I'm going to take a few days to get the dumb out of my head. Let this be a lesson to everyone (me especially): Don't make dumb stuff. Feel free to insert images of fire to purge minds of the stupidity that has been wrought upon your brains. Apologies.
super fast cheap medical regenerating medicine. got blown down harder and faster than the twin towers.
cheap regenerative medicine that repaired wounds almost instantly (minutes, technically, but that isnt long) and left no scars.
You handled the criticism pretty well, and responded accordingly to the community's democratic vote. Also here's an image for you I guess.
more like; when you're russian, your currency becomes worth less and your country begins to collapse from sanctions by the greedy western powers. tl;dr i described the current year of 2014 in world politics thank me later (minus the allah ackbaring all over the place lmao)
Let me tell you something from an idea guy. You're gonna make dumb ideas some time, they may sound good in your mind, but sometimes they can be awful to others, just push on and accept you made a mistake and go back to the drawing board.
No, bad, bad person. Aero is taking a break from ideas and inventions until he learns to differentiate between what is, and isn't retarded.
You should check out my new idea already in the suggestions board. It's about industry; specifically about ammunition. I'd like to hear your feedback more so among others; as you provide very critical and needed feedback. However, it may carry some some extra negativity sometimes that I personally think isn't needed, I'm still happy to hear what you have to say about it.
All bullets in this image are brought to you by Red Hand Ammunition, high quality ammunition with an affordable price.