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IC: Jesse Riddles - Outcast Drug Lord Journal (KIA)

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Redwilt, Nov 2, 2014.

  1. Redwilt

    Redwilt Washed up has been

    Jan 21, 2014
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    Quick Summary:
    Jesse was a primary source of income for the Outcasts with his drug lab. While his death does not stop the money flow, it certainly knocks it down a bit. He was primarily a hidden character until recently when Danny's motivational persuasion brought him about to join up with a majority of the crew. This post is going to be Jesse's Journal - IC picked up by the character Osbourne after his death on Taranis. Only Osbourne can see this IC unless he shares the journal. Most of the journal is just reports, incomes, showing money going in and out of Jesse's personal funds excepting a few special entries.

    Special Entry #1 (Actual Entry ~402)
    So, today, like... started hanging around with that Danny fellow for the first time. Wasn't such a bad guy. Had good ideals, even if some of them were illegal. Maybe I'll stick around more often. Couple of the other Outcasts don't seem as psycho as I thought they were. Maybe they'd be a cool crowd to chill with, yknow?

    Special Entry #2 (Actual Entry ~480)
    Today was fuckin' NUTS. First, I show up right? Go down to the planet, meet this girl. She said she needed a job, was a cybernetiwhatever. I took her in, gave her a place to work and shit. Brought her along to meet Danny. She joined up with the crew and stuff, kinda liked her. Bitch keeps stealing my fucking blunts though when I'm not looking. Piece of shit.

    Special Entry #3 (Actual Entry ~485)
    Me and the girl, call her Nerd. Nerd and I feigned to be anti outcasts, went up onboard some big fancy ship to join an anti Outcast group. Called on Danny and a couple others, shot... a hylotl. Fuck.. I feel so bad about that one. I see him when I look in the shadows, that look of.. betrayal. I can't stop crying, I'm such a little bitch. Took the captain hostage... she hated me. Figures, don't it?

    Special Entry#4 (Actual Entry ~486)
    Captain warmed up to me, I guess. Im surprised she forgave me so quick. I realized I was being a cunt to her when she called me out on it, and I felt bad again. I was taking out my guilt of the hylotl on her. Apologized, made sure she was comfortable in the cell. Came back later and she was out and about to my surprise. Danny'd let her free. I didn't think I'd sleep that night, or with one eye open. I guess she's sorta pretty, in a badass sort of way.

    Special Entry#5 (Actual Entry ~495)
    We took to calling the captain Blue. Got a couple new members in the past days, I think we're bigger then the R.A. now. From what I can tell.
    I smoke pretty much constantly with Nerd and Blue. Nerd's been gettin' freaky though, like every now and again she'll say something bonkers. Blue? Shit. We go out and do stuff constantly, even though I probably should lie low. Gonna get me killed one of these days, but I just can't say no to her. It's wierd. I think I might like her, y'know? It's wierd.

    495 is the last entry, and dated yesterday. He was killed before he got to put in another entry.
  2. Osbourne

    Osbourne New Member

    May 17, 2014
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    [Shared with "Blue", confirming it here for reference]
  3. Kumakin

    Kumakin New Member

    Mar 5, 2014
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    [Now in Lucie's possession. She's keeping it.]