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[IC] The Arrival of the Eclipse

Discussion in 'Coronae Eclipse' started by Rezima, Sep 29, 2015.

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  1. Rezima

    Rezima New Member

    Feb 1, 2014
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    The Coronae Eclipse is an Avian colony ship sent by the Second Holy Fleet of Avos to settle the Antares Frontier..or rather, that was their original goal.

    The ship arrived in the Antares Frontier to find it quite..empty, not a single person left in the entire sector. Unbeknownst to the crew of the Eclipse, everyone had left a few weeks prior to the outer rim of core space to escape the Tentacle threat.

    A threat they too would face.

    Minutes after dropping out of FTL the Captain of the Eclipse noted a strange lack of radio chatter. All was silent, no music, no conversations, no radio broadcasts, nothing but static..and then came a subtle creaking from the hull. The Avians aboard the bridge had little time to react as the windows shattered, the hull itself cracking open, flinging countless souls into the void. The ship was thrown into immediate disarray, the walls themselves were bending and breaking under the sheer mass of the tentacled beast, entire sections of the ship were lost in the chaos.

    By some sheer stroke of luck, or maybe even by the will of Kluex himself, a few crew members were able to suit up and make their way back onto the breached bridge, forcing the ship back into FTL in a last ditch effort to escape and survive. They made the jump, but the crewmen responsible were lost, torn apart by the sheer force of it, their bodies unable to handle it without being shields by the ship. They were successful though, the craft was in flight, shaking itself apart slowly but surely as it flew.

    The Eclipse hobbled along like this for hours. There were near three dozen good men and women dead or simply..lost, including almost all of their commanding officers. The ship was operating on a skeleton crew, trying in vain to keep it afloat as everything fell apart around them. Their goal was to reach civilization, core space, anywhere that could help them in their time of need..only for their engines to give out right on the edge, stranding them on the outer rim.

    Their crew dead, the ship without power, the life support failing, and the entire hull in danger of collapsing around them they opened their comms and pleaded for help...
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