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IC: Press Release 2/18/2417

Discussion in 'Refract Valley' started by MaximumRose, Feb 18, 2017.

  1. MaximumRose

    MaximumRose Member

    Oct 11, 2016
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    For Immediate Release:

    Raybina Primfeather, Owner.

    A non-citizen of Refract Valley provoked a floran citizen, Rose, by calling her explicit names. Rose then threw a bone and injured the non-citizen, Sarah. Allegedly this bone was not made to be a weapon, but a chew toy that ended up pointed inadvertently due to chewing. This human woman fired into a crowd at the floran. She fired off two shots before she was detained. The first shot hit an innocent bystander, citizen Zoe, and the second hit the floran. Rose the floran was in surgery for over 14 hours but has survived with some spinal damage. Citizen Zoe left surgery and is expected to fully recover with little to no complication. We have not yet gotten a report on the injuries of Sarah.

    Refract Valley formally offers to pay for the medical expenses of Sarah, under the condition that she return to the Valley for a mandated punishment, outlined below, after her recuperation. This is non-negotiable.

    Later, when it was decided that Sarah, along with the floran, would be detained for questioning, Sarah left the planet along with our ex-Chief Enforcer, Jack Blisk, whose position was removed when he went against the wishes of Miss Raybina Primfeather. They were accompanied by others, two of whom assisted in the stabilization of citizen Rose.

    Refract Valley would like to formally thank those who assisted medically after and during the incident.

    Refract Valley is issuing a formal statement regarding the punishment of those involved:

    Rose is now in the hospital and is completely restrained to her bed. She will have 20% of he pay garnished for her first year in Refract Valley, and she has all privileges revoked in the city. She is only allowed out of her hospital room (and later, her home) with one of the owner-approved supervisors until such time that our medical doctor and psychiatrist, Tetsaiga, decides that she is fit for freedom, which will be no less than six months but may be longer. She has also been disallowed from our teleporters and has no ship of her own.

    Should Sarah like to return to Refract Valley she will be required to do 300 hours of community service, the actual entailment of which will be decided based on medical details, and will become more labor intensive as recuperation commences.

    Should Jack Blisk like to return to Refract Valley he will be required 200 hours of community service, served in the factory. He is entitled to every single possession in his house, in any case, even those issued by Mairi Tinkertoy. Through contact with Refract Valley it will all be returned to him.

    Until such time as these arrangements are made, the teleportation codes of both Jack Blisk and Sarah have been revoked.

    Others involved include Rodrick, Kade, and one red-haired woman who disabled Sarah. Pictured below.

    The above stated are only invited to revisit Refract Valley following 25 hours of community service, except Rodrick whom may be excused with a formal request made by him due to his assistance in the stabilization of Rose. This is also extended to the red-haired woman for her assistance in the neutralization of the threat.

    Revoked weapon carry permissions may be reversed after a period of two weeks or such that administration deems appropriate.

    None of the above may enter Refract Valley with a firearm, but upon request they may be accompanied by an Enforcer. Sarah may have her weapon, sans ammo, returned to her upon formal written request.

    Any more information on this incident is appreciated and this announcement will be updated as more information is brought to light.

    In the picture provided, Five humans stand on the bridge leading to the teleporter. Jack Blisk fronts the group, puffing his chest proudly, like the leader of the rebellion. Behind him is an irritated Laurel, likely the red-haired woman mentioned. A cyclops stands in the back, his face hideously scarred and burned. Between them is a limp and indignant Sarah, looking pale and sweaty. Kade stands off to the side, looking like he's been tied to the front of a spaceship and dragged through several FTL jumps.