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IBC News: The Underside of Upside

Discussion in 'StarNet News' started by DeltaV, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. DeltaV

    DeltaV New Member

    Apr 16, 2014
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    IBC News: The Underside of Upside

    That's right, folks, it's that time again! Everyone's favorite investigative reporter flashes a smile that could blind a man from fifty paces, takes a sip of coffee, and begins to speak.

    "Good evening, folks -- or morning, or afternoon, or night, depending on where it is you might be. I'm Brian Davis, and thank you for tuning in to IBC News. Our top story tonight -- what, exactly, lurks beneath the cheerful facade of the newly-popular colony Upside?"

    A panning shot of a well-kept park.

    "Upside recently came into the sector's attention when it was revealed that this purported colony of five actually seemed to house a number of criminal elements, with Council authorities reportedly arresting thirty individuals in a raid on the city's sewers. But just how extensive is this apparent league of organized criminals? What risks do they pose to the sector's citizens? And why have so many of the sector's residents been drawn to this haven of villainy? Our humble reporter attempted to discover the answers to these questions in the field, and found a shocking answer."

    Another shot, this time of a badly-lit sewer filled with tents.

    "As you can see, despite the arrests made there is still a sizeable population residing in the sewers -- gangs, arms dealers, other assorted criminals, and people incredibly desperate for a drink. Simply in venturing down to speak with locals, our intrepid reporter was nearly assaulted by a number of shady individuals. Furthermore, these lowlifes don't just keep to the sewers -- yours truly has witnessed a steady stream of suspicious visitors traveling back and forth between teleporter and underground.

    "We reached out to Argus Hemstreet, mayor of Upside, for a comment:"

    "What specific measures are you taking to curb the significant amount of remaining organized crime elements on this colony?"
    "Crime is at almost zero . . . there's nothing to worry about."

    "Despite the mayor's statement, it seems as though, like leeches in a lake, Upside's pristine surface may hide a worrying amount of n'er-do-wells. Only one question remains: why, exactly, does every visitor in the colony seem invariably drawn to those sewers?"

    "That's all for tonight, Council Space. I'm Brian Davis, and this has been IBC News. As always, folks, if you think you know something that might make for a good story, contact us! If your information leads to the creation of an article, you could make up to two hundred pixels. Keep safe, folks, and have a good night."​
    #1 DeltaV, Mar 27, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: May 19, 2016
  2. Alaystus

    Alaystus Resident Art Bum
    Staff Member

    Jul 24, 2014
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    How do we even know that's on the same planet? I haven't seen that on Upside.
    You're saying people are living in the sewers? Do you even know how much of a health hazard that is? There's no way anyone's down there. What a freaking scam.
    IBC's just trying to make it big, go back to the core.

    [email protected]
  3. EyesofMarch

    EyesofMarch New Member

    Feb 17, 2014
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    Dude, that's a photo of Upside's main rest area and a photo of Underside's sewer system. Stop being an idiot and spreading misinformation.

    - N/A
  4. Alaystus

    Alaystus Resident Art Bum
    Staff Member

    Jul 24, 2014
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    I like the part where you show us a picture of a few empty tents and a barrel fire, and then tell us there's "gangs, arms dealers, other assorted criminals, and people incredibly desperate for a drink." I'm really digging this pretty blatant lack of evidence whatsoever. You say you were assaulted? By locals? In a sewer? Y'know. When they did that ah. Sweep thing, a while back, do you really think they took the hobo's tents in for questioning? Nyeah. Anyway, cool story bro. Maybe next time put a little backbone into it.
  5. Node

    Node Literal Edgelord

    Jan 26, 2014
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    Dear Mr. Davis,

    It has recently come to my attention that you have been exploring the tunnels beneath Upside without the proper permits or licenses. My sanitation expert has informed me that not only have you broken these rules, but your photographs clearly show you in the sewers without the proper safety gear. Perhaps I need inform you Mr. Davis, that Upside's system is designed to dispose of waste. You must wear the proper attire.

    I am not a man known for his leniency, Mr. Davis. You are to go through the proper procedures before attempting more of your guerrilla news casting in my sewers again. If my sanitation expert catches you down there again, not having followed the proper protocol,do not expect them to let you off the line so easily again.

    The areas you have witnessed are mere relics. Issues of the past. Taken care of by Council officials. I suggest that you trust in your government, Mr. Davis. They are here to protect you.

    -Signed the Director of Sanitation, Upside
  6. TrashHound

    Apr 11, 2015
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    Holy shit... IT'S A SEWER!! Man, this is HUGE!!! A real SEWER!?!? Holy fuck, and he got it ON FILM!!! I bet's it fulla shit an everything! Man, hire this prick. This is the kinda stuff we need on the news!

    [email protected]
  7. Alaystus

    Alaystus Resident Art Bum
    Staff Member

    Jul 24, 2014
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    ... All right, I've got nothing to do with this, and I've never even been there, but the part I don't get is... why this is such a big deal? Or even a shock? Like. Antares and the Frontier sectors have had thugs, thieves, terrorists, and criminals... pretty much constantly. And now you're upset that they're all staying in the same place? ... I mean. If they're all chilling in the sewers, doesn't that make it better for us, that they aren't living on our colonies? And like it was stated before, you really don't have any evidence that there's anyone down there. Those pictures are hardly convincing. Even the Mayor says there's nothing to worry about. Maybe try digging up a story somewhere else.
