of it. Despite having not agreed to the terms above to, "To not play her on Antares after tonight", I had never done so. I did not play her after that night. I, sorta bored, just logged in with a cameraman helmet and waltzed about to see if anything neat was going on. I had never said a single thing in chat, not a single thing. I complied to the agreement despite how stupid and iron fisted it was.

    However, I am now banned for an unknown amount of time. Intentionally banned, but without warning. I had received no notice, no information, nothing. Just, snap and gone. Goodbye Aiko.

    Secretly banned for no valid reason, no real warning or investigation took place.

    I do not expect staff to be perfect. But this is a common occurrence, problems such as these so frequent, its unhealthy.

    And, not to sound entitled, but as a veteran member who has donated well over 150 dollars towards a server I love, I would hope to be given fairer treatment ... Not to be explicitly banned for having something as trivial as a name appear on the server player listing.

    Some of you may say, "It's just a name, get over it.", "Change the name then", or "You deserve it"


    Maybe I do, and it is just a name! I get that, it's just a name. But that's why it's so unsettling. To know this is how staff treat something as silly as a name, a harmless name. It's about principle. If I bow my head and accept this without question, then what's to stop them from doing the same to any of you for equally lesser conflicts?
  2. Julius Mayne

    Julius Mayne Member

    Jun 2, 2014
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    Considering your campaign to have the Outcasts folks banned, I hold no sympathy for you.

    I get it, Antares isn't the best server, but this post, while useful for informing the community, just paints you in a very ironic light. Don't dish it out if you can't take it in return.
    #2 Julius Mayne, Mar 11, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 11, 2015
  3. Avis

    Avis Halloweenie of the Serengeti

    Apr 20, 2014
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    The character appearing with the name Aiko Yori has happened several times, and while it's not the main issue here, it's still something that shouldn't be happening if the character is dead. It may seem trivial after so much time, but there are still people here who knew and remember the character, and it doesn't help in any way to throw something like a character's third(?) resurrection into the server.

    The bigger issue, I would argue, is you being told that you should stop using that name, then agreeing, then doing the exact opposite of what you agreed to. When the staff told you to change the name or take action, it was not a "Suggestion" as you claim. You said you would do something or face a consequence, and then you didn't. Simple as that. The ban's length should have been specified, that's true. I believe it was three days. If your whitelist hasn't been restored by then, contact me or another staff member and I'll fix it. Being banned for doing the exact opposite of what you told staff you would do is not simply having an "Opinion that conflicts with staff".

    If you were actually using cameraman, please make an appeal. You can't argue not having a voice if you never tried to use the voice you had anyways.

    To recap, the main issue was not the name, though that's the catalyst. The main issue was doing the opposite of what you said you would do.

    EDIT: I edited the format and that's all. Stupid HTML.
  4. Aiko Ikari

    Aiko Ikari Guest

    Read the entire post please. I disagreed, and still complied. I did not return and play Aiko Yori on the server prior to my ban.

    I did as I was asked despite it being wrong, and was immediately banned upon an anonymous individual spotting my name either in the logs or here logging in.
  5. Twitch

    Twitch Wayward Star

    Dec 17, 2013
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    This thread will very likely be locked at some point unless it remains a civil discussion just be forewarned. Anyhow, let's dive right in shall we. You by the way have my permission to post our Skype conversation here from last night, should you do so in total so it provides the correct context.

    Regardless of how serious you took the matter last night, I made it very apparent that I would be bumping the issue up the chain should you use the character again. It is not the failing of myself, the staff, or the community if you intend to interpret me coming to you directly with a cease and desist as a joke.

    You were banned for not complying with a staff request to change your character name. If you had a problem with this, you had every right to speak to the staff directly about using the name in the future( this in no way assures you this would be something that would happen.), after first adhering to what we presented to you at the time. The agreement in question was to allow you to play the character for one night, as opposed to immediately being banned for refusal to comply. I gave you the benefit of the doubt that you may perhaps take the time to consider things before continued use of the character.

    You were found logged in on the character, you claimed idling with an invisible helmet. I have no reason to doubt you, but am unable to personally confirm this with logs as I am at work and do not have access to them.

    I also spoke to you after you had been banned when you informed me you had not actually roleplayed the character. I urged you several times to make an appeal, to which you refused. What you are asking for is not fair treatment, it is preferred treatment. When a player is banned, they make an appeal to see the issue corrected if it is unjust.

    It likely would have been as easy as
    "I wasn't roleplaying the character."
    "Okay, my bad. Don't bring the character into the server again then, to avoid confusion and something like this happening again."

    And that's it.
  6. Julius Mayne

    Julius Mayne Member

    Jun 2, 2014
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    A public appeal is more embarassing than a private appeal.
  7. InvaderCristi

    InvaderCristi New Member

    Feb 13, 2015
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    On your post asking about why you were no longer whitelisted, Twitch said that you were banned for three days. It might be a minor detail, but it gives away that this post is more than likely exaggerated, and until legitimate evidence is shown I'm taking it with a grain of salt.

    Edit: Also, you donated money, and that is all it is: A donation. That doesn't mean the server should kiss your feet, and bow to your every whim.
  8. Aiko Ikari

    Aiko Ikari Guest

    I honestly have little more to say in response to anything you've all said. My OP already conflicts with the points you make,

    1. An appeal is private and would harbor no attention, encouraging this sort of thing to happen more often.
    2. This is not about the name, as we've both agreed that a name is a silly thing to make a fuss over
    3. The problem is that I was ordered to comply in the first place. Despite it not being a rule, I was eligible to be banned for simply having a name the staff did not personally approve of.

    With your approval, I guess I'll post the entire chat logs to keep up the transparency. I'd like to make it clear I don't think I'm a perfect angel that made 0 mistakes and has zero flaws.

    So, someone lodged a report to us that you are playing Aiko Yori again, as in the first dead one. Not the human one you were made to rename, or the third one, the hylotl delivery girl. But one that seems to be the original in nature.

    So if you could, please explain why there is fourth Aiko Yori to me?
    [3/10/2015 10:12:33 PM] Aiko la Aiko: it's really just for fun man :p And its not the first one at all
    [3/10/2015 10:12:44 PM] Aiko la Aiko: Aiko isnt even an uncommon name in japan either. Its like Jack or something.
    [3/10/2015 10:12:57 PM] Aiko la Aiko: Dreg just thought playing 'Aiko Yori' the Hylotl-Pop-Idol would be funny and enjoyable
    [3/10/2015 10:12:58 PM] Aiko la Aiko: so I am
    [3/10/2015 10:15:28 PM] Twitch: On behalf of the staff I am asking you to rename the character then, since as previously mentioned, it shares the same name of several of your other characters. Just like in the case of the human version you were asked to rename.
    [3/10/2015 10:16:11 PM] Aiko la Aiko: Dude Aiko Yori was like a year old character
    [3/10/2015 10:17:21 PM] Twitch: It really isn't hard for you to change the name of a character that you have used several times previously on the server. So that is what we are asking.
    [3/10/2015 10:19:04 PM] Twitch: If it wasn't a problem for someone else, it wouldn't have been reported.
    [3/10/2015 10:19:10 PM] Aiko la Aiko: All the humor revolves around it being Aiko Yori. If a name is that big of an issue to you folks I'll only play her for tonight while the lot of us that just like to enjoy RP for the sake of it have a lil' shenanigan time tonight
    [3/10/2015 10:21:10 PM] Twitch: As long as someone else doesn't report it, I am fine with a one off, so long as this doesn't happen again.
    [3/10/2015 10:22:50 PM] Twitch: So I have your word on this being done after tonight, yes?
    [3/10/2015 10:24:48 PM] Aiko la Aiko: I guess so :p Lol.
    [3/10/2015 10:25:41 PM] Twitch: A simple yes or no please.
    [3/10/2015 10:26:16 PM] Aiko la Aiko: Of course dear, yes
    [3/10/2015 10:26:47 PM] Twitch: Thanks. Have a good night.

    [3/10/2015 10:43:08 PM] Aiko la Aiko: Okay like I gotta ask what the hell kinda rules Im breaking to use a year old name :p
    [3/10/2015 10:44:30 PM] Twitch: Do you not recall when you attempted to reuse the name after killing off the original you were told you were not allowed?
    [3/10/2015 10:48:06 PM] Aiko la Aiko: Yes. It still wasn't exactly against the rules, it was just a sad move on my part. And out of different circumstances, I was being a tool. This is completely different, not to mention the length "name expiration" date. This is a character meant to simply be fun, causing no harm in any way shape or form. She is not breaking the rules.

    I like you dude, but nope. I'm not gonna take that push around. Because it has no ground to stand on and can't be enforced. If you think you can justify banning or suspending me for 'using a name that was used several months ago' then I mean, go for it.

    And I ain't blamin you. Just the dumbass players
    [3/10/2015 10:57:28 PM] Twitch: I will pass that on to the staff if you decide to take back your word and play it again with the same name tomorrow. Until then, enjoy it while you have it. Hopefully you will reconsider rather than getting in trouble for something as silly as a name.
    [3/10/2015 10:59:08 PM] Aiko la Aiko: rather than getting in trouble for something as silly as a name.You're only making yourself look worse by saying that
    [3/10/2015 10:59:18 PM] Aiko la Aiko: Getting bent out of shape and acting on reports against something
    [3/10/2015 10:59:23 PM] Aiko la Aiko: as silly as a name.
    [3/10/2015 11:00:22 PM] Aiko la Aiko: You can't honestly give a shit, can you? Is this just you acting according to how you feel staff should?
    [3/10/2015 11:00:32 PM] Twitch: I am well aware of what I said, I did in fact type it.
    [3/10/2015 11:05:35 PM] Twitch: On 3/10/2015, at 11:00 PM, Aiko la Aiko wrote:
    > You can't honestly give a shit, can you? Is this just you acting according to how you feel staff should?

    Come again?
    [3/10/2015 11:06:33 PM] Aiko la Aiko: I can't imagine you, as a person, actually give a single shit whether I use 'Aiko Yori' or 'Turkey McFlurkey Waffleiron4000' as a character name.
    [3/10/2015 11:06:44 PM] Aiko la Aiko: Why would you waste your time on that
    [3/10/2015 11:12:10 PM] Twitch: I think both are silly honestly. Reusing the same same of a character that you played already in the same setting on the same server. This was echoed by the staff back when you attempted to do it with your human. Likewise Mr or Mrs.Mcflurky is just an odd name.

    I understand people grow attached to their character and what not, but you got rid of it. That was Aiko Yori. Her time is over. Now you have an idea that I don't think anyone has done this far, with the exception of maybe Pigs rock star guy. And rather then make it unique and new, you for reasons unknown decided to throw your old name on it.

    Not sure if you did it on purpose to cause issues or not, but you had already been talked to about this, and frankly should know better in general after being part of this community for so long. Nobody to my knowledge has been giving you a hard time here outside the times you have skirted around being part of an issue.
    [3/10/2015 11:14:20 PM] Twitch: You have the good fortune to being able to easily play on two good roleplay servers. You can use Aiko Yori on Orion without issue I would imagine. But regretfully, you can't here.
    [3/10/2015 11:26:33 PM] Aiko la Aiko: I'm not attached to the Aiko name at all for characters. I hate the legacy that comes with them.
    [3/10/2015 11:27:42 PM] Twitch: Then I don't understand what the issue is with you using a different name, for a different character.
    [3/10/2015 11:29:34 PM] Aiko la Aiko: Because I was told a hylotl pop idol named aiko yori would be hilariously great, and it will be her name on Orion. So it's stupid to rename her here just to play a silly fun character. I will not be renaming her
    [3/10/2015 11:29:41 PM] Aiko la Aiko: because there is no rule against it.
    [3/10/2015 11:29:54 PM] Aiko la Aiko: Infact there /is/ a rule about being able to avoid character death once.
    [3/10/2015 11:30:01 PM] Aiko la Aiko: It does not specify it has to be a recent death.
    [3/10/2015 11:32:55 PM] Twitch: Here you go.

    6) Be CooperativeThis one is mainly in regards to Staff. Staff has the final say when it comes to mediating an issue, in the hierarchy of: Server Owner -> Administrator -> Moderator. If a Staff member asks you to do something, you should cooperate with them as they're only there to get to the bottom of things. If you're concerned about Staff abuse, please contact the Server Owner privately to discuss your concerns. However, you should still comply in that instance. If there is any abuse, it will come to light after an investigation.
    [3/10/2015 11:34:01 PM] Aiko la Aiko: So in other words
    [3/10/2015 11:34:05 PM] Aiko la Aiko: 'We're right when we're wrong"
    [3/10/2015 11:35:29 PM] Twitch: There isn't a right or wrong, not in this case. We have asked you not to reuse the name again for your character, as they already existed. If you change the name, it end there. If you don't, tomorrow I will be bumping it up the ladder.
    [3/10/2015 11:37:32 PM] Aiko la Aiko: Quality
    [3/10/2015 11:50:04 PM] Twitch: Did you want to ask anything else before I take off?
    [3/10/2015 11:50:55 PM] Aiko la Aiko: Nah man, do as you please
    [3/10/2015 11:51:16 PM] Twitch: Alrighty.

    #8 Aiko Ikari, Mar 11, 2015
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2015
  9. Avis

    Avis Halloweenie of the Serengeti

    Apr 20, 2014
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    Since I'm guessing Twitch or any other staff member has little to say, and Aiko, you have already said you have little to respond with, is it alright for me to lock the thread?
  10. Aiko Ikari

    Aiko Ikari Guest

    No. This is a community issue that the community should be allowed to partake in. Whether they think I'm a loser or not, their opinion and input should be shared and matter.
  11. Avis

    Avis Halloweenie of the Serengeti

    Apr 20, 2014
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    Just keep it in mind to remain civil. I'll ask again if discussion dies, and if it becomes petty bickering or off topic, I'll lock it.
  12. Aiko Ikari

    Aiko Ikari Guest

    I don't want this thread locked unless I ask so.

    And now I'll await further input from the community.
  13. Julius Mayne

    Julius Mayne Member

    Jun 2, 2014
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    Are you sure you want that?
  14. Wreth

    Wreth New Member

    Dec 18, 2013
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    While I can see both side's point of view, the biggest issue I see here is that Aiko broke NO RULES

    I understand and kind of agree with Twitch's reasons for not wanting Aiko to play a character with the same name, but if it's not explicitly against the rules how is it fair to ban somebody for something.
  15. Angre

    Angre Majestic Penguin

    Dec 23, 2013
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    As a player, I would like to say this:

    First of all, I respect you, Aiko, I have since I joined the server. But, in my own personal opinion, this is simply an attempt to make the staff look bad, for whatever reason. As Cristi said, it simply appears that you're exaggerating the situation to better suit you and your goals.

    Now, if you've noticed similar issues with the staff in the past, what I want to know is why you have not brought it up until just now? You could claim a lack of proof or a fear of censorship dissuaded you from doing so, but if these occurrences were common and obvious, you'd have all the proof you need; likewise, if players were being censored for speaking out against staff, it'd become obvious fairly quickly.

    The final thing I would like to say is that, as you said, staff isn't perfect. I've heard you complain about the way things are heading for Antares in a Skype chat for quite a while, yet despite my suggestion for you to say something, you never did. If you intend on accusing staff of being corrupt and refusing to improve things for the server and community, at the very least you could have said something on the forums in a public setting where both staff and players are capable of seeing it. Staff aren't capable of improving if you don't tell them where they're going wrong. In fact, this is the same for -everyone-, staff and player alike. Don't refuse to try and help and then assume they're a lost cause.

    Maybe I started to get off-topic there a bit, and in my tired state maybe I didn't word that so well, but I think I've said all I wanted to here.
  16. Avis

    Avis Halloweenie of the Serengeti

    Apr 20, 2014
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    It was not just Twitch's decision. It was brought to us in a report, and the rest of us had commented on it with the same thoughts as each other. If you want a rule that was broken, reasonable roleplay, culpability, and being cooperative are three that I can think of (Those are actually on the rule list, if you are so inclined to look it up). Aiko resurrected a character, and then when approached about it, did the opposite of what he said he would do.
  17. Tallen

    Tallen New Member

    Dec 23, 2014
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    I'm not entirely familiar with Aiko, I don't know much about the situation, and as such I'm not in position to comment on this case in particular, but I do agree with the need for transparency. Twice now I've had my posts altered or else removed entirely by mods here in the forum. It would be fine, except I recieved no notifications about it, not even an explanation as to what I did wrong (in hindsight one was obvious, another not so much). How do I know what is accepted and what is not as a result? One would just repeat the offense again and again until a mod notification or intervention is necessary. Aiko should have recieved a notification. That is all I'll say here.
  18. Aiko Ikari

    Aiko Ikari Guest

    She was not resurrected, I made that very clear. She simply shared a generic, vague name. Despite being classified as 'dumb bimbo' she was a completely different person.
    I am doing something about it. I'm not attacking anyone specifically in the slightest. Nor am I even attacking anyone.

    I have exaggerated nothing, this is exactly how it went down. I made it clear that I was indeed, approached politely about the issue. I like Twitch, I'd consider him a friend.

    The functionality of staff demonstrated by this incident is not acceptable and not something I should dip my head at obediently.
  19. Wreth

    Wreth New Member

    Dec 18, 2013
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    Culpability and being cooperative are irrelevant if no rule was broken in the first place, otherwise it's just abuse of power.

    Reasonable roleplay is pretty subjective and the rules don't state anything about using old character names. I'm not saying that Aiko's character should or shouldn't be allowed. Just that if it isn't allowed, then the rules should say that before a ban.
  20. HerrBigBord

    HerrBigBord New Member

    Mar 5, 2015
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    I'm new to this whole shindig, but what strikes me is that this is a situation that either party is refusing to back down on what is, in my opinion, perhaps the least significant thing I could imagine.

    Looking at it from a server point of view, I don't see how the staff is looking at this as anything other than completely harmless.

    This was, as far as I can tell, not an overt challenge to anyone at all, in fact it looked like something interesting and novel.

    It seems, from where I'm sitting, to me that you're sticking to your guns because it gives even the slightest hint challenging your authority, which is a toxic way to treat ANY complaint or concern from ANYONE.

    If you would be so kind as to tell me, mods of the server, what are you worried about happening with this character, exactly?
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